Oz / SVU Fic: A coffin for a cutie 4 the Spook_Me Challenge 09'

Oct 22, 2009 21:41

 Title: ‘A Coffin for a cutie’
Fandom: Oz / L&O: SVU

Characters: Tobias Beecher, Elliot Stabler, Christopher Keller

Raiting: NC-17

Notes: Written for the  spook_me challenge. This goes for all my peeps in this fandom, especially to my all knowing beta onamack2185 (not an LJ user, but she chose to be named that way). All resting errors are just mine. Ah, yes, English is not my mother tongue, so please keep that in mind.

Summary: Beecher has moved on and having a happy life with his new boyfriend, Elliot. He plans to put the ghosts were they belong.

Creature: Ghost.

Book: ‘Coffin for a cutie’ by Spike Morelli


Tobias Beecher was a new man. After all the things he had to go through in the Oswald Maximum Security Prison, he was determined to be a free man. In all the aspects of the word.

His first step was to get rid of the chains of the alcoholism that had kept him prisoner for so long. Second in his list was to be a real father to Holly and Harry. And third, he was determined to give the ghost of the past the place were they belonged. Beecher was gonna make sure that Chris Keller spectre had the place he deserved in his new life.

He moved to New York and started working in a prisoner’s aid program, trying to give back something to the system. He knew he had been fucked by it in the past, but now, Toby was a new man. A man with a plan, simply to be happy no matter the cost.

It was a cold morning when he bumped into certain Special Victims Unit Detective, Elliot Stabler. Later, Beecher would recall that encounter as the happiest moment of his life.

At first, the two men clashed. It was difficult for Toby not to see his exlover in the Detective, and Stabler saw Beecher only for what he was: an excon. But Beecher was nothing if not a smart and sexy mother fucker, as someone had put it, so long ago.

The lawyer worked hard to earn Elliot’s sympathy, helping him with a case here, giving his legal advice there, or just being plain available to  help Elliot whenever he got in trouble. After a few months, the two of them struck a real friendship.

One night they were watching a game at Beecher’s, when Elliot noticed a book in Toby’s coffee table, while Toby went to his kitchenette to prepare some coffee.

-‘ “A coffin for a cutie”, Beech? Never pictured you as the type of person that would have this taste in literature’ - Elliot said mockingly.

- ‘That would once again, prove how little you really know about me Ell’- Beecher responded with a half smirk.

-‘Now come on, I know you are a good father and a good man who once made a terrible mistake’-

Beecher sat down on the couch.

-‘Ell, you don’t know half of the things I did while in Oz. Just by definition, we shouldn’t be friends’- Toby took a sip of his brew.

-‘What are you gonna tell me you had a bitch or something?- Elliot snorted while shifting more comfortable on the sofa  picking the coffee Toby had prepared specially for him.

-‘Ell, you think that homosexuality is a sin?’ - Tobias had a lost look in his eyes.

-‘It’s against God’s law’- Stabler said matter-o-factly.

-‘Then, believe me. I’ve broken every type of law in this world. If that changes your opinion of me, then…-

-‘No, no. You did things in your past, and like you often say, some ghosts are meant to be left in the place they belong. I didn’t mean to offend you. I don’t want to lose your friendship…’-  Elliot said looking straight to his friends eyes.

-‘Don’t be sappy, Stabler. There is nothing in this world you could do to make me want to lose you. I need you in my life, pal’.-

After the heart to heart conversation, they resumed watching the game. Elliot feeling a little uncomfortable of his feelings towards the lawyer; Toby watching his friend, seeing how perfect he was, in every sense. He fitted brilliantly in his plan to be happy.


Weeks later, after Elliot had a particular nasty fight with Kathy, he moved in with Toby.  He rationalized that, being two single men, they could keep each other company and save a few bucks in rent money.

After some time, he started to feel awkward around Toby. He would catch him staring at him with something in his eyes that could only be described as pure lust, and sometimes, just plain longing.

The effects those glances were having on the Detective, weren’t lost either. For all intents and purposes, Elliot Stabler was a straight man. Straight as an arrow. Yet, he couldn’t lie to himself saying that the most important person in his life beside his kids, wasn’t a man. Tobias Beecher.

One time, he came home early after a though case in the Precinct. He found all the lights dimmed and the soft sound of the stereo, and in the middle of the living room, a very teary Beecher rocking back and forth, hugging his well used copy of that pulp fiction book, ‘A coffin for a cutie’ by Spike Morelli.

The sound was a very sad piano tune. A requiem. Toby was crying for someone of his past. Most probably his lost son Gary. But then, why the book?

Gathering his courage, Elliot came close and crouched to be level eyed to Toby.

-‘Hey, Tobe, is everything all right? It’s something to do with Gary?’-

Toby hugged the book even closer to his chest, crying even harder. Elliot’s cobalt blue eyes on him, making him remember the promise he had made himself after leaving Oz for good. To be happy no matter what cost.

-‘I…this book, was his favorite. He said it was sexy. He must had told me the plot one hundred times…’ - Toby’s sobs were stopping, but he was clearly in pain.

-‘You are not talking about Gary. Or your dad, are you?’- Elliot knew that there had been someone in Beecher’s life during Oz. And wasn’t it the funniest thing that he was feeling jealous of that?

-‘…No. You know, I had a lover in prison. This was his favorite book…Chris was always so… different…’ - A longing look took place in Toby’s face.

Chris shifted closer to Toby, hugging him very awkwardly. As much as he was able to do without hearing his father’s voice about ‘fags and sins’, anyway.

He coughed a little. - ‘Do… mhm… miss him a lot?’-

Toby raised his face and look at him, eye to eye. - ‘Not that much, ‘cause I have you’-  It was the most honest thing Beecher had said in his life.

Elliot hugged him tighter, fighting the tears that were stinging in his eyes. - ‘I know I’m not him, but I want you to be happy Tobe, I really care for you’-

The surprise in Toby’s face throw Elliot a little of balance. - ‘Really? Do you mean that?!’-

-‘Of curse I mean that! I want you to be as happy as possible. We are… friends, aren’t we?-

-‘Ell, honestly I don’t deserve you in my life. You are beyond perfect’- Toby hugged him back with all his might.

They stayed like that for a couple of minutes before Toby jumped, almost looking giddy.

-‘OK, let’s have a cup of coffee and then, you can tell me everything about your day!’- And he ran to the kitchenette to work his coffee magic.

Elliot felt the void Beecher’s presence had left in his arms, like some one had ripped one of his limbs.


Continued Here

fanfics, oz, svu, spook me

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