Title: A Teenager in Love
Fandom: The Social Network
Rating: PG-13 for language? what?
Pairings: Mark/Eduardo (didn't have time to write any other romantic subplots H8 LYFE)
Warnings: NO SEX. Sry, babes.
Word Count: ;____;
Summary: High school AU in which Eduardo is in love with Mark and he doesn't know Mark loves him back AND JUST THERE'S A LOT OF FEELINGS AND NOT ENOUGH SEX I GUESS
Author's Notes: THE UNIVERSE CONSPIRED AGAINST ME, BUT I BEAT THE SHIT OUT OF IT SO FUCK YOU, UNIVERSE. Seriously though, I had most of it done when my hard drive when kaput and ruined my life. This came out a lot worse than I intended because WHOOPS I HAD TO WRITE TWO MONTHS WORTH OF FIC IN ONE WEEK AND I'M REALLY BAD AT THIS TYPE OF SHIT
Anyway I'm just gonna thank my beautiful artists for ACTUALLY BELIEVING I COULD FINISH THIS. Also my boos who helped me edit this monster when my beta dropped off the face of the earth. The last half of this is A DAMN MESS, so sorry about that BUT I COULDN'T NOT POST IT. Ridden with errors, most likely, but it's readable?
I'm so tired.
part 1 |
part 2 art by misthi83
art by thatsapplejack