This season is strange: there's nothing I can't wait to watch, but there are few things I think will be really good... Also, I was excited when they announced Kimutaku and Shingo's dramas, but Kimura's one seems a bit boring, while Monsters... I can't bring myself to watch another drama with Yamapi. At the beginning I thought 'I'll try it just for
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Comments 21
I haven't watched the trailer of Monsters yet.^^' I also thought to give it a try for Shingo (because Yamapi can't trigger me at all) But if you say even that wasn't that great I just wait a few episodes ^^
There is a Ooku universe ... oh no, I missed that ~.~ I thought that one looks pretty interesting but I guess I have to start at the first series-something? So I need to catch up first or are the stories pretty not thaaaat related to each other?
Osozaki no Himawari ~ Toma's drama. I was like meeeep. 'm still like meeeep about this one but let's give it a try. (also had that Freeter-feeling)
Priceless ... it's like story vs Kimura. I really don't know where this is heading to. Well, atm I still have faith it might be interesting. *crosses fingers* Even though I'm really not that happy about the woman's role.
They did a movie (the one with Nino) like... 2 years ago, maybe? So when I talk about an Ooku universe I talk about that XD (I think that there have been some of those super long dramas a lot of years ago too...) And I totally loved the movie and its athmosphere *_* If you haven't watched it yet, do it! But it's not related to the drama. The stor of the drama seems the same of the movie, but I think it will go in a different direction (since it's longer)
I ended up loving Freeter, so the Freeter feeling is not such a bad thing... but it could end up being boring, so I'm confused O_O
Hokutoooo *___*
Questa stagione ci sono tanti drama da vedere ,____,
spero che qualcuno sia brutto (anche se non sono persona da mollare a metà un drama, purtroppo...) ma in qualche modo si deve pur fare... sono troppi ;___;
Però me l'avete citato almeno in 3, quindi credo che aspetterò di vedere come reagirete tutti per decidere!
Io lo spero ogni stagione... purtroppo o per fortuna vengo quasi sempre accontentata XD
Anche perché, diciamo, i dramini della notte dei Jr li guardo in treno e/o per svagarmi, senza stare a guardare molto alla recitazione... (anche se in realtà lì dentro qualcuno che mi piaceva c'era, ma magari sono gli occhi del cuore)
Per quanto io non sopporti Yuma (è uno dei pochi Johnny's che si contano sulle dita che mi sta sulle balle) non mi dispiace come recita.
In Koishite Akuma mi è piaciuto!
Comunque Piece, sempre che qualcuno lo subbi, ti dirò come lo trovo!!
i am curious to find out how the kekkon shinai drama will turn out cause the girl on the left i know her as different kinds of characters and im curious as to how it plays out.
then, the tokyo one cause.......idk why. something about it is striking to me.
but other than that........
btw, i got your replies to my comments, just haven't found time to reply to them, yet lots of time to read and comment on other people's... ><'
I have the same feeling as you for Tokyo-blah-blah XD
Oh, don't worry!! I also don't have a lot o free time and my replies are always late >.
>< hope you free up some time!! ;)
also, just wondering, have you uploaded the for K8?
Yes, I've uploaded it the other day... I thought I've post the link as a reply to your comment but maybe I'm wrong O_O
Anyway this is the link:
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