The Eleventh Hour transcript part 2.

Apr 19, 2010 01:13

Part One.

(Outside, now, the Doctor and Amy are walking past the village green.)

TD: What is this place? Where am I?

AP: Leadworth.

TD: Where's the rest of it?

AP: This is it.

TD: Is there an airport?

AP: No.

TD: A nuclear power station?

AP: Ha, no.

TD: Even just a little one?

AP: No.

TD: Nearest city?

AP: Half an hour by car.

TD: We don't have half an hour. Do we have a car?

AP: No.

TD: Oh, that's good! Fantastic, that is, twenty minutes to save the world, and I've got a Post Office. And it's shut. What is that?

(He points ahead, then runs towards it. Amy follows.)

AP: It's a duck pond.

(The Doctor turns to face her.)

TD: Why aren't there any ducks?

AP: I don't know, there's never any ducks!

TD: Then how do you know it's a duck pond?

AP: It just is! Is it important, a duck pond?

TD: I don't know. How would I know?

(During this line he clutches his chest, still jerking around slightly as he falls backwards.)

TD: This is too soon... I'm not ready, I'm not done yet.

(Amy stares at him, then they both look to the sky as shadow falls.)

AP: What's happening? Why's it going dark?

(The dark slowly passes, but the Sun is left looking strange.)

AP: What's wrong with the Sun?

TD: Nothing. You're looking at it through a forcefield, they've sealed off your upper atmosphere, now they're getting ready to boil the planet.

(Amy stares at him as he gets up, and looks around the park, at everyone who's pulled out a mobile phone and is filming the strange-looking Sun.)

TD: Oh, and here they come. The human race. See, the end comes, as it was always going to, down a video phone.

AP: This isn't real, is it, this is some kind of big wind-up...

TD: Why would I wind you up?

AP: You told me you had a time machine.

TD: And you believed me.

AP: Then I grew up.

TD: Oh, well you never wanna do that. No. Hang on, shut up! Wait. I missed it. (He slaps himself in the forehead, painfully.) I saw it, and I missed it. (He slaps himself again, his head is looking quite red.) What did I see, I saw, what did I see, I saw I saw I saw...

(The camera zooms in on the Doctor's eye, and then out from there. Moving around the park, we look around at all the people frozen in a still image, holding their mobiles up at the Sun, making their videos, before we suddenly see Rory, his mobile also out... but aiming not at the Sun, instead towards the man and his dog, standing together at the side of the park. Looking around at the man and his dog before returning to Rory - zoom in on Rory, then out from the Doctor's eye - thisisawesomeDoctorvision.
Back to normal speed, now - Rory looks around somewhat shiftily, messing with his mobile. The Doctor glances at the clock, then turns to Amy.)

TD: Twenty minutes! I can do it! Twenty minutes, the planet burns, run to your loved ones and say goodbye... or stay and help me.

AP: .....No.

(The Doctor's not sure he's just heard correctly.)

TD: I'm sorry?

AP: NO! (She grabs hold of his tie, tightly, and drags him towards a just-parked car in the car park right behind them.)

TD: Amy - no, no! What are you doing?!

(She opens the car door, and slams it closed on his tie, trapping him there, then takes the car keys off the old man who owns the car, Mr Henderson, and locks it.)

TD: Are you out of your mind?!

AP: Who are you?

TD: You know who I am.

AP: No really. Who are you?

TD: Look at the sky. End of the world. Twenty minutes.

AP: Well, better talk quickly then.

Mr Henderson: Amy... I am going to need my car back.

AP: Yes, in a bit. Now go and have coffee.

MH: Right. Yes...

(He leaves. The Doctor fiddles around in his pocket, and pulls out an apple, tossing it to Amy.)

TD: Catch.

(She does, and she stares at it. It's the one she gave him just before he inspected the crack in the wall. The smiley face is still carved into it.)

TD: I'm the Doctor. I'm a time traveller. Everything I told you twelve years ago is true. I'm real. What's happening in the sky is real, and if you don't let me go right now, everything you've ever known is over.

AP: (considering this, and the apple, intensely) ...I don't believe you.

TD: Just - twenty minutes. (He takes her arm, the one holding the apple.) Just believe me for twenty minutes. Look at it. (she stares at the apple) Fresh as the day you gave it to me, and you know it's the same one.

(Awesome epic blue light flare as, in slow motion, Amy takes her second's thought, looking between the Doctor's earnest face and the smiling of the apple.)

TD: Amy. Believe, for twenty minutes.

