Prompts post

May 03, 2015 14:59

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!prompts, !mod stuff

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Comments 48

Clint/Natasha inception AU anonymous May 4 2015, 21:52:37 UTC
inception AU where Natasha is the world's best forger and Clint is the world's best point man and they don't love working together after the ~Budapest incident~ but they're the best so they keep having to work together anyways

(they don't actually hate each other they just act like it)

(actually they really love each other but neither of them know how to bring it up and thinks that the other hates them)


Re: Clint/Natasha inception AU anonymous May 7 2015, 16:12:13 UTC
OMG this is so awesome! :D
Someone please make it happen?


Natasha/Anyone anonymous May 5 2015, 00:44:20 UTC
teacher au where their students are convinced they're dating


I anonymous May 5 2015, 05:20:17 UTC
Post Avengers, Natasha/Clint, After everything that went down they need a break and head for Clint's farm


anonymous May 5 2015, 05:25:33 UTC
Post Winter Soldier, Natasha (Natasha/Clint not required but always welcome), With all her covers blown Natasha sets out to build some new one


anonymous May 7 2015, 20:15:43 UTC


anonymous May 5 2015, 06:43:54 UTC
Any time, Natasha/Clint, When on a mission Tony goes missing and Pepper enlists Natasha and Clint to find him and bring him home.


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