so show me family, all the blood that i would bleed

Apr 27, 2012 09:12

I haven't posted in FOREVER because real life is kicking my ass (stage managing two plays at the same time will do that to a gal), but after last night's TVD and all the reactions I've been reading to the episode online, I had to weigh in with a brief thought.

Spoilers for TVD 3x20 Do Not Go Gentle... )

game of thrones, threesomes solve everything, vampire diaries, real life

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Comments 9

upupa_epops April 27 2012, 16:27:40 UTC
Looking at it purely statistically, they know they'd be doing the same romance that they did for the first two seasons, and that's just stupid, from a narrative and a business perspective.

Oh, I absolutely agree, it would be a dumb decision, narratively speaking. I'm just not sure the writers will choose the smarter option, because 3x20 was legit disturbing :(.

Lol, your mother is priceless :D.


rose_marie_rose April 27 2012, 16:47:54 UTC
There were aspects of 3x20 that were disturbing to me as well, trust me. Like, when does Elena get to bitch out Stefan? Like truly blow up and give him some shit? She always does that when Damon fucks up! THEN she can forgive him (because let's face it, that's what Elena does, she forgives ( ... )


upupa_epops April 27 2012, 17:10:17 UTC
See, this unequal treatment of the brothers this week sent so much mixed signals that I honestly have no idea if those people know what they're doing. TVD is a doppelganger show that openly declares parallel as its dominant aesthetic and narrative device. And I see how the brothers' sins are paralleled. Damon breaks Jeremy's neck - Stefan refuses to help Elena save Jeremy from Klaus. Damon feeds Elena his blood - Stefan feeds Elena his blood. Damon victimizes Andie - Stefan compels her to kill herself. I read this parallel as a message that the Good Brother vs Bad Brother dichotomy is just a hoax. And now suddenly Stefan is The One, his love is pure, he deserves a chance, the brothers are contrasted in every possible way. The writers spent the whole season constructing a very elaborate parallel, and they they blew. And this is why I feel justified to ask if they actually read their own scripts. Not just because it's offensive, disturbing and sends the wrong message, but because it's a rookie mistake in constructing the text.


rose_marie_rose April 27 2012, 17:23:59 UTC
Yeah, there's for sure some problematic stuff going on, I totally agree. I'm willing to give them the last 2 episodes of the season to fix this shit, and I think they will, or at least they'll fix/address some of it.


ever_neutral April 28 2012, 04:28:23 UTC
I see what you mean about Stefan/Elena being a bad narrative choice. The thing is, I just don't care about this "choice". Even if Elena doesn't choose Stefan in the finale, it won't be nearly enough for me, because I've given up hope that the show will ever really own up to how problematic the S/E relationship is. What I NEED is for Elena to kick Stefan to the curb and scream that she doesn't owe him anything, but it's not happening. The writers will probably never allow Elena to do that. And that pretty much sours anything to do with S/E for the foreseeable future for me. :|


rose_marie_rose April 30 2012, 06:00:47 UTC
I don't need to see Elena kick Stefan to the curb, but I DO need to see her hold him responsible for all the horrible things he's done this season. I hope this happens in some way, shape, or form sometime in the next two episodes.


(The comment has been removed)

rose_marie_rose April 30 2012, 06:03:13 UTC
I'm trying to have faith in the writers that they do know that, so we'll see what happens in the next two episodes. Here's hoping!

LOVE the Lumineers. That track especially just strikes a cord with me. I keep hoping to see a TVD fanvid done to it :)


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