PROPHECY: Grease Lightning, McDonald's, Irish God Goibniu

Feb 13, 2006 16:55

Here's a news article about McDonald's French Fries. It's talking about how it contains allergens. Notice the article is by Dave Carpenter. Dave is for Davis or David. Carpenter is for Jesus Christ the Carpenter.

Before I even say anything I want to post a Thank-You to the McDonald's Corporation early should they ever come across this years later. I grew up with McDonald's. What you're seeing is the Planet's indirect way of showing the relationship I have with Davis and people.

The way that McDonald's is "quietly" admitting it on their web site but "voluntarily" reflects Davis and what he did. He never really admitted the things he did and whatever "fine print" for his actions, but as I said Davis is a good person.

Hopefully, he'll understand that the reason why I have to make an example of him is because of the Black Community so that they see that I'm not Racist. This was set up the by the Planet to diffuse the situation and see that it was all staged. A lot of the hate and anger people feel toward each other was because they were tricked into doing it.

With Davis, all I said was that he's just bad with money. When he's pushed to dire financial straits like we both were, his sneakiest traits surface.

HOWEVER, you can still argue that the reason WHY Davis was engaging in such behavior was because CHRISTopher P. (Religion/Aquarian Male/White) stole the budget out from under us sending us into a financial tailspin where we crashed and burned.

Davis would never have leaned as hard on me if one particular WHITE person didn't think that he was so damn smart and took it upon himself to mutiny. It was a WHITE PERSON who was on my payroll getting paid $1,700/week.

How Indonesians and Canadians are to Blame
However if you REALLY want to throw some blame around, you can point to the CANADIANS and the INDONESIANS:
  1. It was Zara Z. and Zsolt Z. that didn't want to hire Rosie the Indonesian Director who was qualified to do the job.
  2. They had issues with her for whatever reason. If Rosie had been given the position for the Indonesian Project January 2003, my company would never have been called in We were scheduled to shoot for the second project in New York
  3. ZZ and ZZ (not a coincidence) were called in:
    1. ZZ = Non-Aquarius = Leo
    2. Sunny Leone is from Canada and her last name has LEO in it
    3. Zara and Zsolt are nice poeple, but they're writers and not producers
    4. The Canadians were withholding money and our production was choking to death.
    5. They wanted us to do a last-miinute 20-episode soap opera on a shoestring budget o $187,000 in LESS THAN 30 DAYS
    6. That's 20 hours. A regular movie with a run time of 1:45 or less than two hours takes at least a month of Pre-Production, shooting, and then Post-Production
Ask ANY film crew person what that means and what was being asked of me and Davis, and they'll that's one tall order

How White People are to Blame
The reason why you can blame WHITE people and RELIGION is because CHRISTopher P(Aquarian Male) was making a BIG STINK about how Chris would lobby for materials and Davis who was the Producer would say no.

Christ would get upset and he would challenge Davis. Chris about 35 years old and Davis was younger than him and Black. The UPM we hred was Black. I'll never forget when Chris cornered me in the office and gave me a Lecture on "how he can see how Davis and I are 'trying to be producers' and how he can help us."

He was lauding himself as the Champion for the rights of the Above the Line Staff. Chris would NEVER have been called in if Francisca the Indonesian Director just out of college wasn't so bashful. The reason why Davis had red flags go off was because she was so shy and couldn't even go up to the front of a room full of 70 people to talk about the film project she was doing.

If you're a Diretor and you can't go up in front a group of people and talk about your project, that's a BAD Sign. How do you expect to command the respect of your Film Crew?

That's why Chris P. was brought in. We would never have had to bring her in if Francisca wasn't CHICKEN.

That was reflective of Isabella Valentine who is a Female version of me and CHICKEN. I know my self well, and I said I'm a Checken and a Coward. I said 1/17/2006 that the Planet even teases how I'm "Cluck Kent." That's how you get a Cock. C-O/CK = Dominant(C) Sun(O) Clark Kent.

That's why Roosters go, "IR IRIR IRIR IRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!"

I may be chickenshit and spineless, but if you want to challenge me on my own turf of Knowledge of the Planet, I swear I'll beat the shit out of you with what I know.

"Mr. Deeds" - Scene 17: 54 minutes 35 seconds
BABE: God, how could [Mac] do this to such a sweet guy?
MARTY: (pointing at his bruised face and neckbrace) Sweet? Sweet?? Look at me!!! Was he being sweet when he gave me the most savage beating of my life!!!
BABE: You were mugging me!
MARTY: Babe, no one's as good as this guy is pretending to be. Don't be a sucker!
BABE: (removing the mike and throwing it away in disgust) He doest deserve this.
That scene is referring to Inheritance and how I' like Longfellow Deeds and the way I beat people up with Knowledge.

