PROPHECY: Halle Berry Clashes w/ UK DJ, Pat Robertson Psychic

May 20, 2006 13:00

Here's a PREFECT Example of what I've been talking about for the last week:
  1. It shows how can affect people Psychic Mind Influence
  2. It showcases Scripts and Staged Events
  3. It shows Individual Strands
  4. It shows how People are chosen and the Subconscious Minds "roleplay" or set up an scenario that is newsworthy
When you're reading the article below, look more at the different LAYERS of who's doing what in comparison to what I said in my Journal:
  1. What was meant to be a friendly chat to promote the new "X-Men" movie turned into a frosty discussion about race on a popular morning radio program, but the British Broadcasting Corp. defended its disc jockey:
    1. I said 5/16/2006 that Bliss as CHRISTine is in the UK
    2. I've been saying that I"ve been going off on Davis who's African-American, but my comments aren't meant to be Racist
    3. Notice how the UK BBC Spokesperson is defending Chris/Christine
    4. I said 11/5/2005 that "God is a DJ"
    5. You see God as the DJ being defended for his comments (whether right or wrong)
  2. A radio host interviewing 'X-Men' co-stars Halle Berry and Hugh Jackman irked the actress when he impersonated what he said was a "big, fat, black guy":
    1. I said 5/18/2006 about Halle Berry playing the X-Men character Storm
    2. I said 10/28/2005 that Hugh Jackman is starring in "Flushed Away" as the Voice of Rod. I'm Rod
  3. Oscar-winning actress Halle Berry appeared on Chris Moyles' Radio One breakfast show Thursday morning:
    1. Chris = Christ
    2. I said 5/19/2006 that Bliss is CHRISTine
    3. I said 10/7/2005 that all the Letters in CHRIST add up to 77, which is IR on the Periodic Table (My Initials)
  4. "Are we having a racist moment here?" Berry asked Moyles after she took exception to his impersonation:
    1. Chris = Christ = Rod
    2. Northwest = Rod
    3. Chris = Northwest
    4. Halle Berry = Storm
    5. PROPHECY: I said 5/18/2006 that Pat Robertson predicted a Storm hitting the Northwest
  5. "There was nothing racist in what Chris said, and he made that clear on air," a BBC spokesman:
    1. On one Level, it's the women defending Bliss as Christine who's been picking on me
    2. On another Level is Rod as "God the DJ" who is being defended (Whether it's right or wrong remains to be seen, but you're just see the God/DJ Tag manifesting itself )
    3. You see how it's revolving around the UK defending Bliss as Christine because she got away with bad-talking me
  6. The exchange began when Hugh Jackman , Berry's "X-Men: The Last Stand" co-star, jokingly suggested that Moyles might take the role of his body double if he ever landed the part of James Bond:
    1. It's because I said I'm Wolverine
    2. I said 328/2006 that I'm the real James Bond
    3. The reason why Chris Moyles reacted saying about Black is because I'm B/L.A.-CK = Gemini(B/2) Los Angeles(L.A.) Clark Kent(CK)
  7. Moyles replied: "I'm a black American guy. A big, fat, black guy. Put your hands up in the air:
    1. M.O.-Y/Le-S = Mission Objective(M.O.) Male(Y) Definite(Le/The-Fr./Father) Superman(S)
    2. It's showing how Davis sometimes opens his mouth without thinking
  8. The interview continued, though the DJ later said Berry was "ratty" - British slang for grouchy:
    1. UK = Old God(U/V in Old Allphabet) Aquarius(K/11)
    2. I said Davis is born Aquarius
    3. I said 1/12/2006 that Davis is born Year of the Rat
  9. Journal ID Number #19811130:
    1. 19811130 = 1981/11-30
    2. Isabella Valentine and Sunny Leone are born in 1981 (Year of the Cock)
    3. 11/30 = My Cousin Helen's Birthday
    4. I said 12/17/2005 that Sunny Leone is the real Helen of Troy
    5. I said 11/5/2005 that Helen Slater was Supergirl
    6. I said 5/19/2006 that Bliss was one of the original Supergirls
    7. Notice the Supergirl Tag tagged to Bliss
  10. 2006-05-19 11:23:36:
    1. 11:23 = 11/23
    2. I said 5/19/2006 that Bliss is Kelly Brook born 11/23
    3. Kelly Brook is from the UK like Bliss
    4. You're seeing a Psychic Heat-Seeking Missile attached to this Article zeroing in on that Bliss Tag for the UK, Kelly Brook, and 11/23 and detonating
    5. That's why online I was nicknamed the "Detonator" by Amanda on the Chat Place "Starship" in 1994 :o)
    6. My Nickname and Slogan used to be "Det to Society: PAID IN FULL"
  11. Updated:2006-05-20 11:27:21: I said 11/27/2005 that Sunny Leone's BF is born 11/11
Notice how everything is FIGURATIVE. I said I've been bringing all the Superheroes to Life.