(Pause, then she raises the car keys and unlocks the car.)

AP: What do we do?

TD: Stop that nurse.

(Amy grins a slightly evil smile, and we only realise why later. The Doctor, freed, takes off, jumping over the low chain link fence and running straight past Rory, the nurse, nicking Rory's phone swiftly as he goes. He peers at the phone, curiously, then turns and confronts Rory. Amy catches up, having run slower, after barely bouncing over the low fence and stopping to tug down her short, short skirt.)

TD: The Sun's going out, and you're photographing a man and a dog, why? (He hands Rory back his phone.)

(Rory sees Amy as she catches up, and is obviously relieved.)

RW: Amy!

AP: Hi! (to the Doctor) Oh, uh, this is Rory, he's a... friend.

RW: Boyfriend.

AP: Kind of. Boyfriend.

RW: Amy!

TD: Man and a dog. Why?

RW: Oh, my gosh. It's him.

AP: Just, answer his question, please.

RW: It's him though! The Doctor, the Raggedy Doctor!

AP: Yeah! He, he came back.

RW: But he was a story, he was a game-

(He is interrupted as the Doctor impatiently grabs him by the front of his shirt.)

TD: Man and a dog! Why! Tell me! Now!

RW: Sorry! Because - he can't be there - because, he's-

RW/TD: (simultaneously) In a hospital, in a coma.

RW: ...Yeah.

TD: Knew it. Multiform, you see? (He lets go of Rory, brushes him down.) Disguise itself as anything, but it needs a lifefeed, a psychic link, with a living, but dormant mind.

(On 'dormant', he pokes Rory in the face. They're interrupted by the dog barking from behind them, or is it the man? It's both. They all spin around, Eleven moves forward to confront him.)

TD: Prisoner Zero.

RW: What? There's a Prisoner Zero too?

AP: Yes.

(An Atraxi ship with a giant eyeball suddenly flies in, hovers over the church, and starts scanning.)

TD: See, that ship up there is scanning this area for non-terrestrial technology. (He takes the sonic screwdriver out of his pocket.) And nothing says non-terrestrial like a sonic screwdriver!

(Looking gleeful, he holds down the button, and raises the screwdriver into the air. Streetlamps suddenly start exploding, car alarms all go off, and a mobility scooter has a mind of its own. A previously parked fire engine also decides it doesn't need people to drive, and trundles off down the road, the firemen chasing after it. All the while the Atraxi ship is scanning, in the wrong direction.)

TD: I think someone's gonna notice, don't you?

(The man and his dog bark and growl - the Doctor aims his sonic towards a telephone box, which explodes quite loudly. But suddenly the screwdriver itself explodes, and the Doctor drops it onto the ground in front of him. The Doctor attempts to pick at the charred mess.)

TD: No, no no! Don't DO that!!

(The Atraxi ship starts to pack up and leave, and the Doctor stands to face it.)

TD: It's going! No, come back! He's here! Come back! He's here, Prisoner Zero is here! (Prisoner Zero, as the man, gives a smug smirk. Then the entire creature, man and dog, glows orange and basically melts down the drain.) Come back! He's here, Prisoner Zero is... here...

AP: Doctor! The drain, it just... sort of, melted and went down the drain.

TD: Well, of course it did.

AP: What do we do now?!

TD: It's hiding in human form. We need to drive it into the open. No TARDIS, no screwdriver, seventeen minutes, come on... Think. Think!

(At the hospital; Coma patient 1, the man - without his dog - is shaking in his bed, and Doctor Ramsden's voice is faint in the background. She's trying to wake him.)

DR: Barney. Barney! Barney! Can you hear me, Barney? Barney! Barney!

(The angle moves upwards, to the ventilation shaft right above Barney's bed. Prisoner Zero, having a somewhat ethereal form as his snake self, seems to appear through the metal of the grate, hovering above the bed.)

(Back in the park. The three of them are looking at the drain Prisoner Zero disappeared down.)

AP: So that thing. That hid in my house for twelve years?

TD: Multiforms can live for millenia. Twelve years is a pitstop.

AP: So how come you show up again on the same day that lot do? The same minute?

TD: They're looking for him, but they followed me. They saw me through the crack, got a fix, they're only late 'cause I am.

RW: What's he on about?

TD: Nurse boy, gimme your phone.

RW: How can he be real?! He was never real!

TD: Phone! Now! Gimme! (Rory hands him the phone)

RW: It was just a game, we were - we were kids, you made me dress up as him!

TD: These photos, they're all the coma patients.

RW: Yep.

