PREDICTION: "Twilight Zone," Rod Serling born Christmas Day

Apr 18, 2006 14:14

This is always my favorite part of about Psychic Phenomenon :). People wonder where my Psychic Abilities are stemming from. I keep saying that I'm tapping into the Electromagnetic Field and that it's backed up by the Planet, which I said is alive and sentient.

Here's more proof showing how big this is:
  1. Christ:
    1. I said 10/7/2005 that all the Letters in CHRIST (C + H + R + I + S + T) add up to 77
    2. 77 = IR on the Periodic Table
    3. My Initilas are IR
  2. Rod Serling Born Christmas Day:
    1. I said 2/2/2006 that Rod Serling is born 2/2/2006
    2. Christmas is for Jesus Christ
    3. My name is Rod
  3. Twilight Zone:
    1. "Twilight Zone" is about unusual or paranormal activity
    2. Rod Serling was the host
    3. I said I have Psychic Abilities
  4. Valentine:
    1. In "Twilight Zone: The Movie," John Lithgow played John Valentine
    2. I said 1/7/2006 that Davis is born Valentine's Day
    3. John Lithgow is on a Plane:
      1. P/Lane = Aquarian Male(P) Lois Lane)
      2. I said Davis is an Aquarian Male(P)
      3. I said 10/21/2005 that Davis is the Male Lois Lane
      4. I said 4/3/2006 that I'm the real Superman
    4. I said 4/8/2006 how Davis was commenting that he always feels like he's in the Twilight Zone
  5. Psychic Occurrences:
    1. I said 1/8/2006 how I used my Psychic Abilities to make Davis smack himself upside the head
    2. I said 4/8/2006 how Bruce Nolan is a Davis Character in "Bruce Almighty" where he complains about how "God is picking on him"
    3. Davis did it again where he's being cheap again where he's attempting to cut off the Cell Phone Service
  6. 5th Dimension:
    1. Ever notice how it says the "FIFTH" Dimension?
    2. 5 = Leo the 5th Sign = Sun
    3. The Sun emits Eletromagnetic Storms
    4. There's a huge one that's going to hit Earth in 2006
    5. Wouldn't it be interesting if it was like a Power Discharge released from the Sun to energize that Electromagnetic Field? ;)
    6. I said the Sun is actually sentient and a living entity...Hint Hint! :D
  7. Scary: S-CA/R-y = Superman(CA) California(CA) Gemini(R/18/2x9/2xI/II) Male(Y)
This is an example of how you see Davis as one of the first victims to get sucked into the "Twilight Zone" and where I've been bending his Reality and affecting events that occur in his life using my Psychic Abilities to influence the people around him, whom he meets, and what he does.
  1. As I keep saying, everything can be influenced by Electricity.
  2. Everyone's swimming around in the Electromagnetic Field that encompasses the Planet
  3. people can be shifted around like they on Remote Control
  4. I said 10/26/2005 how the Japanese invented Technology that can control your Motor Functions
  5. You can do the same thing when you plug into the Electromagnetic Field and go through a person's Subconscious Mind to override their Systems and "slip suggestions" into people's Conscious Minds as long as they don't know
  6. My Psychic Abilities are most effective when people aren't paying attention and just automatically doing what they're told by other people that give them instructions under the guise of a certain assignment even though there's an ulterior motive to it
That's why I wasn't kidding when I said that when people are harassing me or being problematic, the Planet granted me permission to yank them into the "Twilight Zone" where I start fiddling with their Reality.

I send Psychic Instant Messages to all their friends, family, and loved ones causing them to transform as "Sleeper Agents" that activate and influencing things around that individual who's being a problem.

That's how you get the "Matrix" Prophecy where "anyone plugged into the Matrix is a potential Agent." That's how you get that creepy behavior when people start seeing how the people in their lives start acting like Zombies coming after them.

As I said, do you really the Planet would waste all this time training me and then make it where I'm all bark and no bite? That's how you get the Subconscious Minds around the Planet serving as the real Imperial Storm Troopers and the real Darth Vader managing the Evil Empire.

EE = 2 x 5 = Gemini(2) Sun(5/Leo)

AMBULANCE DRIVER: So, you had a pretty big scare up there, huh?
AMBULANCE DRIVER: You wanna see something really scary?

"There is a 5th dimension beyond that which is known to man. It is a dimension as vast as space and as timeless as infinity. It is the middle ground between light and shadow, between science and superstition, and it lies between the pit of man's fears and the summit of his knowledge. This is the dimension of imagination. It is an area which we call…the Twilight Zone."

- Rod Serling, "Twilight Zone"

twilight zone, humor, rod, davis, psychic

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