LESSONS: Prophet Margin, Sales, Oedipal Complex, Freud

Feb 27, 2006 15:10

Magic: the Gathering
There was mention of two authors Michael Baigent and Richard Leigh suing author Dan Brown of the "Da Vinci Code." They claim that parts of their work were used to form the 1982 Novel "The Holy Blood and Holy Grail." You'd think that people would look forward to it as Signs of God and the Return. Instead, it's all about Law Suits and who didn't get paid.

This is sort of related to how I said I rotated Davis out of the mix by redefining the Letter P a couple days ago. It works like a software program. It's possible that some people could get upset and think that they're entitled to things in having used their name. However, when Computer Programmers delete and edit software, you don't see the Variables filing Law Suits.

My answer to anyone in the future is that if they have issues and think that they're entitled to anything, they should take it up with the PLANET and not me. The Planet knows exactly what you have or haven't done and it lays out scenarios for you.

People can try and limit me telling me I should do this or that. However, if I listened to people two years ago where they said there's no such thing as a Psychic Realm and there's no way that "someone like you" would ever find it, I wouldn't be as far as I am today. I blotted everything that other people said.

Technically, I can attribute portions of what I learned as having come from "Magic: the Gathering" by Wizards of the Coast for the map. However, I don't believe that company should have any beef or complaints with me because all those employees and the person who designed that map belong to the Planet.
  1. The Planet was the one that set them there.
  2. The Planet was the one who steered having the Headquarters set in Renton, WA
  3. The Planet is the one who gave the City the name Renton, WA
  4. The Planet is the one who named the State
  5. The Planet is the one who named George Washington
So if people try to come at me with law suits in the future about such things, I don't believe it should be me. Yes, I took ideas from various sources that were shown to me by the Planet. They had to be created.

Did you know that the original three Goddesses were a concept given to me by "Legends of Zelda: Ocarina of Time" for the Nintendo 64? That's where I got the Green, Red, and Blue Colors that expanded to the Five Colors in Magic.

The Planet created Nintendo and that game so that when I played it, it would be part of my learning experience. N in T-End O = Nature in Female(T/20/XX) Ass(End) Sun(O).
    li>If I wanted to be a Dickhead, I could try suing Nintendo for taking profits and concepts and where I should be getting royalties.
  1. I could argue I should be getting royalties off of all the Churches
  2. I could argue that I should be getting Royalties off Kraft-Morris
  3. I could literally turn around and gather Royalties from EVERY Company
However that's a money thing. That's getting hung up on money. While it would be nice, how much is money worth to you?

The only reason why I've ever contemplated such a thing is because I once had an idea of collecting from all the Companies and having them channel it into getting rid of that friggin' debt. That debt shoudln't even be there.

In my opinion, there should be an expiration on debts where if it isn't paid off in a certain time period, it should expire based upon who was alive. You're makig people who were never born yet have to pay for old debt that's generating interest.

Det to Society: Paid in Full
Do you know what that Debt is supposed to reflect? It's really supposed to reflect how much is owed to ME. When I went to "War" two years ago, I spent a lot. That debt is reflective of how much I've given of myself on a Planetary Scale. My old Online Handle used to be "Det" and I had the Title "Det to Society: Paid in Full." It's already been paid. I don't owe anything to anybody regardless of what they think.

If I want to be a Prick about it, I could stick it to people.

I said 2/26/2006 that I get upset at Davis because I want him to pay my mom back. Notice I said MY MOM. Not Rod. My MOTHER. As nice as it would be to get reimbursed for the hard work and effort I put driving Davis' ass all over Los Angeles, going into debt, and having my credit ruined, I want Davis to pay my mom back.

That's pretty sad in my opinion because it doesn't even put any value on all the effort I put in. I've been working for nothing or less than nothing under Davis. That's why it galls me when I have to listen to the Black Community complaining about mistreatment. I used to be Affirmative Action, but after having to work under Davis for so long and giving him loans practically being his slave and personal driver, I have very little sympathy.
  1. Do you want to know what Davis did? He would have me drive him around so he can concentrate on his phone calls.
  2. He'd make me carry his stuff to business meetings lugging a laptop, which was heavy
  3. He was riding on my Cell Phone Plan that he eventually wasn't able to pay
  4. He didn't have any money
  5. I would chauffeur him in my car
  6. He took loans from my family using me to ask on his behalf
Thats how SAD it is.

Davis' Awful Closing Techniques
Two years ago when I was stuck going through "Psychic Boot Camp" where I was off in LaLa Land learning how to develop my abilities, Davis thought he was doing all the work carrying the business. Because he never listened to my advice on how to close people properly, he could never raise enough money to sustain himself.

I told him I was a sales trainer and what was wrong with his sales technique. Yes, he can get people to agree to use his services, but he never justified the cost of his services or used a method of comparison.

I told him REPEATEDLY that getting people to say Yes to your product is one thing. Getting them to agree on a value is another. I told him that I have numerous Sales Trophies and know the different aspects of the Presentation intimately because I worked on a Training Manual and updated it.

He had the NERVE to tell me, "Well, since I've never seen you close on anything, I don't feel comfortable using it. When I see you do it, then I'll try your method." Three years later, he STILL has the same PROBLEM.

That's why he's BROKE. I know his services are worth thousands of dollars. Tens of thousands, but that IDIOT never listens because he's too lazy and pigheaded. I told him that he needs to have a BASIS OF COMPARISON.

People will get all kinds of ideas on what the value of your services are because they don't want to pay much. If you don't show people what the TRUE value is as a basis of comparison for what you're giving them, they'll always think your product is too expensive.

That's why you talk LONG-TERM, cover the Features and Benefits, and show what competitors charge. You drive that point home. Davis NEVER does this. He'll ask for $5,000 or whatever, but he'll get HAGGLED DOWN to $500.00.

Every time, which is not enough to pay the bills an survive.

