Star Wars, Grrrr

Jul 11, 2012 19:37

► We've gained a modicum of space in the apartment today. Dad and my brother Darren both stopped by after 5:00pm this afternoon, Darren finally taking Dad's old big screen TV and stand which had been eating up a large section of the dining section of the kitchen. Dad will be taking the bicycle he bought from me later this week, and then we'll have regain most of the cluttered area, and I'll be able to move Stormy's litter box to the corner and no longer block the door to the balcony.

The apartment is starting to look livable again!

► I knew I'd have to make the rest of my money stretch this month after I bought a couple of things online and sent my friend John more money for the pre-arranged George Perez Superman convention sketch. What I didn't plan on was the last of the dollar store light bulbs I got for my room in April burning out, and the discovery that we have only one big garbage bag left when we average two a week. Looks like I'm dropping a few of the unnecessary items off of my grocery list this week (mostly chips and root beer, those can wait for next week).

On the plus side, I only owe John 40% of the price of the Perez sketch. We had arranged for me to pay him back slowly over the next two months, but it seems I might have it paid off by July 31st. I don't mind because I prefer getting this out of the way as soon as possible, both because I always feel uneasy when I owe money to someone, and especially since it frees up money I can send him in August and September for additional items he can get at the convention. It's my new Christmas.

► From the chat room:Shab:
Saori: Did Maul fuck a Xenomorph queen or something, jeeze
Saori: (Yes, I know where it's from, lol)
Derek: what the fuck is that?
Derek: I'm afraid the past 20 years have made me hate Star Wars
Dran: :-D
Derek: fuck you, Star Wars
Dran: X-D
Saori: lol
God, I hate Star Wars now. The sad thing is I actually only just realized that. Everything connected to Star Wars has been going downhill since the Heir to the Empire novels introduced a villain with a collection of stolen Renaissance art, and the galaxy's greatest assassin/Emperor's hand Mary Sue... sorry, Mara Jade, who married Luke Skywalker. This is what Star Wars represents to me now: Vader & Emperor Dance-off Star Wars Kinect.

► Later from the chat room:CO: watching the Espys, Jessica Biel is presenting an award, I can't think of the last big movie she was in
Shab: A-Team was the last film I saw her in
Gun: Oh, I forgot she was in that!
Gun: I hope they make a sequel.
Derek: I think the last big thing Biel was in after The A-Team was that New Year's Eve assemble film
Derek: ...and my dreams
Derek: %-)
USA Today: House votes to repeal health care law - How dare average citizens have affordable health care! How dare they! The vote is entirely symbolic and has absolutely no weight in repelling the law, and serves only to underscore how horrifically petty and contrary modern American politics and the modern Republican party truly is. Asshats.

Daily Mail Online: To boldly go... for £45,000: Star Trek shuttlecraft from original TV series fetches out-of-this-world price at auction - It's a bit of a fixer-upper.

9gag: Cool street art - Incredible art, but I'm sure the property owners might not appreciate having the brick walls dug up, chipped and weakened. It's all fun and creative until water damage causes a wall to collapse on a pedestrian.

Tumblr: Rebel Alliance Barbie's fangirling sanctuary, swnz: Celebration VI art print, by Chris Trevas - Okay, this I still like.

Quote of the Moment

Luke Skywalker: Come on Mala, let's see a little smile. Come on...
Malla: Waagork!
Luke Skywalker: There, that's better. Try to enjoy your Life Day.
- The Star Wars Holiday Special (1978)

Drinking: Cream Soda
Watching: Bewitched: Season 7 (DVD Set);

money, superman, rants, politics, chat quotes, art, jessica biel, family, sexy picture, star trek, star wars, government, 9gag, news, opinions, apartment, assholes, america, slave leia, dreams, george perez

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