SG:Universe fic: "Unfolding" (Vanessa/Rush)

Nov 15, 2009 21:56

Title: Unfolding.
Author: Rodlox.
Fandom: Stargate:Universe
series: "The Pair"
Rating: PG13
Characters/Pairing: Nicholas Rush/Vanessa James, Ronald Greer, Everett Scott, the late Mrs. Rush; mention of Eli, Scott, Volker, Park.
Request: Could someone make me a Vanessa/Rush icon?

Summary: It had begun, as do all things of signifigance, with a word: her name.
Quotes from
And he shall flee to one of those cities,
-Joshua 20:4

2nd Lt Vanessa James didn't stomp her feet - never had, it'd been drilled out of her long before she had ever donned a uniform. But the look on her face conveyed her anger sufficiently that the civilians all got out of her way whenever she passed their way en route to one of Destiny's rooms that the military contingent had taken. The only person here right now was Greer, keeping quiet, keeping to himself.

Once there, Vanessa leaned herself against one wall, pressing her spine into the hard surface, as if the pressure could erase what she had just done. It didn't, and she knew it couldn't.

She'd come here because it was safe here, secure, of limited access. Rush had refused to shut up, even when she'd glared at him, he'd just kept talking - at times like she wasn't even there. Whether from the heat of the moment, sheer desperation, or whyever, Vanessa had grabbed him by the hair and kissed him hard. At least he shut up. Letting go, Lt James had turned and fled for the second time in her life.

Here in the military supply room, in violation of what she'd grown up hearing, she allowed herself to picture her hands squeezing his throat, him gasping for air in her mind's eye.

What her hands did, instead, was stop halfway, fingertips sliding up and down the she was stroking his neck in an embrace. "Traitor," she whispered at her hand.

Greer looked up at her from where he was cleaning the guns - she hadn't heard about him committing another infraction or pissing anyone off lately, so this cleaning might just be to pass the time - and Greer's face had a question he didn't need to ask.

"Not you," Lt James said. "Another guy."

"Poor him," Greer said in that deadpan tone.

And God said, "Let there be
-Genesis, 1:6


It had begun, as do all things of signifigance, with a word: her name. "James," Colonel Young said, calling over over.

"Yes sir?" she asked once she had crossed the room.

"I want you to accompany Dr Rush wherever he goes from now on. Keep an eye on him, keep him out of trouble."

The first part of that stuck in her ears, making the second sentence harder to hear. "Sir?" Vanessa James said.

"You're the only one I trust who's not about to strangle him," Young said. Placing a hand on her shoulder, "You'll do fine."

Thank you, sir, for your confidence, she thought to herself. Vanessa saluted, then went to find where Rush had gone.

And the king loved Esther more than all the women, and she won grace and favor before him more than all the maidens,
Book of Esther, 2:17


Mom always said it was why there were so many laws about lying: in any closed community, there was only so far you could go to get away, and thus any lie or secret would be revealed after not too long.

So it was on Destiny, that after a week of their involvement, only a handful knew there was anything going on between Dr Rush and 2nd Lt James. Colonel Young knew, though Vanessa didn't think there was anything on the ship he didn't know about.

I.O.A.'s agent on the scene Ms. Wray knew, and Lt James wasn't sure she wanted to know how the woman'd come to know, but appreciated Wray's taking her aside one day and telling her that if Rush ever hurt her, Wray would ruin him.

Lt Scott was amusing how he kept alternating between looking like a kicked puppy, and like he'd just seen Dracula naked.

Eli might have found out. Then again, Vanessa mused, he's been looking at me and Rush with the same expression pretty much ever since I was assigned to stay with Rush, so that's not much help.

Between the almost-daily problems with the ship and supplies, and the aforementioned ship size and population, she hadn't had the opportunity to sleep with Rush. Not that she minded greatly - what passed between them (banter, kisses, eye sex) was sufficient for a while now. And I learn from my mistakes - no more hurried joinings in the equivilent of a closet.

It was more the people who *didn't* know about the relationship, who were the pains in their ass. Dr.s Volker, Park, and all the others who wanted to know why Rush placed her opinion as more valuable than theirs - and when he once more refused to explain himself, they assumed it was his way of snubbing them and their work.

It is better to go to a house of mourning than to go to a house of feasting, for that is the end of every man,
-Ecclesiastes 7:2


Time passed, as was its nature, and they were on Earth. In a cemetary.

Madeline Carey Rush the tombstone read.

Not knowing what to say - in a way, I'm still the other woman, and long since at peace with that fact - Vanessa stepped forward, placed a pebble on the gravestone, and took a step back.

Nicholas, beside her, grazed her knuckles with his own, but said nothing - she imagined he was as unsure of what to say as she was. That or he's always silent at her grave.

At that moment, the sun shone out through a crack in the clouds, illuminating the three of them.

The End?

stargate universe, series, vanessa james, stargate universe fanfiction, star, stargate

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