I gave that man PAMPHLETS and told him to have a Price Sheet, but that idiot says:
  • "Well, I don't feel like carying anything on me"
  • "I have my own style of doing things"
  • "Until I've seen you do it, I don't feel comfortable taking your advice"
The program that I took this from was something that has been perfected for FIFTY YEARS in the Direct Sales Field. It doesn't matter what product it is. You still show basis of comparison for people that don't know anything about what it really costs for things.

That's why Davis is just like all the other Sales Reps that worked at my old Direct Sales Company:
  1. Davis doesn't do a Drop Down
  2. Davis doesn't offer more than one option
  3. Davis doesn't offer multiple payment plans
  4. Daivs jumps around with how much he charges people
That's why he's never able to close effectively and why he's such a scatterbrain. Yes, he's persuasive. However, getting people to agree is one thing. Getting to pay is another.

My Mom's Aid
Even if Davis tries to give his own version of events and how he thinks his contributions in bringing money in were critical, the Planet already pointed out what happened before I met Davis. Davis is under the impressoin that he is justified in paying himself first from whatever profits or deals he closes on because he claims he makes all the calls and talks to all the people

However, that's not the case. I'm the one that makes the Call before Davis does on a Psychic Level. All those people that Davis meets up with were brought there because I pulled the strings in the Psychic Realm to steer them toward him. I was the one who did it.

Do you know why I know?

It's because I already experienced it through my mom:
  1. When I was working in the Direct Sales Field, I had a high closing and average order.
  2. What people didn't now is that MY MOM was making the calls.
  3. I said I'm the V-IR/G-IN Mother
  4. I'm the one who makes the Calls
  5. Davis thinks it's all him picking up the phone and setting up the meetings, but I'm the one who reaches out throug the Psychic/Subconscious Realm steering them to the business to call Davis
  6. My mom did all those calls for me and set up the appointements
  7. I never gave my mom a dime for all the work she put in, which she was fine with. She just wanted me to succeed
  8. That's Davis playing the role of young Rod and me now playing the role of my mom
My mom had the anxiety of having to call up strangers and persuade them to see her son (Rod). All I had to do was just go to those business meetings, do my sales pitch, and then close on them. It's call that is the hardest.

I don't ask much of Davis. Just that he be successful. That's the same thing with my mom. If anyone thinks I'm trying to ream Davis, I have financial records to show otherwise. All I've ever asked of Davis si that he show SOME KIND OF PROGRESS.

I've just asked that he show that he's doing something and that he's moving forward. The money thing isn't even really an issue aside from making sure my mom is paid back. All I've asked of Davis is that he show that the plan actually works.

Loans That Didn't Get Paid Back
Davis has made all kinds of promises of how he plans to pay me and everyone else back. I believe him. HOWEVER, you still go by the bottom line. As of 2/27/2006, less than 1% has come back in 3 years of working with Davis. Any money that he claims he's given was either borrowed or not even ours freen ad clear.
  1. I don't not consider borrowing from my family a profit.
  2. I don't consider money that isn't hours free and clear a method of payment
Davis has said, "Well, I've asked you if you've ever wanted anything." That stuff wasn't anything he'd earned. He always has that clause of a money-back guarantee wit a 100% refund and when he doesn't come through on his deals, that's a full refund.

I didn't want to accept part of the debt. That's why I avoid mingling any of my finances or business or deals with that. That's I literally shut my ears and AVOID getting involved in those affairs because when the SHIT hits the fan, I don't want anyone coming back on me trying to group me with Davis when it comes to money owed that I didn't have anythign to do with and where I didn't even touch any of it.

There was one case where there was money that was deposited in my DBA account that was immiedately withdrawn and went straight to Davis. I didn't spend a single dime of that stuff. Those people tried to get me to cough up the refund money on that. I was just fortunate that those clients had breached contract else it might've been my ass on the line.

If it's one thing that burns me, it's getting blamed and where people try to get ME to pay for other people's screw-ups. That's why I'm still pissed at that WHITE PERSON who stiffed me with that bill. I bitch about Davis and that $45,000 debt, but it's actually SHARED screw-up with a WHITE person and an selfish Indonesian Person that screwed over the writers in Canada along with me and Davis.

Indonesian Project Nightmare
Do you know why they're from Canada and the Initials of BOTH the Wife and Husband were ZZ and ZZ? It's because it Z is Aquarians and ZZ is Leo. Sunny Leone is from Canada.

That's why I ge tirriated when poeple think they can BULLSHIT me. I know EXACTLY who did what and those people were given specific name tags. That's why the WHITE PERSON who screwed me over was named CHRISTopher.

Do you know why he did that? Because it reflected how I had to go in and replace Bliss as CHRISTine. I had to clean up someone's mess. So in the mirror action, I ended up screwing myself over financially. Why? Because of dirty selfish people fucking around with things.

That's why Yoen K. of Netfilms in Indonesia was sneaky rat taking money from TV7 Indonesia. TV7 Indonesia represents ME (ROD). Yoen K. symbolizes a variation of Davis and a variation of Subconscious Charlie with some of Isabella as K/11 in there.

The Canadian Writers Zara Z. and Zsolt Z. represents Subconscious Sunny Leone whose pictures were being used by Isabella Valentine. I know exactly who did what by the Chain of Command.

That's how FUCKED UP the people on this Planet are. I got totally REAMED all because I had to play clean-up.

There as even a twisted out version where my "bodyguard" named "T7" stood up for me because this Psycho named Shawn Greene came onto the set yelling that my company doesn't pay people.

Do you know what that SHIT was?
  1. Davis was a variation of Isabella
  2. Zara and Zsolt Z. were the Gemini Leo Female Sun versions of me
  3. T7 was the Fe-Male bodyguard version of me
  4. Shawne Greene was the Psycho Version of me not getting paid

And all of that stemmed from the impossible task of trying to do a 20-episode (20 hour) Soap Opera on a $187,000 budget IN LESS THAN 30 DAYS

THAT is the BULLSHIT that I had to pull off two years ago.