In this case, you have to break the situation down:
  1. You have to approach this as a Judicial Process.
  2. When you find out WHY people are doing, you can judge more clearly
  3. If you know how and why the Subconscious Minds set it up where Hugh Jackman set up the shot, Chris said that comment, and Halle Berry turned frosty, you'll see how they all got played
This is the power of the Subconscious Minds of Hugh Jackman, Chris Moyles, and Halle Berry working together to create that scene played out by their Conscious Minds.

The reason why this is such an important point to make is because people see past the illusion. If people realized that a lot of things are STAGED, they won't get as angry at each other. They'll see past the illusion and realize that their Subconscious Minds are steering them toward reactions and to do things.

If the Conscious Minds of people get SMART about this, maybe they can find out what the objective is and a more PEACEFUL resolution rather than having bad blood and being pissed off at each other.

I said that people should watch "Army of Darkness" where you have two warring factions that are angry with each other thinking that the other side is causing the Death and Destruction. That'st he Caucasian and African Communitys angrya t each other.

Technically, it was neither one's fault.

It was the Subconscious Minds creating that tension on purpose to make both sides mad at each other. On top of that, I said that the reason why the African-Americans had to endure 400 years worth of Slaver was to BALANCE OUT how Davis who's African-American has been enslaving a Jesus Christ and Virgin Mary figture.

I said Davis hasn't been paying for me any of my services. When you enslave a God Figure having that God do your personal Tech Support, wait on you hand and foot, be your personal driver, and screw up God's fiances, that's how you get balance.

That's why the Black Community really shouldn't be punishing the White Community. They just weren't told why they were being enslaved for 400 years. It's to also establish my Level of Importance so that people gete a CLEAR PICTURE of the value of MY SERVICES and when you use me. It's to establish Value.

I said 3/28/2006 that if you could put a value on my Journal Entries and the SECRETS that I've been revealing about the Planet and how things work, it would be valued in the Millions or BILLIONS of Dollars. That's why the Planet was teasing that if I prepared a Hamburger for you, it would cost $4,334.33...LOL

That's the cost of MY LABOR and when you make ME do things for you. That's why you're better off just doing it yourself rather than hiring me. Because if you can't pay for it financially, the Planet is going to take it out of your Paycheck later on. That could be in the form of your children and grandchildren having to work it off.

That's what happened with the Black Community. All that suffering all because of ONE BLACK GUY who hasn't even been using me for more than 3 years. That's how sad it is.

Everyone Laughing at Pat Robertson
The other funny thing about this article is that Pat Robertson gets the last laugh:
  1. I said 5/18/2006 about how everyone is laughing at Pat Robertson who claims God told him about a "Storm" hitting the "U.S."
  2. I said that Bliss = Supergirl = Jessica Simpson's "With You" = Jessica Alba = Character Sue Storm = Storm = Halle Berry
  3. Christ = Rod = Rod from the Pacific Northwest
  4. Pat Robertson heard correctly, but it was figurative
  5. That's how you get a TRAIN of Thought from "God"
Notice how the Planet is messing with people's heads:
  1. On one hand, it's confirming that Pat Robertson was correct
  2. On the other hand, in order to establish it as True Prophecy, you have to ACKNOWLEDGE that Rod = God/Christ
  3. It's forcing the Followers of Pat Robertson to have to figure out whether Rod really is on a God Level or not
I said that the Planet plays Chess against people where it will CONCEDE one point in exchange for something of Greater Value. It's willing to concede to the Religiious Followers of Pat Robertson that he was correct, but Pat Robertson and his followers have to acknowledge that Rod is God.

