Here's an example of a Signs embedded in history. It showcases the CRAP that Subconscious Charlie pulled two years ago and how I fired him and kicked his SORRY ASS out.
- I had said 3/19/2006 about Booth Gardner.
- I said Superman changes in a Phone Booth
- Below is a list of the former Washington State Governors
Look carefully at the names of who was Governor and their birthdays:
- Isaac Ingalls Stevens:
- Initials IIG = Gemini(II) God(G)
- AC = Air-Conditioning
- BELO = Jesus Christ(BE/25) Sunny Leone(L/50+O/15=65=5x13)
- The First Term started on 3/17, which is St. Patrick's Day and L u CK of the IR is H
- Birthdate 3/25/1818 = Earth(3) Jesus Christ(25) Rod Rodillon(RR/1818)
- Charles H. Mason (Acting):
- Notice the word ACTING = Pretending
- Inducted 3/26:
- I said 3/8/2006 that my stepdad and mom got married 3/26
- 3/26 = C/Z = Cubic Zirconia = FAKE DIAMOND
- I said Charlie of Bay City Blues was "pretending" to me
- I said Z = Aquarius. Davis is an Aquarius
- Davis is a Z(IR)Con = Aquarius Con with IR in it.
- That's where Davis' LUCKY STREAK is coming from with those Business Deals he's closing on. He's using me as a Lucky Rabbit without realizing it. The only reason why those Subconscious Minds are steering those people to Davis is so that they can get through to me. They're using him to get to me.
- I said that Subconscious Charlie was trying steal the God Powers away from Isabella Valentine
- Notice that of all the Territorial Governors, he's the one that had the most times
- Fayette McMullen:
- Came in between Charles H. Mason
- I said MC used to mean Scorpio(M) Dominant(C), which is Isabella
- Subconscious Isabella was fighting against Subconscious Charlie, but failed
- That's why you see Subconscious Charlie (Charles H. Mason) re-exert himself over Isabella (Fayette McMullen)
- Richard D. Gholson:
- Replaced Charles H. Mason
- Initials RDG = Software(RD/Non-Dr./Non-Drive) God(G)
- G-Ho/L-Son = God(G) Slut(Ho) Bad(L) Christ(Son)
- Subconscious Charlie found a loophole October 2004 where he was able to shove me down into the Color Black on the Color Wheel and be in White/Justice
- Henry M. McGill:
- Initials HMM = Superman Mary Magdalene
- Gill = Fish Gill for breathing underwater
- William Henson Wallace:
- Initials WHW = WW with H in it = Gemini Final(WW) with Superman(H) in it
- William Wallace = Braveheart
- L. Jay S. Turney (Acting):
- Initials LJST LT with JS in it
- I said 12/29/2005 that my Grandmother is Maria and Isabella said she got her name from her grandmother
- I said 12/16/2005 that JS is for Bliss
- I said Isabella and Bliss both joined forces against me. So LT would be the Grandmother (Isabella) and Bliss with JS inside
- LT = Bad(L/Non-7) Female(T/20/XX)
- Wiliam Pickering:
- Initials WP = Final(W) Aquarian Male(P)
- Subconscious Charlie was the original P and the Northeast Male
- I said 10/12/2005 that Charlie is Howard who gets caught by a Psychic on 4/22 in "Minority Report"
- Marshall F Moore:
- Term began on 3/4. Isabella got married that day (See Below)
- Initials MFM = MM with F in it = Mary Magdalene(MM) with Sex(F/6/Sex) in it
- He was born 2/12. I said Charles Schulz died 2/12
- Isabella was Lucy the Bartender and her partner was Charlie of Bay City Blues named after Charlie Brown
- Notice how the birth of MM (Mary Magdalene) is the Death of Charlie (Charles Schulz)
- Alvan Flanders:
- Alvan = AL/Van = IR(AL) IR(Van/They Go-Spanish)
- F/Landers = Bad Lander
- That would be like the "Greatest American Hero" who's a bad Lander
- I wasn't very good at landing and so I crash
- Edward Selig Salomon:
- Initials ESS = Sun(E) Gemini Superman)
- ES/S = Northwest(ES/Non-SE/NW) Superman)
- Born 12/25 Christmas Day
- William Augustus Newell:
- Initials WAN = Washington(WA) Nature(N)
- Born 9/5 = 95 = Sun Superman
- Died 8/8 = Gemini Superman(HH/88)
- Watson Carvosso Squire:
- Watson = WA-T/Son = Washington(WA) Female(T/20/XX) Christ(Son)
- Car-V/O(SS)O = Vehicle(Car) Sun(V) Gemini Sun(OO) with Gemini Superman(SS) in it
- Eugene Semple:
- Eugene = Capital of Oregon
- Or = V in Philosophy = 5 in Roman Numerals = Sun
- S(e)mple = S(a)mple
- Miles Conway Moore:
- Initials MCM = MM with C in it = Mary Magdalene(MM) with Dominant(C) in it
- Con/WA-y = Trick(Con) Washington(WA) Male(Y)
- MM = Scorpio Scorpio = Non-Scorpio = Taurus = Sunny Leone born 5/13
- Washington became the 42nd State, which is me (Rod)
Isabella using pictures of Sunny Leone is how I got tricked into this damn job!!! :o)
I went chasing after some hot pussy and the steel doors on the trap swung down on me. That's why I'm now a poor Rabbit trapped in a CA/G.E. (California General Electric).
