Oz / SVU Fic: A coffin for a cutie 4 the Spook_Me Challenge 09' part II

Oct 22, 2009 21:46

 Title: ‘A Coffin for a cutie’
Fandom: Oz / L&O: SVU

Characters: Tobias Beecher, Elliot Stabler, Christopher Keller

Raiting: NC-17

Notes: Written for the spook_me  challenge. This goes for all my peeps in this fandom, especially to my all knowing beta onamack2185 (not an LJ user, but she chose to be named that way). All resting errors are just mine. Ah, yes, English is not my mother tongue, so please keep that in mind.

Sumary: Beecher has moved on and having a happy life with his new boyfriend, Elliot. He plans to put the ghosts were they belong.

Creature: Ghost.

Book: ‘Coffin for a cutie’ by Spike Morelli

Part 1 here


Then it started to happen. Elliot began to black out in the middle of a conversation or in his desk.

One time he even scared the shit out of Cragen and the rest of hiw work team when he passed out cold in the middle of an operation.  Warner had checked him up and sent him home.

He was more than happy to oblige, because at home was Toby and his delicious coffee. He ought to ask him to give him the recipe for the blend.

Once he was in his bed, Toby would sat by his side and tell him stories about con mans, a very funny woman named Bunny or the way he copped with Gary’s death.

One time, Elliot even asked about Chris Keller. Of curse he had tried to investigate the killer once he had noticed his mixed feelings about his roommate, but the files where really spartan. A no good criminal, a hard assed punk. As bad as they come.  What had struck his attention was the lack of photography, but he blamed that to the mishandling of the archive. He really wanted to know why Beecher had loved this Keller guy.

But Toby never talked a lot about Keller. Just that he was a man that had needed so much love and that he really just deserved to love, in spite his particular way of showing it.

-‘But Chris Keller is now a ghost. And ghosts deserve to be in their own places’. - Beecher finished after giving Elliot a last sip of his coffee, then, he bended and kissed his forehead.


Months later, Elliot and Toby began having a sexual relationship. For Stabler was a whole new world, for Toby, a nice reminder of what he once had.

Stabler’s blackouts continued, even one time during sex with Beecher. He later would be very ashamed, just to be reassured by Toby that it was really nothing important. And if the doctors had said it was just tiredness, he would have to take extra care of him.

One day, Toby surprised Elliot telling him that he had showed his picture to his kids and that they had said he was really handsome. It angered Stabler, not because of Toby’s action, because he was nowhere near ready to do the same and tell his kids about Toby.


As the weeks continued, Toby began to look nervous and jumpy. November was near, and he wanted to have some kind of celebration the last days of October.

The 28th. to be exact. He knew that Chris birthday would be perfect for his ‘celebration’ of happiness. Kind of karmic or wathever.

He was sitting next to Elliot lying on their bed. He looked at this perfect man, feeling sorry for his blackouts, feeling terrible sorry that this marvelous man was so damned perfect. He picked up his book ‘A coffin for a cutie’, laughing quietly at the memory of finding it in that old bookstore. This copy had belonged to Chris Keller once upon a time and Buny had sold it to the used book store. Destiny guided Beecher to it. He had always believed that.

He sighed and said -‘Soon’-.


-‘What are you doing?- asked Elliot when he saw all the cook books and pans out in the kitchenette counter. Toby handed him his morning coffee.

-‘I’m thinking we should have a special diner tonight’- He said giving him a quick peck on the lips.

Elliot rose and eyebrow - ‘And what is the occasion?’- Then took a sip of his delicious brew.

-‘That I found the perfect man, the one who is going to help me be happy no matter what’s the cost’- Toby said smiling like a crazy man.

-‘OK, so as soon as I’m back from work, will have our dinner’- Stabler said goodbye to his partner thinking that maybe, today, October 28th., he was one step closer to make Toby completely happy.


After a very rich dinner, they had moved things to the bedroom. They were necking lazily when Toby spoke.

-‘Ell, I want your body so bad’-Beecher started rubbing more franticly against Elliot .

-‘Oh yeah, and what do you want to do with it?- Stabler said, pushing his hips even closer to his lover’s.

-‘I wan to ride your cock. I want to watch you come undone under me. Watch you face change in pleasure’-

Beecher flipped Stabler to his back and straddled his hips. Elliot was watching how the lawyer prepared himself for his cock. The most erotic creature in the world was about to ride him. He only hoped he wouldn’t black out in the middle of it.

Then Beecher was lowering himself on Elliot’s shaft. - ‘Oh God, yes, your body is perfect. So… hmpgf…’- and the he started fucking himself with Elliost’s cock.

Stabler was in ecstasy, watching his blond lover move above him, mouthing words, saying how perfect his body was and other things. But then he saw Beecher crying.

-‘You want me to be happy, don’t you Ell?- Toby asked with a big, crazy grin on his face as the tears flowed freely on his face.

-‘Always!’ - The older man responded.

Toby bent over and kissed him tenderly on the lips. -‘Thank you Elliot’- Stabler wanted to hug him tight but then he noticed that his lover was chanting something as he was riding him; he was so lost in his own orgasm that he barely could make the sounds, and they made no sense at all.

Riding Elliot, Toby began to chant over an over again, lauder and lauder - ‘ERASM PATH  DAIRU SETRA COMDIRU CAIDE, ERASM PATH  DAIRU SETRA COMDIRU CAIDE!’ -

Elliot wanted to ask the meaning of the words but the darkness enveloped him once more, just as Beecher came all over him. And this time, the darkness wouldn’t let Elliot go.


A gasp coming from the body under him, brought Toby back to his senses. The other man was trashing and panicking all over the bed; screaming like a ghost escaped from hell. Toby hugged him tightly, kissing him tenderly, whispering sweet nothings in his ear to calm him down.

Several minutes later, with the breathing almost in control again, the man started to talk -‘Ha, ah , ah. Damn! That hurt like a mother fucker!’-

Toby looked worriedly at his lover, checking him for wounds or any other sign of hurt.

But the other man stilled his wandering hands and kissed him savagely, reclaiming the blond man.

-‘Damn babe, it took you almost seven years, but you really did find the perfect body!- He said laughing maniacally.

Toby smiled his firts true smile in years.

-‘Elliot did had the perfect body… just the wrong soul…’ - Toby started laughing  with his lover. - ‘But seriously Chris, leaving me directions of how to prepare a ghostly possession from the Underworld in a cheap pulp fiction book?’-

-‘Hey, it worked didn’ it? We are together again, babe!- Chris hugged Toby with all his might.

Toby’s last thought before he drifted to sleep, hugging his one true love was: ‘I’m happy now’.



stabler, keller, fanfics, beecher, oz, svu, spook me

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