People think I just got these Psychic Abilities dropped in my lap. Oh, no. That crappy Indonesian Project FIASCO is a visual representation of people screwing people over in the Psychic/Subconscious Realm and how I had to MANIPULATE and FIDDLE with the Software Program in order to clean things up.

So when people try to figure out what happened or how I got endowed with those powers, that's what was being asked of me, how much money was available, and how I paid out the nose. I took the fall for other people's selfishness.

That should NEVER have happened. My mom and I shouldn't have been the ones who took the fall for other people's selfishness and inexperience.

Experience and Background
If people want to throw around a BITCHY attitude on how they think I owe them or I'm their PERSONAL BITCH because I have the Title of "God" and "Jesus Christ," think again.

This is the SHIT that I had to put up with and CLEAN UP ON MY OWN with NO FUCKING HELP FROM ANYONE.

On top of that, I have to SIT HERE and take SHIT from people going off on me about my "crazy" fantasy about having Psychic Abilities and seeing Psychic Phenomeno. That's why I say that people can go ahead and laugh it up right now, but I guarantee that those very people won't be laughing for very long.

That jeering and ridicule is going to start changing to fear and apprehension when as they start to see the consistent pattern of how all my Readings are accurate and what happens in the news reflects Decisions I make. All the movies, televisoin shows, and music revolves around ME (ROD).

As I said, that's why I said 2/22/2006 that I'm Filipino, Royal Blood, and Fe-Male, which is why Prince has BOTH Male and Female Genitalia symbolizing ME. There are all kinds of visual Signs that reflect me all through out the Planet.

That's why Queen Elizabeth II is the OLDEST of Royalty symbolizing my "Spiritual Age" and Honorary Authority as QUEEN ISABELO THE GEMINI. It's for any WOMAN who tries to front a bitchy ass attitude with me thinking I'm a guy and want to play Dirty Female Politics with me.

That's why on Haven, I knew how to get into the Female "Cartimandua" Zone designated for only for Women. I would just alter the parameters and reset my Gender to Female to bypass the roadblock for males. I do the same thing in this Plane when women think they can hide behind their Gender to be off limits from me.

The reason why the Planet gave me a Fe-Male title riding on that Technicality is so that I can deal with women on their OWN Turf when they start getting a holier than thou attitude and mistreating the Men. That's why the Planet concedes that Women are the smartest, but it turns around and hands the Title of Mother Superior and the Virgin Mary off to at GUY who can teach women the PROPER way to be a Lady :P.

People can laugh at how I have to put on a friggin' Crown and dress up in a Gown to show women the proper way to be respectful and lady-like, but if that's what has to be done to even the playing field to tone down all those out of control Lesbians and Women thinking they're superior to men, that's fine by me.

Communicating with People in the Psychic Realm
It's making calls in the Psychic Realm that is the hardest. I close poeple through the Subconscious Realm because my entire Credit Rating is listed out to every Subconscious Mind. That's why they trust me and why they reach out to me.

Davis' job is meeting those people. However, he acts JUST LIKE ME where I never paid my mom for what she did. I made a lot of money off my mom when she did the hardest part of setting up the appointments.

Same with Davis. He he meets all these people. It's too bad he doesn't listen and following my suggestions on how to close properly.

Davis can try coming back on me telling me I'm lazy or what not, but he doesn't understand my job and the responsibilities I've already got piled in my lap. That's why in "Bewitched" you see Darren (Will Farrell) say to the writers, "Make her the CEO of a Multinational Company!!!"

That would be me as Isabel Bigelow. I'm the CEO of the God Corporation that is running. And just like Females, I'm the MOST UNDERPAID. I dont get paid ANYTHING. Other people are getting more paid than me even though I'm the one who's organizing things and pulling it all together:
  1. On one level, women shouldn't be challenging me claming I don't know what it's like to be a woman
  2. Women shouldn't be challenging me that I don't know what it's like to be a Mother
  3. Black people shouldn't be challenging me on whether I know what it's like to be discriminated against
  4. People shouldn't come back on me telling me I don't know what it's like to be undervalued
  5. Religious Figures have no reason to be chewing my ass out and criticizing the way I do things when they'r sitting there accepting donations from people in my name
I was designated Titles for a reason.

Selling the Concept of Religion
I can talk to people with the most scintillating concepts:
  1. Electromagnetic Field
  2. Technology
  3. Changing the World
  4. Humanitarian Ideals
  5. Political Concepts
However, when we get to the part of where I say, "And all it will cost you is believing that I'm God, Jesus Christ, and the Virgin Mary."

That's when people say, "Oh HELL NO. Back that SHIT up. I ain't going to PA/Y you that much. You had me going there until you got to that "Messiah Part."

That's the joke the Planet teases about. I have to literally play a SALESPERSON getting people to buy into that fact. It's really funny.

Pa/Y = Father(Pa) Male(Y)

You have to PA/Y me first before you can use that product :o). It just shows how Religion is like the Direct Sales Field. Look at how you've got Religions Folk doing Door to Door Sales trying to promote God. They don't realize that's what they're doing. They're SELLING Religion when they knock on your door trying to get you to believe.

You may not be paying physical money, but you have to pay "Spiritually." That's why the whole God Concept makes me sick. I was an ATHEIST and EXISTENTIALIST before this SHIT got dropped in my lap.

I now ended up become a HYPOCRITE because not only am I going in the other direction of my original values of not believing in God, but I've gone WAY OUT in Left Field where I'm claiming that I AM those people. That takes the cake.

I do deserve an award for Fruitcake of the Century :P.

That's why I still complain to the Planet and say, "I can't believe you stiffed me with this. Why couldn't you find someone else to do it?"