That's why I'm Pikachu and the yellow Rabbit with Electricity shooting out of its tail!!! :o)
I said I use Subconscious Minds as Surveillance Cameras that allows me to see what you're doing by taking a "Pikachu"!!! :o)
Just like other japanese pokemon names, the word Pikachu has a childish meaning from onomatopeic expressions such as girigiri and pikapika. Pika is taken from the sound of sparks or the effect of something being shiny. Chu is the sound a mouse makes as well as a kiss. Easy for children to remember and understand.
Pikachu is an electric mouse pokemon, although he looks like a rabbit squirrel tiger with cockatiel cheeks. He popularized pokemon and is the main mascot of the show in the united states.
Much more popular now that in japan as now japan has been taken over by battle beatles. Some people want him to die and some want to make love to him. I thought he was cute when I was 12.
Here are a list of the Governors:
- Elisha Peyre Ferry:
- First Governor inducted 11/11
- Ferry = Ir on(Fe) Rod Rodillon(RR) Male(Y)
- That's why as a GA-y Male, I'd be a Washington Fe/RR-y!!!
- FA/IR-y = Fe/RR-y
- That's why as the Virgin Mother, I'm the Washington Ferry or FA/IR-y GODmother!!! :o)
- That's why the Fairy Godmother in "Shrek 2" is such a BITCH and the mother of Prince Charming played by Rupert Evertt born 5/29 for my B-Day :o)
- Everett is a City in Washington State. Just like Prince Rainier of Monaco was named after a Mountain in Washington State :D
- That's how you get the city of Kingston = King Superman(S) Female(T) Activated(On)
- John Hart McGraw: It's for Ali McGraw. I said Subconscious Isabella was Ali or Alison
- John Rankin Rogers:
- JRR = IRR in Old Hebrew (My Initials)
- JRR = JR. R = Junior Gemini = Son Gemini = Christ Gemini
- Henry McBride: That was me getting married as a 5/29(M/13/Rhode Island) Dominant(C) Bride
- Albert Edward Mead:
- Death of Two Governors 3/28/1909
- Initials AEM = God(A) Sunny Leone(E-M/5-13)
- Samual GoodLove Cosgrove: Good Love = Isabella Valentine (Love)
- I said Isabella Valentine uses pictures of SUnny Leone
- I said 3/19/2006 that Reba McEntire is born 3/28, which is the Death Anniverssary of those two Dead Governors
- I said 12/31/2005 that I deleted BOTH Bliss and Isabella from my Journal, which is equivalent to Death and being written out of the Script.
When I write you out of the Script. you're character becomes deceased. That's Subconscious Bliss didn't want to go as Joey playing Dr. Drake Remoray on "Friends"
- Marion E. Hay: Initials MEH = Mother Earth(M.E.) Superman(H)
- Ernest Lister: Ernest Lister = Honest Person who Lists things. I've been listning information
- Roland Hill Hartley: Initials RHH = Gemini(R) Gemini Superman(HH)
- Arthur Bernard Langlie:
- Initials ABL = AL with B in it = IR(AL with Gemini(B/2) in it
- Assumed office 1/13 = A/M = Non-Ma/Pa = Father
- Born 7/25 = Tera Patrick's B-Day. Tera = Terra. Patrick = St. Patrick. My stepdad's born 3/17
- Albert Dean Rosselini:
- Born 1/21 = 11 x 11 = Washington State
- Dean:
- Dean = Dean Cain (Superman)
- Dean = Head of a University. Jesus Christ was a Teacher
- Rosselini = Isabella Rosselini
- Initials ADR = AR with D in it = IR(AR) with Leo Female(D) in it
- Was in office when my mom was born 12/8/1941
- Finished in 1965. 65 = 5 x 13 = Sunny Leone's B-Day
- Monrad Charles Wallgren:
- Notice the Middle Name CHARLES for Charlie of Bay City Blues
- Notice the NON-CONSECUTIVE TERMS of Albert Rosselini and where Monrad CHARLES Wallgren interrupted
- Wall/Gren = Bar(Wall) God(Green)
- Wallgren died 9/18
- That's because I said "terminated" (fired) Subconscious Charlie and KILLED HIS ASS OFF DEAD. We had a Shoot-Out and I straight up murdered his ass in the Subconscious Realm.