See how messed up that is? So what do you do? Are people willing to really concede that?

It also screws up the Argument that Rod is Satan or a Force of Evil. Unless you want to start playing Religious Politics and claim that Rod is "dangling bait" and really a Satanic Figure that is tricking Pat Robertson.

However, regardless of whether people call me God or Satan, people have to acknowledge that my Psychic Abilities really do exist. Which comes back to what I said for the last two years that I was never lying about my Psychic Abilities or how I observed Psychic Phenomenon.

It's so hypocritical of people to accuse me of being a bad person who abuses his Psychic Abilities when I had been SAYING ALL ALONG about how it works. Those same people beat up on me and told me to fuck off.

I said it's so UNFAIR for people to go off on me about the way I manage or handle my Psychic Abilities when they didn't even believe it in the first place. That's why I said, "Don't come crying to me when it turns out that I was actually right."

It's also REALLY hypocritical of people to go around bad-talking me and saying how I'm a bad person, but turning around and USING MY RESEARCH that I had to SWEAT and TOIL OVER for the last two years with NO HELP and NO SUPPORT from ANYBODY.

All the while when I was doing this, everyone was jeering at me and claiming I was on a Fool's Errand and fucking MORON and crazy.

Those people who dare accuse me of being bad and a loser but turn around and use my Information and Research on Psychic Theory for THEIR BENEFIT are the lowlife scum.

It's okay to talk crap about me but as soon as I turn out to be right, I don't even get an apology and those VERY PEOPLE who were talking shit about me turn around and try to be GREEDY OPPORTUNISTS that try to steal and Plagiarize my work.

That's how it is with Kids and Bullies. They'll sit there and criticize you when you're doing somethign that looks crazy. Then when it works, they won't apologize. Instead, they'll try to take what you have.

Mark my words. There are going to be some SNEAKY people who were siding with Bliss and all the others that ENJOYED mocking and ridiculing me who will find out that my Psychic Theories really do work and then they're going to try using it for themselves and see if they can figure out how to profit and make money from my Research.

That's how SELFISH people are.

I've been quite content sitting happily in my little corner playing with my "new Toy" that I made and I discovered. I don't care to socialize with other people. Especially the ones that were being MEAN to me.

I created my own Happy Little World, and I've been doing just fine having fun and playing with all my new friends in the Subconsious/Psychic Realm.

Halle Berry Clashes With Disc Jockey
LONDON (May 19) - What was meant to be a friendly chat to promote the new "X-Men" movie turned into a frosty discussion about race on a popular morning radio program, but the British Broadcasting Corp. defended its disc jockey.

'Are We Having a Racist Moment Here?'

Susana Gonzalez, AFP/Getty Images
A radio host interviewing 'X-Men' co-stars Halle Berry and Hugh Jackman irked the actress when he impersonated what he said was a "big, fat, black guy."

Oscar-winning actress Halle Berry appeared on Chris Moyles' Radio One breakfast show Thursday morning and clashed with her host after he impersonated what he described as a "big, fat, black guy."

"Are we having a racist moment here?" Berry asked Moyles after she took exception to his impersonation. Moyles said he just couldn't do American accents.

"There was nothing racist in what Chris said, and he made that clear on air," a BBC spokesman said Friday on condition of anonymity, in line with the corporation's policy.

The exchange began when Hugh Jackman , Berry's "X-Men: The Last Stand" co-star, jokingly suggested that Moyles might take the role of his body double if he ever landed the part of James Bond.

"I could definitely do that," Moyles said before adding, "Put your hands in the air!"

A somewhat puzzled Jackman replied, "Are you some kind of Brooklyn Bond?"

Moyles replied: "I'm a black American guy. A big, fat, black guy. Put your hands up in the air."

The interview continued, though the DJ later said Berry was "ratty" - British slang for grouchy.

2006-05-19 11:23:36
Updated:2006-05-20 11:27:21

[Click Here for Original Link]

davis, prophecies, uk, plagiarism, god, christine, 1130, rat, ethics, james bond, satan, religion, signs, supergirl, jesus christ, wolverine, storm

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