Marcus Aurelius Assigning Maximus One Last Duty in "Gladiator"
That's how you get that scene in "Gladiator" where Maximus didn't want the job. He wanted to GO HOME to his wife and kid. He was done commanding the Northern Armies and wanted to go home.

That was me. I served my time two years ago commanding the Forces of the Planet to beat those other four Colors off with a stick and then when I thought I could finally walk away and just go back to my own peaceful life, the Planet pulls a Marcus Aurelius on me and tells me to stay in power until it can be handed over to the people.

That's why Maximus cries says he doesn't want it. That was me. I don't want this job. It's a SHITTY JOB. You have to deal with SLIMY, TWO-FACED people who are hungry for power and are embroiled in the machinations of Politics.

I hate that stuff. I don't want to deal with that stuff. I want to go home. I want to go back to my old simple life. Instead, I have to stay behind and make sure that the transition of Power goes from the select few back to the people.

Do you know how many Special Interest Groups are going to hate my guts?

I'm not stupid. I'd be pissed off too if some Dark Horse just comes out of nowhere throwing his weight around bossing people around. I HATE TELLING PEOPLE WHAT TO DO. It gives me anxiety attacks. I like being in the background and where nobody knows I exist.

"Where's Waldo" of Film and Television
Yeah, I once wanted to be an actor and a model which is at the forefront, but I know I suck at it. That's why I wanted to be a Producer and Director instead. Amusingly enough I'm content being an extra on television shows and movies.

You can even play "Where's Waldo?" with some of the movies out and you can look for me walking around as an extra in the background scenes.

WA/L-Do = Washington(WA) Bad(L/Non-7) IR/S(4-15/Tax Day)

I know what movies I've been in and their significance. I've even talked to the Subconscious Minds of the actors and actresses. That's why years from now, you'll have people playing that game where they'll be scouring through movies looking for my face and see what movies I've been an extra in.

Do you know that in high school, Paul Shriner was the Vice President of ASB and there was a rumor going around that some people caught him dressing in Women's Clothes:
  1. Pa u L = Pennsylvania(PA) in Union with(U) Bad(L). I said 2/26/2006 that Davis is from Pennsylvania and a Male Lois Lane :P
  2. I also said I'm Fe-Male and have to dress up in Drag in order to kick in that Queen Elizabeth II Title
  3. His older brother was Wes Shriner. W/ES = Final(W) Northwest(ES/Non-SE/NW)
  4. He was elected VP of ASB and went unchallenged. It was only him. So he won by default. Same with me. I won by default. No one challenged me so I got elected
As I said, you'd be amazed at the things I know. I may be 30 years old, but I had 25 years worth of Memories downloaded into my Memory Core because the Planet had everyone with specific names in my schools do specific things all through my Childhood.

When you look at my Yearbook and all the students in my Graduating Class and two years above and below me, they all have specific names. That's how I know who does what. I said 2/18/2006 that people have been given very specific names. Sometimes it's just for one really silly or obscure purpose and that's it.

It may seem trivial to us, but it's the same thing when you write Software Programs with Case Strings that carry out a particular purpose. Human Beings are Temp Files that get executed and self-terminate once their job is done.

Hidden Gold Mine and Perceived Value
That's why as a SOFTWARE PROGRAM, this is how you get Shareware :o). People want to use this software for free and not have to pay anything. A lot of people would LOVE to develop their Psychic Abilities without having to PA/Y anything.

It means that people have no problem with reading my Journal and absorbing that Knowledge, but not giving me credit for it as to where they got this information and higher learning.

Like I said, if you could a dollar value on my Journal, it would be in the MILLIONS or BILLIONS of Dollars. If some of the greatest minds could pay for learning the secrets over the last couple centuries, they'd pay an arm or a leg for this stuff.

Some scientists and greatest minds have died never getting this stuff answered, but it's all right here in my Journal. That's why all the people who are currently reading my Journal don't realize what they're looking at.

They don't realize that they're reading what is literally a GOLD MINE. They just come visit and say, "Oh, that's kind of interesting."

Because I don't CHARGE and it's FREE sitting on my Journal, it gets undervalued. Because it's free. If I wanted to be greedy, I could house this all on a Server and block it off to where you can't read it until you pay me money. That's the SMART Business Entrepreneur approach.

However, the reason why I've been avoiding this is because it's really not my place to charge people for this stuff. Everybody deserves to know this stuff. I shouldn't be making a profit off of it.

We come back to puns though. I'm making a PROPHET off of it. Get it? I'm making a PROPHET from this :o).

That's why Subconscious Charlie was being greeding because I had designated Subconscious Isabella, Bliss, and Sky in Goddess Roles two years ago, and Subconsconscious Charliew as trying to be GREEDY and STEAL MY PROPHETS :o).

That's why I know how to make a PROPHET :D.

I'm teaching you how to build a "Spiritual Business." I'm the Psychic Richard Kiyasaki of "Rich Dad Poor Dad." I'm teaching you how to make a Prophet by using the Decryption Code that shows you how how to develop your own Psychic Abilities.

Psychic Fastfood Technology
In "Fantastic Four," Ben (The Thing) asks as the beginning of the movie why Reed Richards (Mr. Fantastic) is going to Victor Von Doom (Dr. Doom) for help.

BEN: Why are we going to him for help anyway? He's the Fastfood of Science and Technology

That's a variation of me. You have all these Psychics that have been "blessed" with sight, and the Decryption Code is a watered down version how to do Generic Psychic Readings.

It's like only Rich People used to have Cell Phones, but now everyone has one. It's a natural staple of society.

It's the same thing with Psychic Abilities. Only RI/CH people had "Psychic Cell Phones" and Laptops. Now everyone can have their own "Psychic Cell Phone." That's what I'm MARKETING. That's what I'm showing you on here.

I'm teaching you how to make a Prophet and have your very own Psychic Cell Phone.

