PROPHECY: Kansas, 1/29, John Forsythe, "Charlie's Angels"

May 11, 2006 19:15

While we're on the subject of dates...
  1. Kansas: Did you know that Kansas was inducted into the Union on 1/29? :o)
  2. 129: 1/29 = 129 = 12/9:
    1. I said 5/11/2006 about "Inherit the Wind"
    2. Did you know that Kirk Douglas was born 12/9? :o)
  3. Celebrities:
    1. I said 5/7/2006 about "Mission Impossible III" starring Tom Cruise
    2. TTom Cruise's IMDB Number is 129
    3. That would be like...KANSAS inducted 1/29...LMAO
    4. I said 5/7/2006 that John Forsythe is born 1/29
Pretty neat coincidence, huh? :o)

Let's talk Math:
  1. John Forsythe = Voice of God
  2. John Forsythe = 1/29 (Birthday)
  3. Kansas = 1/29 (Inducted into the U.S.)
  4. Clark Kent is from Kansas
  5. Clark Kent is Superman
  6. Kansas = Land
  7. Planet Earth = Land
  8. I said 10/7/2005 that I'm sperm from my dad who was born 11/19 = K/S = Kansas
  9. I said 4/28/2006 that I'm the real Superman or Clark Kent
  10. I said 3/9/2006 that I symbolize the Throat or the "Voice of God"
Hey! Here's a thought!

Maybe the Planet Earth is trying to draw a HUGE SIGN hinting that if Kansas is the Land and I'm Clark Kent or the real Superman, the Land (Kansas and Planet Earth), which is alive and symbolizing my Dad, produced my Physical Human Body, which is the Planet-Sized Sperm.

If John Forsythe is born 1/29 and Kansas was inducted 1/29 and John Forsythe is the Voice of God, maybe the Planet is like John Forsythe as the Voice of God since Kansas is a Piece of Land and the Planet Earth is made up of Land...:o)
  1. Maybe there were 3 Angeles in "Charlie's Angles because 3 = Gemini the 3rd Sign...
  2. I said I'm Gemini
  3. I said I'm FE-Male (Iron Male)
  4. Maybe the Planet is like John Forsythe (1-19/Kansas) giving Instructions to his "Angel/S" (Angel Superman)
  5. Maybe I'm the "3" (Gemini/3rd Sign) Angel/S that do whatever Charlie says :o)
  6. I said 4/28/2006 that I'm the real Clark Kent. Maybe that's why Clark Kent works for the Daily PLANET...LOL
  7. I said the Evil Rogue Angel is Madison Lee played by Demi Moore born 11/11 like Washington State inducted
  8. Madison Lee did it using the "Cosmo Bedside Astrologer" :o)
  9. In "Charlie's Angels II," they're looking for LEO = Sun ...ROTFLMAO
I don't know how much more obvious you can get with the Hints and Clues...LOL

Maybe that's why I have control over the Global Trends, the Electromagnetic Field, and influencing what surfaces in the Media... :o)

Anyone believe that story? Any takers?


Damn. Tough crowd...LOL

MADISON LEE: Why be an angel when I can play God?

sperm, angels, 129, humor, kansas, lessons, advice, wisdom, god

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