Prompts post

May 03, 2015 14:59

The prompts post is now OPEN!
Sign-ups will be going live soon, so it's time for everyone to start thinking about what they want to write! If you don't have any ideas, check here to see if anyone has prompted anything that inspires you! If you have ideas that you'd love to see done but don't want to write them yourself, post them here!

You don't have to be an author or artist to post prompts. The idea here is to generate as many ideas as possible, so even if you're just here to cheerlead and watch the excitement, prompt away!

  1. One prompt per comment, please! But you can post as many comments as you like.
  2. All pairings, genres, etc. are fair game but please warn for various kinks, etc. as necessary.
  3. Keep in mind that this is a big bang challenge, which means that your prompt should be able to be written into a 15k+ word story.
  4. You absolutely must place your spoilers under a cut using this code: <*lj-spoiler>write your spoiler here<*/lj-spoiler> without the asterisks. This applies primarily to Age of Ultron, since it recently premiered, but it also applies to recent episodes of Agents of SHIELD (i.e. for the past two weeks). As Daredevil has been out for almost a month now, we will not be requiring you to mark Daredevil spoilers.
  5. If a prompt really inspires you and you want to snag it before anyone else does, just reply to that prompt with "claimed."
And that's it! Happy prompting!

!prompts, !mod stuff

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