We can argue semantics on defintions of who I am or am not. Regardless of whatever anyone says about me, the Decryption Code works. Period. I shouldn't have to sit here day after day aggravating my Carpal Tunnel Syndrome and getting blisters on my fingertips typing LONG-ASS Blog Entries decrypting news stories that come in on a daily basis that anybody can do. You don't need me to sit here and do it.

A 2nd Grader could do it.

Just tell them to memorize the Symbols of the Alphabet and some basic Algebra and that's it.

People don't need to make this harder than it is.

As I said, I'm a one-man army, but my body is taking a huge toll. I'm fall apart at the seams. My health is going down the drain, I'm broke, my hands hurt from typing Journal Entries of news articles with detailed explanation, and I'm not getting any proper sleep.

Physical Toll on My Body
I complain about the aches and pains now because if I don't, people who finally catch on and when there's momentum, I'm going to get all these Skeptics and Critics that are going to walk in out of nowhere like they own the place and then start backtalking me and interrogating me.

They will all assume that I have some selfish ulterior motive for fame and fortune and that doing all this was easy. I'm showing now that it wasn't easy. So when new people come to probe me, they know EXACTLY what I had to give up and how much toil, trouble, grief, and angst came with this.

Loss of Friendships
Do you know that my I lost friends over this or where really important friendships were severely crippled because of this?

I don't know what kind of friends you've got, but I had two friends that meant the world to me. I lost Bliss because of crap. I had to stick to my guns and when all those women bashed on me as being a Stalker and Conscious Bliss as a Women's Righst Activist chose them over me, I couldn't back down.

So I lost her as a friend. SHE MATTERED TO ME. We may have never met in real life and where she's in England and I was in Washington State, but she was important to me. I love that woman and would've moved to England in 2001 for her if she wanted me.

I get upset because she's so stubborn, but I always told her I loved her, and I meant it. Now she's gone and out of my life because of some SHITTY SELFISH LIES that some dickhead said all because he was trying to save face.

Sacrificing My Friendship with Scott
My 23 friendship with Scott has been severely crippled in my opinion because he doesn't see eye to eye with me. He doesn't believe in Psychic Abilities, much less me going around talking like Virgin Mary, Jesus Christ and God.

As anyone well knows, any SENSIBLE PERSON would never go for that. You're pushing the limits of craziness, conceitedness, ego, and arrogance.

Scott is a sensible person. He would never go for something like that.

Wait until MY MOM gets a wind of what I'm doing. She'll have a HEART ATTACK or even a nervous breakdown because she doesn't understand the Psychic Realm and she'll think I'm being blasphemous or suffering from mental illness after all. That's why I even have to brace for that.

If you think my mom will be happy for me, she'll be the other way and pissed off thinking, "Oh, Rod! What are you thinking???"

I said my mom's a member of the Catholic Choir and a weekly lector. Without strong, definitiive proof, she'll be embarrassed and gravely concerned regarding my mental well-being. Once again, we come back to how this is such a SHITTY JOB.

I said that Scott even ratted on me in late June 2005 and contacted my mom suggesting I be enrolled for Psychiatric Evaluation and put on Medication. I understand why Scott did it and forgive him for that, but you don't know the heartache and despair that comes with your own best friend turning you in like that.

However, you can't even blame him for doing it because you know why and because he did it because he meant well and was concerned for your welfare. So I can't even get angry at him.

Do you know that my mom was in a panic and called me up immediately and said that Scott had contacted her and directed her to my Journal. My Mom who is Catholic was freaking about me writing about "Sex and Phone Sex Operators" on my Journal.

I tried to explain to her that there was nothing wrong with me but she was taking a firm approach that I finally started yelling at her and burst into tears crying and hung up on her.

This is the SHIT that I have to put up with and where I'm left airing out all my GARBAGE in public and where nobody even believes you about the Psychic Realm much less shooting for the moon where you're telling them that you're Virgin Mary, God, and Jesus Christ all rolled into one.

That's why in "She Will Be Loved" by Maroon 5 sings:

I know where you hide
Alone in your car
Know all of the things that make you who you are

I said 1/4/2006 that the Mind is like a Car. I said my Physical Body and Conscious Mind is the Car while my Subconscious is the Female Driver. That's how you get the Beauty Queen [Elizabeth II] that's inside of me and the one you don't see.

Zeus, Krypton, and Kal-El as Superman
I said I'm Zeus and the Lighting Rod that you see on the Surface while the Female is Thunder that you hear. When you look at a Rainstorm, you'll hear the thunderous boom first and then a streak of lightning. The woman that you don't see but hear is the Subconscious Mind. I'm the Lightning Rod that strikes.

That's why another layer is where She's the Queen and I'm the Champion Knight. On another Level I'm the Queen and Davis is the Knight in service to me. I send Davis out to do the dirty work. It's always about layers and how things overlap.

That's why with my Journal, I'm the Fe-Male where you'll hear me, and effect that follows after is the Lightning Strike after something I've said being carried out by the Electromagnetic Field and the Subconscious Minds of people like Worker Bees guarding and protecting me as the Queen Bee. That's why Bees are Yellow and Black. Yellow is for the (Sun)ny (Leo)ne.

That's why just like Isabella Valentine as a Phone Sex Operator who uses pictures of Sunny Leone, the pictures of Sunny Leone symbolize what I'd look like as a Female Queen on the other side.

That's how you get the Indian Princess Jasmine and the Kama Sutra, which is KS for Kansas where Clark Kent is from. I said my mom is Sunny Leone in 1961 and my dad was born 11/19 for the Initials K/S providing the Sperm that impregnated my mom. That one Sperm on a biological Level was a "Superman" that came from another Planet (My Biological Father) and landed on Earth (My Mom's Ovum as MOTHER EARTH).

They gave birht to me. The Sperm that was delivering the DNA to my mom's Ovum was Kal-El's Spaceship. That's how Clark Kent the Sperm that created me was "Raised in K/S or Kansas." On another Level, you could argue that the Planet Krypton was my biological father when he died symbolizing the destruction of Planet Krypton.