TD: No. They're all the multiform. Eight comas, eight disguises for Prisoner Zero.

AP: He had a dog, though, there's a dog in a coma?

TD: Well, the coma patient dreams he's walking a dog, Prisoner Zero gets a dog. Laptop! (He looks up from the phone) Your friend, what was his name, not him, (he points to Rory) the good-looking one!

RW: Thanks.

AP: Jeff.

RW: Ohhh, thanks. (some history there...)

TD: He had a laptop in his bag, a laptop. Big bag, biiig laptop! I need Jeff's laptop! You two, get to the hospital. Get everyone out of that ward, clear the floor, phone me when you're done!

(The Doctor starts to run off, back to the house, and Amy pulls Rory.)

AP: Your car, come on.

RW: Uh... but how can he be here? How can the Doctor be here?!

(He gives up questioning, and runs after her, into his adorable little Mini, and they speed off together.
The Doctor runs up the front path of the house, inside, and is in Jeff's room quickly.)

TD: Hello! Laptop. Gimme.

(He crosses the room and tries to prise the laptop away from Jeff, who's trying to cover the screen, and keep it away from the Doctor.)

JA: No no no no no-
TD: No - it's - fine - give - it - here-
JA: Hang on!!

(The Doctor snatches it from him, and sits down on the edge of the bed, then looks at the screen. Jeff looks over his should warily, as the Doctor's eyes widen.)

TD: ....Blimey! Get a girlfriend, Jeff.

(Jeff's grandmother enters.)

JA: Gran!

MA: What are you doing?

TD: Sun's gone wibbly, so right now, somewhere out there, there's gonna be a big old video conference call. All the experts in the world, panicking at once, and d'you know what they need? Me. Ah, and here they all are. All the big boys. NASA, Jodrell Bank, Tokyo Space Center, Patrick Moore.

MA: Oh! I like Patrick Moore!

TD: I'll get you his number, but watch him, he's a devil.

JA: You can't just hack in on a call like that!

TD: Can't I? (Throughout this exchange he's been hurriedly typing; abruptly he stops, and holds his psychic paper up to the webcam on the top of the computer. On the laptop screen are six different boxes, each with a different person representing a different place. Evidently the psychic paper has worked somehow, because a voice comes from the laptop.)

Unidentified Voice: Who are you?

Unidentified Voice: This is a secure call, what are you doing?

TD: Hello. Yeah, I know, you should switch me off, but before you do, watch this.

(This bit's a little complicated, cause there's about seven people talking at once. I'll try to do the best I can with the fragments I can distinct.)

Unidentified Voice: It's him!

Patrick Moore: -I know, I'm getting-

(The Doctor starts to type, rapidly, obviously showing them at the same time just what he's doing.)

TD: Fermat's Theorem, the proof, and I mean the real one, never been seen before, poor Fermat got killed in a duel before he could write it down. My fault. I slept in. Oh, and here's an oldie but a goodie, why electrons have mass, and a personal favourite of mine, faster than light travel with two diagrams and a joke. (He stops typing.) Look at your screens. Whoever I am, I'm a genius. Look at the sun. You need all the help you can get. Fellas - pay attention.

(The mini is racing along the road, about as fast as minis really go, as it speeds to the hospital. It pulls up at the front, where a crowd has gathered, of mostly doctors, patients and nurses. Amy and Rory get out quickly and head inside.)

(Back at Jeff's house, and the Doctor is now typing on Rory's phone again.)

UV: Sir! What are you doing?!

TD: I am writing a computer virus, very clever, super fast, and a tiny bit alive, but don't let on. And why am I writing it on a phone? Never mind. You'll find out. Okay, I'm sending this to all your computers. Get everyone who works for you sending this everywhere. Email, text, FaceBook, Bebo, Twitter, radar dish. Whatever you've got, any questions?

PM: Who was your lady friend?

TD: Patrick, behave.

UV: What does this virus do?

TD: Oh, it's a reset command, that's all, it resets counters, it gets in the wi-fi and resets every counter it can find. Clocks, calendars, anything with a chip will default at zero at exactly the same time. But yeah, I could be lying, why should you trust me? I'll let my best man explain.

(There's a pause, as the Doctor waits, Jeff still staring curiously over his shoulder. The Doctor waits, then slowly turns to Jeff, whispering.)

TD: Jeff. You're my best man.

JA: You what?

(The Doctor closes the laptop screen, and turns to Jeff.)

