HP fic: "The Werewolf Who Was a Ghost"

Jul 03, 2008 23:28

I'm generally late for everything--I go to bed late, get up late, turn in my work late, and show up late for lunch dates (even when I think I'm early). As my mother sometimes reminds me, I was even born three weeks late. So maybe it's no surprise that the new theme of my LJ is "I'm belatedly posting this ( Read more... )

remus/sirius, fic, word counting, harry potter

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Comments 3

magnetic_pole July 5 2008, 00:31:16 UTC
Yay! I'm so happy you played along.

Are you really late for everything? I always feel like everyone is hurrying me along in life. *sad smile*



rose71 July 6 2008, 23:50:29 UTC
Thanks for dreaming up the 800_words comm--I had so much fun!

What me, late? Did I take 10 years to finish grad school? Did I take several days to write this reply? Am I still planning to comment on some of my favorite 800_words fics, including your stunning story about Lily?

One of the many things I love about your fics is that they generally come with some kind of disclaimer or apology about lateness... and then they're fabulous. Very positive reinforcement for other late people like me!


magnetic_pole July 6 2008, 23:55:17 UTC
Oh my god, R, it's going to be ten years for me next year, and I feel so terribly, terribly guilty about being slow--in life generally, but with the PhD especially. It's SUCH A RELIEF to hear that you did, indeed, finish up and move on.

No worries about commenting, by the way--I think I've mentioned this before, but what I love about LJ/IJ is the fact that there's no real pressure to reply to any one post in the way e-mails demand attention. I'm glad to hear you enjoyed Lily! No need to say anything more. M.


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