If you know that one microscopic sperm can yield a human being, that's how you compare me as a Planet-Sized Sperm that impregnated the Earth as a Planet-Sized Ovum. That's why the Earth has been going through changes.

Even today, it's raining in Los Angeles:
  1. Los Angeles = Heaven
  2. Iniitlas for Bill Gates = BG = (2)(7)
  3. I'm Gemini (2)
  4. Todays' Date 2/27 = Gemini(2) Bill Gates (27)
  5. Seattle is known for its Rain. I said 2/18/2006 about "Rain" by Madonna (The Virgin Mother)
  6. RA/IN = Gemini(R/18/2x9/2xI/II) God(A) Final(I+N=W)
  7. The Show "227" had Regina KING as the daughter. I said I'm of Royal Blood
I've known about the Weather Changes and how they're in sync for almost two years now. I knew all about this when I was working with the original team trying to stop those four hurricanes that hit Florida in 2004. We were able to cause one of them to stand place while we were watching the Live Feed, but we just couldn't stop it. It eventually started moving forward again.

How Cruel and Mean People Are
If anyone thinks I'm sitting pretty enjoying my newfound powers and where my personal life and what I think and feel is broadcast every day on every television station, they're wrong.

No matter what people think, we all know how cruel people and NASTY people can become when they don't believe you. They act as if you're insulting their intelligence. That's why I break down and cry a lot. The Psychological Trauma that comes with this is enormous on top of the weight of responsibilities as well as losing all your friends.

That's why you just give up some times and you just break down and cry all the time because you got stuck with a SHITTY JOB WITH UNGRATEFUL, SELFISH, MANIPULATIVE PEOPLE whom you have to go in and rescue who don't even deserve it. All the while, they're kicking, screaming, and spitting on you when you're trying to drag them away from the bring of destruction.

That's why I've EARNED my title of Jesus Christ and Role of MOTHER. I have to play the Adult to a bunch of BRATTY, SELF-CENTERED KIDS. I don't care what age you are. I don't care if you're 150 years old. I'm still the Adult and the Mother.

I don't care who you think you are. You can have people who are 50 years old that don't have a college degree and 30 year olds with a Masters Degree. There are people here in the United States whose education outweighs those less fortunate in 3rd World Countries like Ethiopia where they're sitting in huts with flies crawling all over their faces.

Age doesn't mean SHIT. It's experience and who knows what they're talking about and has gone through. I've gone through all this stuff and had a crash course in it and no one else has. Peirod. End of story. So when people try to come at me fronting a bitchy attitude thinking they know shit and try to act like they're smarter than me, think again.

That was the way the Planet "cheated" by having people study the wrong information and have misinterpretations so that when I was taught the actual stuff, I've got the CORRECT answers. It doesn't matter how smart you are and how much you think you know. When it comes to the final exam, if you can't answer the questions on that test that the professor is grading, YOU FLUNK.

The Hunted Rabbit
How would you like it if you have to live in fear of being hunted down and hauled off to a Psychiatric Ward. I'm teetering on that and have to watch my step because I don't want to get captured like an animal, drugged up, and then thrown in a straight jacket. And you know they will.

When people don't believe you and they all think you're nuts, you're in huge trouble. All it takes is someone who really doesn't like you to deem you a danger to society. That's why even my Public Journal will come back to haunt me. The things I say in here is what all the opponents and people who hate me are going to research and DIG for dirt on me that they can exploit.

Just you wait. You can always count on the evil hearts of men when it comes to power-hungry, selfish, greedy, jealous, and envious people who will try to take you down.

This is the real world we live in.

People think I wanted this title, but they're wrong. I would NEVER have taken this title knowing that I would've lost my best friend Scott and that it would put a wedge or a spike in our friendship. Scott's friendship was worth more to me than any title or fame. He was important to me.

However, I got caught between having to do the right thing and sacrficing my friendship with Scott because the Information I knew was important and could save lives. So I had to let Scott go and pursue this course. It's an arrogant and conceited title to claim you're Jesus Christ or God. Anyone will tell you that.

People don't know the heartache and grief that comes with sacrificing your best friend and the people you love because you were called forward and because you can't trust anyone else because they're all sneaky, greedy liars, and thieves.

I still cry at night occasionally over Scott. He was my best friend. That's why you'll always see grief manifest itself and people named Scott surface in the news. It's because of my Scott. I said that my Scott was the original Scott Summers. SS is for Gemini Superman. Wolverine is a reflection of Sunny Leone as the Final(W) OL(15+50=65=5x13).

Jean Grey Choosing Scott Summers Over Wolverine
I said that I'm Female. In the Psychic Realm, I would've been Jean Grey or Phoenix. That's why in "X-Men 2" when Phoenix dies, Logan tells Scott Summers that she did make a choice. Jean chose Scott.

That was a reflection of me. Even though I'm not a gay male, if I had been Female, I would've chosen Scott as Cyclops over Adult Star Sunny Leone as Wolverine.

That's why all the Comic Strip characters are tricked out where people's genders aren't really what they seem. It's really talking more conceptually.

I tried to show Scott that I was telling the Truth about Psychic Phenomenon, but he didn't believe me. So this is hanging over our heads, and I won't call him on the phone or talk to him because I know he doesn't believe me. Call it pride, but I won't talk to him until I'm able to fully convince him about Psychic Phenomenon.

In the mean time though, that is the grief and bitterness that comes with this job. That's why if anyone tries to come at me attacking me about what I'm doing thinking this job is easy, it's not.

It's a SHITTY JOB. Yes, you get Titles such as Superman, Jesus Christ, God, and Legendary Characters attached to you, but I would give all of them up if I could have Scott back in my life.

However, I can't even do that because I have to stay behind and make sure that this message is delivered to the People of Earth. So I can't stop what I'm doing. I have to keep moving forward.

