HP fic: "The Werewolf Who Was a Ghost"

Jul 03, 2008 23:28

I'm generally late for everything--I go to bed late, get up late, turn in my work late, and show up late for lunch dates (even when I think I'm early). As my mother sometimes reminds me, I was even born three weeks late. So maybe it's no surprise that the new theme of my LJ is "I'm belatedly posting this..."

Today's belated post: a link to the wonderful 800_words challenge. (JKR's prequel... that was, like, so three weeks ago!) Like many people, I did enjoy meeting Elvendork, but the real joy of the prequel for me was the burst of creativity in fandom. After reading the 800_words fics, I now have new personal canon for all the Marauders, plus Snape and--especially--Lily.

Link to my own 800 words:

Title: The Werewolf Who Was a Ghost
Characters: Remus/Sirius
Summary: What did Remus really do for a living during the First War?
Rating: PG

"Moony, what's the big secret there?"

remus/sirius, fic, word counting, harry potter

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