TD: Listen to me. In ten minutes, you're gonna be a legend. In ten minutes, everyone on that screen is gonna be offering you any job you want. But first, you have to be magnificent. You have to make them trust you and get them working. This is it, Jeff, right here, right now. This is when you fly. Today's the day you save the world.

(Jeff just looks a bit dumbstruck, thinking carefully before he answers.)

JA: ...Why me?

TD: It's your bedroom. Now, go, go, go.

(The Doctor gets up, quickly, and leaves. Jeff takes the laptop back, and puts his game face on.)

JA: Okay guys. Let's do this.

(His bedroom door reopens suddenly, and the Doctor is there.)

TD: Oh. And. Delete your internet history.

(He waggles a finger at Jeff, all the while seeming to think the better of it, and then leaves once more. Running up the garden path, he reaches the gate, looks from side to side... sees something he likes, and runs off, towards it.)

(In the hospital. Amy's just dialling a number on her mobile, and Rory comes back to her after talking to a crowd of people.)

RW: Uh, something's happened up there, we can't get through.

(Amy snaps the mobile shut, obviously unable to get through to whoever she was calling.)

AP: Yes, but what's happened?

RW: Uhh... I... don't know. No one knows. Phone him.

AP: Phoning him.

(She dials the number again, trying to call the Doctor.)

AP: Doctor? We're at the hospital, but we can't get through. (pause) ...Oh.

RW: What did he say?

AP: Look in the mirror. (They both glance over to the window at the side, and see... Amy's in a police uniform.) Ha ha! Uniform! (She hands the phone to Rory, who holds it to her ear as she starts to put her hair up.) Are you on your way? You're gonna need a car.

TD: Don't worry! I've comandeered a vehicle. (On the Doctor now, who's on the phone, and clearly speeding down the road.... in the fire engine. He hangs up the phone and slams the siren on, like the big kid he is.)

(Hospital: Amy and Rory rush out of the lift into the abandoned ward, which looks a total mess. A woman and her two daughters round the corner, into Amy and Rory's path.)

Woman: Officer!

AP: What happened?

Woman: There was a man. A man with a dog. I think Doctor Ramsden's dead, and the nurses.

(Amy immediately gets out her phone, dials the Doctor, who's still in the fire engine, sirens still going.)

TD: Are you in?!

AP: Yep. But so's Prisoner Zero.

TD: You need to get out of there.

Woman: He was so angry, he kept shouting, and shouting, and that dog. The size of that dog. (Amy lowers the phone, slowly. The woman's voice is still talking, and yet she personally isn't. The voice is coming from one of the little girls.) I swear it was rabid. And he just went mad, attacking everyone. Where did he go? Did you see? Has he gone? We hid in the ladies.

(Amy and Rory are backing away slightly, and the woman realises. The voice moves back to the person it should be coming from.)

Woman: Oh, I'm getting it wrong again, aren't I? I'm always doing that. So many mouths. (She opens her mouth wide, revealing large pointy teeth - just like Prisoner Zero. Her two daughters are also doing the same. Amy takes a step or two back, and Rory is completely freaking out.)

TD: (Still on the phone) Amy? Amy, what's happening?

(Amy and Rory start running down the corridor, as the woman and two girls start to give chase, the woman never letting go of her daughters' hands. Amy and Rory reach the ward, and slam the doors shut, sliding a broom into the handle to keep them closed.)

TD: Amy! Talk to me!!

AP: We're in the coma ward, but it's here, it's getting in.

TD: Which window are you?

AP: What, sorry?

TD: Which window?!

AP: Uhh, first floor on the left, fourth from the end.

(The broom handle abruptly breaks, and Prisoner Zero is standing there, still in the form of the woman and her daughters. The large pointy teeth recede.)

PZ: Oh dear, little Amelia Pond. I've watched you grow up. Twelve years, and you never even knew I was there. Little Amelia Pond. Waiting for her magic Doctor to return. But not this time, Amelia.

(The teeth are bared once more - Amy suddenly gets a text, reads it - it says, 'DUCK!'. Suddenly they hear a siren outside, Amy and Rory crouch down to the floor... and, somewhat anticlimactically, the ladder of the fire engine crashes about a foot through the window. In all fairness, it probably would have hit Amy and Rory if they'd not ducked.
The Doctor climbs agilely up the ladder and leaps into the room, draping his hands across Rory and Amy's shoulders.)

TD: Right! Hello! Am I late? No! (He looks at the clock) Three minutes to go. There's still time.

PZ: Time for what, Time Lord?

TD: (stepping forward. Pause.) Take the disguise off, they'll find you in a heartbeat. Nobody dies.