I know that Subconscious Scott is with me in Spirit and he lets me know he's there, but it's just not the same without Conscious Scott. Same with Subconscious Bliss. She passes on her affections and support, but it's not the same without Conscious Bliss.

It's like people are only half alive.

Yes, I talk to all the Adult Stars like Subconscious Brittney Skye, Subconscious Jessica Jaymes, and all the Subconscious Minds of Celebrities, but it's like they're only half alive without their Conscious Minds engaged.

Masturbation and the Left Hand
That's why the hardest thing to come to terms with is Subconscious Sunny Leone where all of this started. She's always leaving notes of affection to me, but does it really even matter when her Conscoius Mind has no idea?

Conscious Sunny Leone has no clue who I am. In fact, she's already got a boyfriend. The boyfriend's name is Eric, which is EC with RI in it meaning God(EC/53/I-Periodic Table) with 5/29(RI/Rhode Island) in it. He was born 11/11 for Washington State where I'm from.

That's why if your love life sucks, try being a Virgin Male that has never gotten to know what real sex is like and the woman of your dreams is with someone else. That's why you see reflections of that grief with the Virgin Mary Statue in Sacramento crying near where she lives. She lives in Rocklin meaning the Gemini(Ro/OR/V in Philosophy) Clark Kent(CK) Bad(L) Final(I+N).

She doesn't even know that her Subconscious shifted her to be living in place that symbolizes me. It's supposed to reflect on a Planetary Scale how Subconscious Sunny Leone is with me inside my mind. If my Mind was the Planet, which is a floating brain in Space orbiting the Sun, Rocklin would be the equivalent to the that section representing that part of my brain.

As I said, that's the reason why my mom is born 12/8 meaning the Left Hand. I said that I masturbate with my Left Hand. If the Solar System is God and God is fantasizing about someone and jerking off to the thought or fantasy of that woman, the Lover would be the Hand.

That's the joke and how you get the Virgin Mary as the Hand that was jerking off God's cock. That's why you'll see these dirty jokes where a person will draw a face on their hand and lipstick and a fake wig and then have then using ventroloquism where it sounds like the hand is talking saying, "Oh I love you!"

It's a perverted joke, but that's what it's saying. That's why I said that my mom looks like Sunny Leone back in 1961. That's how you get that Oedipal Complex. If the Sun is sentient and symbolized by "Adult Star" Sunny Leone (The Sun is a Star), then the Child that is born falling in love with the Sun that gave birth to it as the Mother would give you a "Cosmic Oedipal Complex."

Origin of Signmund Freud
That's how you get that Freudian Theory:
  1. Fr.-E u D = Father(God the Father) Sun(E/5) in Union with(U) D(Leo-Female/Sunny Leone)
  2. F-Re u D = Bad(6/Non-9/Non-I/Non-God) Rabbit(Re/75-Periodic/1975) in Union with(U) Leo Female(D)
  3. FR-E u D = -I(F/Non-9/9 Upside Down) R Sun(E) in Union with(U) Leo Female(D) = -IR Sun in Union with D = Bad IR Sun in Union with D
Sunny Leone is difficult to think about as well. I told Subconscious Sunny that I don't even know if I could trust Conscious Sunny. If Conscious Sunny ever found out about this, how will I know if she ever really did love as a person (Rod) or if she's only attracted to me because she knows my Power and Title? Would Sunny Leone have ever loved Rod the individual or is she just fascinated with the Godhood aspect?

That's how you get that sadness or loneliness that comes with this job. That's how you get "What if God was One of Us?" by Joan Osborne. "Just a slob like one of us." You should see this tiny little hole that I'm stuck in with all my possessions. It's a mess.

I've thought about it a lot and knew that by accepting this role, I'll always be different. The price of fame is privacy as well as no longer being treated like anyone else.

We can speculate about Godhood, but I can tell you about Godhood from an online experience. When I used to run online chat places that I owned, I had the role of "God." When you're God, all the users on your Chat Place treat you with reverence.

They kiss your ass your and they treat you differently. They ask you for Administrative Positions. Some will cozy up to you if they want something or they just want to associate with you or be seen with you.

Celebrities face this problem all the time. Look at Lindsay Lohan being hounded by the Paparazzi scrutinizing everything she does. I feel sorry for Lindsay.

Look at Britney Spears getting in trouble for having a baby in her lap. Do you think anyone gives a rat's ass about anyone else who drives with their babies in their laps?


It's because it's a Celebrity and people are fascinated by people with Fame and want to pry into everyone litle aspect of a Celebrity's Life.

Seeing Celebrities fail or do something illegal or stupid interests people. On some level, it makes people feel good about themselves knowing that the people they place on a pedestal fall from grace.

,b>Perfection and the Doctored Vocabulary
Imagine what happens if you had a REAL Jesus Christ or God Figure planted on Earth. People's idea of Perfection and Godhood is set so high that they expect that Godhood Figure to be flawless and to embrace a sort of Diviniity.

Perfection is an illusion. It's all a matter of perspective. I can look at Sunny Leone and think she's totally hot, but someone else could look at her and say she's too short and that blondes with light-colored eyes are better.

It's a matter of perspective.

That's why the Planet created a dormant code where all the Vowels mean the same thing. It's for all those Smart-Ass Perfectionists that are going to try nitpicking perfection every time I have a Typo.

If you're supposedly "God" how come you misspell words?

The Planet came up with that technical definitoin so that the Symbols translate to the same thing.

That also goes for Conjugating. The Planet knew that Critics and Opponents would try nitpicking when I screw up "Antecedent and Predicate" Agreement if I'm incorrect saying "I were" instead of "I was."
  1. W(A-S) = W(E-RE)
  2. A = 1/God and E = 5/Leo/Sun/God
  3. S = Superman and Re = Rabbit. I'm both so S = Re
That's why I've been given Titles and where you get Alignment when you merge Math and the Alphabet. All the Vocabulary Words create Conditional Statements when you determine when something is equal to another.

