Kubatans and West Bromwich Albion.

Apr 07, 2010 16:56

For my 500th post I shall look at the Kubatan controversy. Darren Day has been arrested for carrying one. I had a kubatan when I was on my University Karate squad a decade ago. Going through Heathrow on my way to deliver a conference paper in Scandinavia some mind dead cretin called over P.C.Plod as my martial arts "keyring" set off an alarm. It ( Read more... )

news, crime, britain, independent minds, judo

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Comments 4

dexter_cobb April 7 2010, 16:34:26 UTC
We're not quite there yet , but a win at Doncaster will seal it on Saturday. Our (WBA) problem is that we've never really had a decent manager in the Premiership. Megson did the best he could with the resources he had; Robson was utterly useless, but by by some freak of nature kept us up; and Mowbray was ridiculously overated by WBA fans because he played the game "the way it should be played", even though it resulted in us finishing bottom with a goal difference of -31. Di Matteo could be the man, but he'll need to buy a new defence to keep us up.


ron_broxted April 7 2010, 16:55:21 UTC
I cannot see how the Baggies would fail to gain promotion. But look at the bottom of the 1st Div. Those teams will be too good for the Championship, it ricochets downwards too, in what was the 3rd & 4th Divs.


dexter_cobb April 7 2010, 16:57:50 UTC
It's best to be cautious, because the first year we went up to the Premiership (2001-02), we overcame a 16 point gap with Wolves, who collapsed spectacularly in the last two months of the season. So I'm not counting any chickens until it's mathematically sure!!!


ron_broxted April 7 2010, 17:28:57 UTC
Know what you mean but it would be a million to one shot for West Brom not to go up.


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