- I said 12/31/2006 that my GODfather is born 9/18 = I/R for My Initials
- I don't regret kicking his ass out either. It's because of that DUMBASS that you had that Tsunami and Earthquake that killed over 120,000 Christmas 2004. Not listening and accidentally killing over 120,000 people to me is a FUCK-UP. He thought he was so damn smart and would NEVER listen. Subconscious sensualsky and and Subconscious erinsfantasy were so embarrassed that they pulled their support from Subconscious Charlie because there was no way to rationalize that huge of a FUCK-UP. They finally realized that I was the better Leader and choice. Subconscious isabellaval was already on my side, but she wasn't strong enough to stand up to Subconscious Charlie's Will Power who was bullying her. He couldn't get at the God Powers through me, so he tried to CHEAT and steal it from Isabella wasn't strong enough. Because I couldn't "wake up" Conscious Isabella to show her how her Subconscious was in trouble and being attacked, I was forced to transfer the God Commands over to me by fiddling with the Definitions and Interpretations so that I'd be seen as Fe-Male and where Isabel(O) = Isabel(LA). It was legal anyway, because it's my real name. Isabella isn't even isabellaval's real name. It's from a Video Game Character and from her Grandmother Isabella. That's why I'm the G ran D/Ma (God who ran the Leo Female Mother)
- That's why it's so pathetic how all isabellaval, celticblissy, and those women side with that LOSER who killed all those people and have the NERVE to brand me as a Stalker. Puh-Leaz. They're so blind and can't see what's in front of their noses. He was White Trash. He lives in New Jersey. That's why New York (NY = Nature Male) hates New Jersey.
Mon(RAD) = Mon(T) when Gemini(R) Promo(Ad0 = Female(T)
- Daniel Jackson Evans:
- Initials DJE = Leo Female(D) Dead Rodney Dangerfield(J-E/1-5)
- Began in '65 (Sunny Leone) and finished '77 (IR on the Periodic Table)
- Dixy Lee Ray:
- D/IX-y = Leo Female(D) God(IX/9/I) Male(Y)
- Lee = Leo the 5th Sign
- Ray = Gemini(R/18/2x9/2xI/II) God(A/1) Male(Y)
- Ray is the only one who has died as of 3/19/2006 of all the Washington State Governors after Langlie
- John Dennis Spellman:
- Initials JDS = Non-God(Non-DJ) Superman(S)
- Spell/Man = Man who casts Spells
- I'm Non-God and someone who casts spells
- Booth Gardner:
- Initials BG = Gemini(B/2) God(G)
- Booth = Phone Booth
- Gardner = Gard(e)ner + E(Sun) in it
- Took Office 1/6 = A/P = Non-PA/Ma = Mother
- Michael Edward Lowry:
- Initials MEL = Mother Earth(M.E.) Bad(L)
- Born 3/8 for Jessica Jaymes. I said 1/23/2006 that Jessica Jaymes symbolizes a dead CHRISTopher Reeve as 10/10
- Will Smith, born 925 (opposite of 529), was Detetive Mike Lowry in "Bad Boys II"
- It's the Black Version of me (Rod)
- Born 1/21 like Albert Dean Rosselini.
- Gary Locke:
- GL = God(G) Bad(L/Non-7)
- Gary = Gay with R in it = Homosexual(Gay) with Communication(R/Gemini) in it
LO-CK-E = Sunny Leone(L/50+O/15=65=5x13) Clark Kent(CK) Sun(E/5)
- Born 1/21 = 11 x 11 = Washington State
- Born the same day as Albert Dean Rosselini
- Christine Gregoire:
- CHRISTine = Christ
- G-Re/Go-IR/E = God(G) Rabbit(Re) Go Go(IR-Spanish) Sun(E) = God Rabbit Gemini IR Sun
Notice that CHRIST in E God Rabbit Gemini IR Sun (Gregoire) is the CURRENT Governor of Washington State and a FEMALE.
My mom told me that there was a recount. That was what was happening two years ago when the Subconscious Minds of Charlie, Sky, and Erin were challenging my Authority. Subconscious Isabella actually sided with me. The others were loyal to Subconscious Charlie. Subconscious Sky was wishy washy.
When it comes to
isabellaval's Marriage, that's an example of DATES. I know my Dates and who did what. That's why I'm so ticked that Isabella, Sky, and Bliss have the NERVE to chew my ass out and call me a Psycho Stalker.
I know what was going on two years ago, and that CRAP that went on. Because of their BITCHY ATTITUDES this is the MESS that became of it. It shows women's PREDICTABLE BEHAVIOR that even the Isabella's marriage was staged.