PZ: The Atraxi will kill me this time. If I am to die, let there be fire.

TD: Ha ha, oookay. You came to this world by opening a crack in space and time. Do it again. Just leave.

PZ: ...I did not open the crack.

TD: Somebody did.

PZ: The cracks in the skin of the universe - don't you know where they came from? (The look on the Doctor's face obviously shows he has no idea, and Prisoner Zero picks up on this.) You don't, do you?

(Suddenly, one of the little girls' voices starts to talk, only this time it's through the mother.)

PZ: The Doctor in the TARDIS doesn't know. (singsong) Doesn't know, doesn't know!

(The mother's voice takes over again.)

PZ: The universe is cracked. The Pandorica will open. Silence will fall.

(There's a noise from behind Prisoner Zero, and the Doctor's eyes flick to it. His expression lightens, and he relaxes slightly.)

TD: Aaaand, we're off. Look at that. Look, at that.

(He raises a hand to point, and everyone turns to see... the thud from behind Prisoner Zero was the clock on the wall, which has reset itself, now showing 0:00.)

TD: Yeah, I know, just a clock, whatever, but d'you know what's happening right now? (Prisoner Zero turns to face him, not happy. We flash in on Jeff, tapping away on his laptop to all the important people of the world. Doctor v/o) In one little bedroom, my team are working. Jeff and the world. And, d'you know what they're doing? They're spreading the word. All over the world. Quantum fast. The word is out.

(From Jeff, it's moved on - showing images from all over the world, every clock, in Tokyo or Honk Kong there are huge zeroes covering the electrical billboards, the FTSE and NYSE are all reset to 0000000, this is worldwide.)

TD: And do you know what the word is? (Amy and Rory are staring at him, the magnificent Doctor, Amy looking full of pride.) The word is zero. Now, me, if I was up in the sky in a battleship, monitoring all Earth communications, I'd probably take that as a hint. And if I had a whole battlefleet surrounding the planet, I'd be able to track a simple old computer virus to its source in.... what, under a minute? The source, by the way... is right here.

(He pull Rory's phone out of his pocket and holds it out. There's a pause, before a blinding white light flashes through the windows.)

TD: Ooooohhhhh, and I think they just found us!

(Rory and Amy run to the window to see. One of the Atraxi ships is flying to hover above the hospital, shining a spotlight directly from the eye's pupil to rest on the windows where they're all grouped.)

PZ: The Atraxi are limited. While I'm in this form, they'll still be unable to detect me. They've tracked a phone. Not me.

TD: Yeah! But this is the good bit, I mean, this is my favourite bit. Do you know what this phone is full of? Pictures of you. Every form you've learned to take, right here. Oh, and, being uploaded, about... now. And the final score is, no TARDIS, no screwdriver, two minutes to spare... Who da man?!

(Even Prisoner Zero looks unimpressed. Amy gives him a sympathetic smile.)

TD: ...Oh. Well. I'm just, never saying that again. Fine.

PZ: Then I shall take a new form.

TD: Oh, stop it, you know you can't. Takes months to form that kind of psychic link.

PZ: And I've had years.

(The creature, all three of the figures, start to glow orange. The Doctor stares, unnerved, when suddenly Amy collapses behind him. He runs over to her, crouching beside her. The Atraxi ship, outside, is scanning all the hospital windows, now, obviously unsure where to look.)

TD: No! Amy! (He puts his hands against her face.) You've gotta hold on! Amy! Don't sleep! You've gotta stay awake, please!

RW: Doctor!

(He points at Prisoner Zero. The Doctor looks up, at... himself. The real Doctor sits up beside Rory, somewhat bemused.)

TD: .....Well that's rubbish. Who's that supposed to be?

RW: It's you.

TD: Me? Is that what I look like?

RW: You don't know?

TD: Busy day. (He gets up to face his identical twin, Prisoner Zero.) Why me, though? You're linked with her! Why are you copying me?

PZ: I'm not.

(Suddenly, Young Amy Pond is back, wandering around the taller figure of the Doctor, holding his hand.)

PZ: Poor Amy Pond. Still such a child inside. Dreaming of the magic Doctor she knows will return to save her. What a disappointment you've been.

TD: (Long pause.) No, she's dreaming about me cause she can hear me.

(He turns, runs, and crouches down beside Amy once more.)

TD: Amy. Don't just hear me, listen. Remember the room, the room in your house you couldn't see. Remember you went inside, I tried to stop you but you did. (flashes of Amy, turning, slowly walking into the room.) You went in the room. You went inside. Amy... dream about what you saw. (More flashes - inside the room, walking around. Looking side to side, the creature always behind her. Turning her head suddenly, and it's there, in front of her face.)

