Wow, my
Supernatural review yesterday turned out so much longer than I had intended. Might seem like that episode will end up among my favourites.
Anyway, I kept referancing my 'Modern Vampire' class in that review, so I figured I'd dig out my notes form that class and write some of the stuff down for you.
I'm taking you back to my first session
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Comments 20
I think Mulder dealt with this stating that vampires are "obsessive compulsives" and would need to pick up the seed but folk lore states that vampires have a fear of anything with life, such as running water and seeds. A ring of salt is also meant to deter the undead.
Same people who are behind 'Supernatural' though, so can't really excpect anything less. :)
Salt? Is that for zombies or just all undead in general? They've used it in 'Supernatural' agains spirits and demons. Interesting.
Thanks for the info.. very interesting.
You're welcome. :)
That is a very good metaphor. Whoever came up with the idea must have had some kind of insight to how people who come back from a war deals with the aftermath.
Do you remember what the film was called?
I think the film might have been "Deathdream", the description of the opening scene here of the soldier returning home after the parents have been told he's dead sounds like what I read in the review...
I might be posting my notes from the session we had on Buffy. My teacher was a Buffyologist. ;p
I've never seen that film, cool.
You need to see the third part to get the complete idea once you watch the second. The first one I haven't seen, though.
Okay, will keep it in mind. Thanks. :D
There is a variant of Voodoo Zombie where the zombie is produced from a living person, usually through the forced consumption of mind-destroying drugs. These zombies are relatively useless in combat, since they are both slow-moving and can be killed like a normal living person. For menial household chores, though, they are quite useful.
I'm actually working on a SPN fic with that. Sam and Dean go to New Orleans and face Voodoo Zombies. :)
That's very interesting though, about zombies and Voodoo. I think I will do some digging on the subject.
Oh, that sounds like a good plot. :D
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