That's a reflection of how brilliant the Planet and the Sun are by crafting a Language that is something no one has ever seen before.

When it comes to the article below with people suing other people, it's really just parts of a running Software Program fighting over rights and the Judicial Ruling is the Software Code that defines how it should be.

"Da Vinci Code" Author Accused in London
Two Historians Suing Writer Over Material Used in Hit Book

Michael StevensDan Brown arrived at a British court ready to defend his best-selling 'Da Vinci Code.'

LONDON (Feb. 27) - It's the latest twist for the mega-selling conspiracy thriller "The Da Vinci Code": a lawsuit against the book's publisher for breach of copyright that could taint the novel and delay the much-anticipated movie version.

Michael Baigent and Richard Leigh, authors of the 1982 nonfiction book "The Holy Blood and the Holy Grail," are suing publisher Random House, Inc. over the allegation that parts of their work formed the basis of Dan Brown's novel, which has sold more than 40 million copies worldwide and remains high on best seller lists nearly three years after publication.

If the writers succeed in securing an injunction to bar the use of their material, they could hold up the scheduled May 19 release of "The Da Vinci Code" film, starring Tom Hanks and directed by Ron Howard.

Sony Pictures said it planned to release the film as scheduled.

"This lawsuit is not about the movie, and we are proceeding with our plans," said Jim Kelly, senior vice president of corporate communications at Sony Pictures Entertainment.

Brown, who rarely speaks to the media, sat attentively before a judge in London's High Court, a short walk from Temple Church - the place of worship founded by the Knights Templar - which figures in his novel. A New Hampshire native who still lives in his home state and has been working on a new novel, Brown is expected to give evidence here next week.

Brown, was "interested in taking, and took, short cuts rather than doing any of the work himself," Jonathan Rayner James, lawyer for Baigent and Leigh, told the court.

Baigent, born in New Zealand, and Leigh, originally from the United States, are suing Random House, which also published their book. The company denies the claim and chief executive Gail Rebuck said in a statement that she believed the lawsuit was without merit.

Both books hinge on the theory that Jesus married Mary Magdalene and they had a child, and that blood line survives to this day. The earlier book set out the notion that Christ did not die on the cross but lived later in France.

James said his case was not attempting to "stultify creative endeavor," or to claim a monopoly on ideas or historical debate, but to prove that Brown had "relied heavily" on the earlier work, published in Britain in 1982 and the following year in the United States.

Though it does not relate to theft of specific sections of text, the case involves the alleged appropriation of themes and ideas from the earlier work, James said.

Brown's wife, Blythe Brown, and Ohio University librarian Stan Planton scoured religious and historical texts on Brown's behalf as he wrote his novel, typing up notes and in some instances, copying parts of the 1982 book, James said.

The extent of "highlighted markings" in Blythe Brown's copy of "The Holy Blood and the Holy Grail" show it was not "merely consulted as an incidental reference source," James said.

"The markings are far more extensive and detailed than in any other book," he told the court.

Phrases used in both books to describe arguments that Jesus had been married showed similarities, James said. He told the court Brown's work also appeared to reproduce "unusual and unlikely" connections between historical and religious figures set out in the earlier work.

"This is not an idea that I would ever have found appealing. Being raised a Christian and having sung in my Church choir for 15 years, I'm well aware that Christ's crucifixion is the very core of the Christian faith," Brown told reporters outside the courtroom, referring to the argument in the 1982 book that Christ had not died.

Brown has denied claims that he reproduced sections of argument from the 1982 book and said he disputes the proposition it makes that Jesus did not die on the cross.

"Suggesting a married Jesus is one thing, but questioning the Resurrection undermines the very heart of Christian belief," Brown said in a statement released to reporters.

Jonathan Baldwin, representing Random House, said the two authors were making "wild allegations."

"The argument is completely unsupported by any facts and some of the allegations it makes are scandalous," Baldwin told the court.

Brown's book also was the target of a previous lawsuit. In 2005, a U.S. judge in New York ruled that his book did not infringe on the copyrights of "Daughter of God," by Lewis Perdue. The judge also ruled out any copyright violations of Perdue's 1983 novel, "The Da Vinci Legacy."

AP-ES-02-27-06 1724EST

[Click Here for Original Link]

She Will Be Loved
By Maroon 5

Beauty queen of only eighteen
She had some trouble with herself
He was always there to help her
She always belonged to someone else

I drove for miles and miles
And wound up at your door
I've had you so many times but somehow
I want more

I don't mind spending everyday
Out on your corner in the pouring rain
Look for the girl with the broken smile
Ask her if she wants to stay awhile
And she will be loved
She will be loved

Tap on my window knock on my door
I want to make you feel beautiful
I know I tend to get so insecure
It doesn't matter anymore

It's not always rainbows and butterflies
It's compromise that moves us along
My heart is full and my door's always open
You can come anytime you want

I don't mind spending everyday
Out on your corner in the pouring rain
Look for the girl with the broken smile
Ask her if she wants to stay awhile
And she will be loved
And she will be loved
And she will be loved
And she will be loved

I know where you hide
Alone in your car
Know all of the things that make you who you are
I know that goodbye means nothing at all
Comes back and begs me to catch her every time she falls

Tap on my window knock on my door
I want to make you feel beautiful

I don't mind spending everyday
Out on your corner in the pouring rain
Look for the girl with the broken smile
Ask her if she wants to stay awhile
And she will be loved
And she will be loved
And she will be loved
And she will be loved

[in the background]
Please don't try so hard to say goodbye
Please don't try so hard to say goodbye

I don't mind spending everyday
Out on your corner in the pouring rain

Try so hard to say goodbye

brittney, scott, business, davis, isabella, gods, lessons, parenthood, advice, bliss, jessica, sunny, complaints, humor, ethics, memories, religion, childhood, puns, politics, wisdom

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