PZ: No. No. No! (Prisoner Zero starts to fade orange, the Doctor looks up, then stands up, walking to face it, as it turns into the shape Amy had seen. Its original form. And then it roars at him. Like a lion.)

TD: Well done, Prisoner Zero. A perfect impersonation of yourself.

(The light suddenly intensifies on the window beside Prisoner Zero. It starts thrashing around, hissing, as the Atraxi speaks.)

TA: Prisoner Zero is located. Prisoner Zero is restrained.

(The Doctor stares, his face bathed in the white light, as Prisoner Zero faces him a final time.)

PZ: Silence, Doctor. Silence will fall.

(How it was talking, I'm not sure. Most likely telepathically, as it had the psychic link to the patients, etc. It fades away, into nothing, and the Atraxi ship powers up its engines and leaves. The Doctor runs to the window to make sure, and is obviously satisfied, but doesn't look pleased about it. He takes out the phone again, and starts dialling rapidly.)

RW: The- the Sun, is back to normal, right? That's... That's good, yeah? That means its over.

(The Doctor, brilliantly, ruffles his hair as he walks past him, still dialling. Amy wakes up, slowly, as Rory leans over her.)

RW: Amy? Are you okay? Are you with us?

AP: What happened?

RW: He did it. The Doctor did it.

TD: No I didn't.

RW: What are you doing?

TD: Tracking the signal back. Sorry, in advance.

RW: About what?

TD: The bill.

RW: Awww-

TD: (into the phone) Oi! I didn't say you could go!! Article 57 of the Shadow Proclamation. This is a fully established level five planet. And you were gonna burn it? What? Did you think no one was watching? You lot. Back here, now.

(He hangs up, tosses the phone back to Rory.)

TD: Okay. Now I've done it. (He starts to wander off.)

RW: Uh, did he just bring them back? (Amy gets up to follow the Doctor, hurriedly.) Did he just save the world from aliens, and then bring all the aliens back again?!

(The corridor - the Doctor smashes the double doors open, impressively. Amy hurries behind him, and Rory is catching up to her.)

AP: Where are you going?

TD: The roof! No. Hang on.

(He ducks into a cloakroom, and they follow.)

(The Doctor rambles around the cloakroom, picking up the odd piece of clothing and holding onto some, flinging the rest over his shoulder. Rory's following, picking up the clothes the Doctor's dropping or throwing.)

AP: What's in here?

TD: I'm saving the world, I need a decent shirt! To hell with the raggedy - time to put on a show! (He spins around with a coat before dropping it.)

RW: You've just summoned aliens back to Earth! Actual aliens! Deadly aliens! Aliens... of death, and... now you're... taking your clothes off. (Indeed, the Doctor is stripping in a corner of the room, trying on his new clothes.) Amy, he's taking his clothes off.

TD: Turn your back if it embarasses you.

RW: Are you stealing clothes now? (He's giving shifty glances to Amy - bless him, he's trying to impress her!) Those clothes belong to people.. you know!

(He turns around - Matt Smith now has his shirt off, so when you read this part just ignore the random droolings on the page.)

RW: ...Are you not gonna turn your back?

AP: (who hasn't turned around, and looks particularly smug.) Nope.

(On the rooftop. The Doctor steps out first, wearing half his new costume, and about five different ties, followed by Amy, then Rory. An Atraxi ship is already waiting for them there.)

AP: So, this was a good idea, was it? They were leaving!

TD: Leaving is good. Never coming back is better. (pause, before he starts to yell up at the Atraxi ship.) Come oooooooon then! The Doctor will see you now!

(The eye in the center of the Atraxi ship is suddenly released, and zooms down to rest right in front of the Doctor, evidently examining him. A blue light flares out, and starts to scan him. The Doctor waits patiently for it to finish before he then pull up his braces.)

TA: You are not of this world.

TD: No, but I've put a lot of work into it. (He fiddles about with the new ties, trying to decide which one works best. Of course.) Umm... uhh... I dunno. (He holds one up) What do you think?

TA: Is this world important?

TD: Important?! What does that mean, important? Six billion people live here, is that important? Here's a better question: is this world a threat to the Atraxi? (Through this, he's picking off random ties and flinging them backwards - they always manage to hit Amy or Rory.) Come on, you're monitoring the whole planet. Is this world a threat?

