Title: Not (at all) Cocky
Characters: Bumblebee
Series: TF-Prime: Darkness Rising
Rating: K+
Summary: Being overconfident will lead to your doom - knowing your limitations might keep you safe.
Prompt #1 Rewrite a canon (critical) scene and exchange one important character for another one - what happens?
Not over cocky )
Comments 2
2) Quite an experiment. Percy should have saved that to his memory banks before onlining his optics.
3) Kind of a nice one.
4, 5, and 6 were kind of amusing. Not sure which of the 3 I enjoyed most. :)
Kinda wish I had more scenes from this AU, but the muse isn't letting me see farther into that realm.
2. Perceptor heard Spike talking about the Dare-Devil superhero, and had to see if it was plausible to be a crime-fighter.
(I think Percy learned from his mistake - and will save other information while working on future lab tests).
3. Thank you.
4, 5 & 6 - ah!
They were fun to write.
I know which one I'd put first. (But telling the reader which order to place the dabbles is not in my best interest).
Have a good day, Starfire - and may God Bless You and Keep you and make his face shine upon yours.
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