Fic: "Can't Stop The Turtle", Firefly/Discworld crossover

May 31, 2006 17:47

Once again, my jaw feels unattatched to my face following a trip to the dentist's, but who cares because YAY THE STORY'S DONE!

Title: Can't Stop The Turtle
Rating: PG.
Disclaimer: Firefly belongs to Joss, the Discworld in all its splendor to Terry Pratchett. I'm just having fun with things that float in space.
Spoilers: Set pre-Serenity, so none ( Read more... )

fic: all, crossovers, fic: jossverse, fic: discworld

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Comments 129

cal_j_fielding May 31 2006, 15:36:47 UTC
i love this...this is cracked....crazy..completely undoable..and yet you did it...and it kind of works...i love it. You managed to capture the discworld and firefly very well, and somehow bring them together into this hi-lairious tale. Thank's...well words fail, much as you would expect when encountering the's great.


roga May 31 2006, 16:25:04 UTC
Thank you very much! It came to me when I was reading a "Gold!" song in one of the DW novels, and suddenly heard Jayne singing it, which simply demanded to be written :-)


aliaspiral May 31 2006, 15:45:32 UTC
....this is so wildly disturbing.

and fabulous.

and wrong.

but it WORKS, and thats the most disturbing part of all!


roga May 31 2006, 16:26:47 UTC
Believe me, I was disturbed by how disturbing this turned out. The mental images alone... :-) Glad you liked it!


OMG! and LOL! and only a little WTF. erinya May 31 2006, 16:48:55 UTC
So. Much. Love.

How did you manage it? This mixes the flavors of Discworld and the Firefly-verse into one cracktastic entity. I love...all of it. Angua and the Librarian and Jayne singing the gold song. You are teh awesome.

“We are about to fall off the edge of a flat world. Please buckle your seatbelts and pray we don’t get sucked up an elephant’s rear end… I hope you enjoy your flight.”

LMAO! Such a Mal-ism, too. Memoried.


Re: OMG! and LOL! and only a little WTF. roga May 31 2006, 18:13:58 UTC
OMG, your icon is actually squeeing! :-) So cute.

Thanks muchly for commenting. I personally am in favor of Firefly/Discworld becoming an official fandom and the Librarian coming aboard, because, hello, space monkeys?


Re: OMG! and LOL! and only a little WTF. erinya May 31 2006, 18:47:03 UTC
Re: OMG! and LOL! and only a little WTF. roga May 31 2006, 21:54:43 UTC
Oh, my god. Those are SO Mal and the Librarian.


agilebrit May 31 2006, 17:00:37 UTC
Bwahahahahahaaaa! OMG, I am SO putting this in my memories. This is the best thing I've read in a long time. The premise is brilliant, the characterizations are right on, and the dialogue sparkles. Bravo!


roga May 31 2006, 18:22:32 UTC
Thank you! I'm happy you liked it. I'd send an "ook" from the Librarian or something but that would imply I actually own him, of which I can only dream.


anxiety_junkie May 31 2006, 17:49:22 UTC
ZOMG! I love that River understood the Librarian! Yet I'm not surprised...

Well done on capturing Vimes' disgust at his orders; and I love that shared look between Mal and Wash in the beginning when Stibbons first waves, that was classic. Great job!


roga May 31 2006, 18:26:18 UTC
Vimes's resentment was actually something I had some trouble writing, so I'm relieved you found it - well, sufficiently explained, at least :-) Thank you!


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