(The same blue light streaks outward from the pupil of the eye once more, not scanning him this time, but creating a hologram of a globe. The globe flicks through different images from Earth's transmission history, including nuclear explosions, wars, armies... and religions, praying, caring.)

TA: ...No.

TD: Are the people of this world guilty of any crime by the laws of the Atraxi?

(Flicking through more images, of street carnivals, crowds, costumes.)

TA: No.

TD: Okay! One more, just one. (pause) Is this world protected?

(More images - a Cyberman smashing through a window. A group of Cybermen. The Daleks spitting outward from the Genesis Ark. The Empress of the Racnoss. The Ood. The Sycorax. The Sontarans. The Silurians (I think. Fish looking people.) The Reapers. The Hath. And all the while over this, the Doctor is speaking.)

TD: Cause you're not the first lot to have come here. Oh, there have been SO many. And what you've got to ask is... what happened to them?

(He steps out of shot, still fiddling with his tie, as the Atraxi globe flicks through only ten more images. Doctors the First. Second. Third. Fourth. Fifth. Sixth. Seventh. Eighth. Ninth. Tenth. As it gets to Ten, Eleven steps through the hologram, a curious smile on his face and his full costume on, including bow-tie and jacket, and the hologram abruptly disappears.)

TD: Hello. I'm the Doctor. (Pause. He gives a small breath of laughter.) Basically. (pause) Run.

(How you can tell that its eye is widening without actual eyelids, I don't know, but this eye looks terrified. It scoots back up into its ship, and the ship leaves, hurriedly. Amy laughs, behind him, as he stares up, grinning, into the sky - then suddenly jerks slightly. There's something boiling in his pocket. He pulls it out... it's the TARDIS key, glowing.)

AP: Is that it? Is that them gone for good? (pause) Who were they?

(No one answers - Amy and Rory look around. The door back into the building is wide open, and the Doctor is already gone.
Downstairs, and the Doctor is running out of the hospital, out the front door, across the little roundabout. He doesn't even seem to have remembered the fire engine.)

(Amy's back garden. The TARDIS is standing upright, looking very blue and particularly snazzy, no longer pouring with smoke. There's a St. John's Ambulance sticker on the door now. It's even changed shape, a tiny bit.)

TD: Okay. What have you got for me this time? (He pulls out the key, rushes to unlock, and then stands in the doorway, bathed in an orange glow.) ...Look at you. (pause) Oh, you sexy thing. Look at you!

(He heads inside, and the TARDIS starts to dematerialise, just as Amy and Rory rush into the garden. Amy stands slightly ahead of Rory, and as the winds whip around her as the TARDIS disappears she closes her eyes. She let him go again.

Flash back to Young Amy, still sitting on her suitcase in the garden, in her little red hat and wellies and big coat. The TARDIS materialisation sound is heard, and she looks up, gleeful.

Back to older Amy now, asleep. The materialisation seems to be coming from her garden. Her eyes flick open. She's definitely not dreaming, but she runs to the window to check. The TARDIS is very definitely there, and she darts off.

Outside, she exits from the door, shoes on, just pulling her dressing gown on. The Doctor is standing just in front of his TARDIS.)

TD: Sorry about running off earlier! Brand new TARDIS, bit exciting! Just had a quick hop to the Moon and back to run her in. (Amy runs slightly closer to them, stopping at the small archway.) She's ready for the big stuff now. (He pats the TARDIS.)

AP: ...It's you. You came back.

TD: Course I came back. I always come back. Something wrong with that?

AP: And you kept the clothes? (She walks over to them, standing beside the TARDIS as he is.)

TD: Well, I just saved the world. The whole planet, for about the millionth time, no charge, yeah. Shoot me. I kept the clothes.

AP: Including the bow-tie.

TD: Yeah. It's cool. Bow-ties are cool.

AP: Are you from another planet?

TD: Yeah.

AP: 'Kay...

TD: So what do you think?

AP: What?

TD: Other planets, wanna check some out?

AP: What does that mean?

TD: It means, well, it means... come wi' me.

AP: Where?

TD: Wherever you like.

AP: (Looking up at the TARDIS.) All that stuff that happened, the hospital, the spaceships, Prisoner Zero-

TD: Oh, don't worry, that's just the beginning, there's loads more.

AP: Yeah, but those things, those... amazing things, all that stuff.

(The Doctor's nodding, happily, like he knows where this is going. But she suddenly steps towards him, looking harder.)

AP: That was two YEARS ago!

TD: Ooohhh. Oops.

AP: Yeah.

TD: So that's...

AP: Fourteen years!

TD: Fourteen years since fish custard. Amy Pond. The girl who waited, you've waited long enough.

AP: ....When I was a kid, you said there was a swimming pool. And a library, and the swimming pool was in the library.

TD: Yeah. Not sure where it's got to now, it'll turn up! So! Coming?

AP: (shaking her head) No.

TD: You wanted to come fourteen years ago.

AP: I grew up.

TD: Don't worry. I'll soon fix that.

(He clicks his fingers, and the TARDIS door opens. The deep orange glow spills out, as Amy stares inside. She glances briefly to the Doctor, who's looking just a little smug, and then laughs, before slowly stepping inside. The Doctor steps in behind her, closes the door, and simply moves around her to head up to the console as she takes her time. She stares around, wide-eyed.)

TD: Well? Anything you wanna say? Any passing remarks? I've heard them all.

(Amy's looking totally lost for words. The Doctor simply runs up to the console and does a little bounce as he reaches it, and we see the room in all its glory. Now, the TARDIS is such a huge and complex thing that I genuinely couldn't describe this. If you need a description, the best thing to do is just find screencaps, and the best cap gallery I know of is )

AP: .....I'm in my nightie.

TD: Oh, don't worry! Plenty of clothes in the wardrobe. And, possibly, a swimming pool. So! All of time, and space, everything that ever happened or that ever will. Where do you wanna start?

(Amy stops staring around to look at the Doctor, and stalks up to him.)

AP: You are so sure that I'm coming.

TD: Yeah. I am.

AP: Why?

TD: Cause you're the Scottish girl, in the English village, and I know how that feels.

(They both wander around the console, BOTH prodding things they probably shouldn't.)

AP: Oh, do you?

TD: Well, all these years living here, most of your life, and you've still got that accent. Yeah, you're coming. (he dings a little bell on the console.)

AP: Can you get me back for tomorrow morning?

TD: It's a time machine. I can get you back for five minutes ago. Why? What's tomorrow?

AP: Nothing. Nothing! Just, you know. Stuff.

TD: All right, then. Back in time for 'stuff'.

(A new sonic screwdriver suddenly raises itself up out of the console, and the Doctor snatches it up gleefully.)

TD: Oh, a new one! Lovely. (whispering to the TARDIS) Thanks, dear.

(He gets back to musing around the console, typing away at a typewriter with no paper. Amy pulls on a lever, then turns and stares up at the room, still looking quite disbelieving. Suddenly she turns to face the Doctor.)

AP: Why me?

TD: Why not?

AP: No, seriously. You are asking me to run away with you in the middle of the night, it's a fair question. Why me?

TD: Dunno! Fun! Do I have to have a reason?

AP: People always have a reason.

TD: Do I look like people?

AP: Yes!

TD: Been knocking around on my own for a while, my choice, but I've started talking to myself, all the time, it's giving me earache.

AP: You're lonely. That's it. Just that.

(They both wander around to face each other.)

TD: Just that. Promise.

(Right behind the Doctor's head, is a television screen. And on it, right now, is the crack. The same crack as was in Amy's wall, exactly the same shape. Very creepy.)

AP: Okay.

(The Doctor doesn't seem to have noticed it as he switches the television screen off, but there's always the possibility.)

TD: So you're okay then? Cause this place. Sometimes it can make people feel a bit... you know.

AP: I'm fine. Fine. It's just... there's a whole world in here, just like you said. It's all true. I thought, well, I'd, I'd started to think that maybe you were just like a... madman with a box.

TD: Amy Pond, there's something you better understand about me, cause it's important, and one day, your life may depend on it. I am definitely a madman with a box.

(He grins broadly at her until she does, then laughs, and she laughs too as he turns and starts to dart around the console.)

TD: Ha haa, yes! Goodbye, Leadworth! Hello... everything!

(He jams down a lever, and he and Amy cling to the console as the TARDIS begins to dematerialise, laughing all the time. Eventually the TARDIS disappears, completely, from Amy Pond's garden.
Upstairs, in Amy's house. The camera tracks over small objects, and drawings. A homemade model TARDIS. A Doctor and Young Amy doll made out of cardboard. Drawings of the TARDIS, more figures, models, all of Young Amy and the Doctor. Clothes pegs, even slightly more sophisticated actual dolls. They've all been laid out carefully on Amy's bedside table. We keep moving along, until we see... A white dress, hanging up beside the bedside table. A veil is draped over it, and it's clear this is Amy's wedding dress.)


transcript, doctor who

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