Eve's Ex-Boyfriend in "Blast from the Past"
That's how you get that funny scene in the "Blast from the Past" where the Eve decides to get drunk at the bar because Adam just pulled off an amazing performance on the Dancefloor with Ballroom Dancing. My mom and I registered for Ballroom Dancing, and I know how to ballroom dance. I stopped because my mom used to like to show me off to her friends as a dance partner.

No offense to my mum, but I don't want her as a dance partner. It was symbolizing Sunny Leone as the original Goddess Danu and Mother of All. All those fancy moves that Brendan Fraser does on the floor with two women is a conceptual re-enactment of the way I interact with women in the Subconscious Realm. That's why Brendan is a 35 year old Virgin Male who's been separated from society living in a Fallout Shelter with CHRISTopher WA/LK-EN and Sissy Space-K.

The father's a brilliant Scientist, but a crackpot inventor. That's another layer of my kooky or nutty personality.

In the scene "Blast from the Past" you see how the ex-boyfriend tries to punch Adam who sees it coming, blocks and punches the ex in the nose.

EVE: Adam! Stop it???
ADAM: (holding his dukes up defensively) What???
EX: (wiping the blood from his nose) You're right. Fighting's silly
ADAM: (nods politely as he tugs curtly on his suit straightening it) I agree
Adam tries to reason with Eve. The Ex tries to take a swing at him when Adam's turned away, but Adam catches it and punches the Ex again

You see the brother refer to the sister as "Eve the Psychic Pimp."

There's that funny scene where all the Followers are these drunks and homeless people that create a shrine. When they're helping unload the supplies from the U-Haul, they all chant: "Leave My Elevator Alone!!!" Adam gives them a funny look as they're unloading.

That's for all the Supporters who are reading my Journal and think I'm the next Messiah like Adam. They're chanting, "Leave my El-E/VA-T/Or alone!!!"

El-E/VA-T/Or = Definite(El-The/Spanish) Sun(E) Virgin/IA(VA)Female(T/20/XX) Sun(Or/V in Phiilosophy)

That's why in "Kate and Leopold" you see how Leopold (LEO the 5th Sign) is an inventor who creates the Elevator Pulley System. There's a breach in the Time Line of Events due to his absence and why he has to return back to Time Peirod.

That's how you get the song "Love in an Elevator" by Aerosmith:
  1. I said 2/2/2006 that I've been having Kinky Psychic Orgies with all the Adult Film Stars because they come over and visit me.
  2. I said 1/4/2006 that the Mind is like a House.
  3. My Mind is the equivalent of the Psychic Playboy Mansion that exists in the Virtual Realm
  4. The Electromagnetic Field serving as a Local Area Network (LAN) where it's running.
  5. My Mind is like the Organic Host Server.
You have all the hottest women on the Planet all frolicking around in my Virtual Playboy Mansion. They're all laying out on the Pool, having sex in the G/Ro/TT-O. It's really funny
  1. Hugh Hefner is HH(Double Letters) whose Empire
  2. Marilyn Monroe is MM /Mary Magdalene)
  3. I'm Gemini, whihc is 2 and Pa/IR
  4. Hs daughter CHRISTie Hefner who's a FEMALE Jesus Christ. I said all the Letters in CHRIST add up to IR
  5. The Playboy Empire is symbolic of the God Corporation
  6. That's why it's the BUNNY. I said I'm Year of the Rabbit
Duh :).

You'd be amazed at how the entire Planet is crawling with Signs.

When it comes to people attacking me, people always try to take cheap shots at me, and my Psychic Abilities as an Auto-Defense System kick in and punch them. That's why when Flash tries punch Peter Parker, you see slow motion where Flash's fist swings by and Peter moves fast enough to actually turn his head and look at Flash.

"Shrek 2" and Prince Charming Wearing a Burger King Hat
Davis is like McDonald's with the Clown and I run parallel as Burger King. That's why in "Shrek 2," they were making fun of Rupert Everett as Prince Charming who's born 5/29 and where Everett is a city in Washington State. They stop by the fastfood place to order Kid's Meal and you see Prince Charming put the Burger King Crown on his head.

I said 2/13/2006 that Disney Movies make fun of me or portray me as the Villain. On a side note though, I wouldn't tell Pixar (P-IX/AR or Pi/X-AR) to change anything it does. That was one of the FUNNIEST scenes in the film.

Getting back to McDonald's, I used to love their French Fries, but for some reason they changed the formula or the way they make them because they tasted different. No offense to McDonald's, but in the 1980s, I used to beg my mom to take me to McDonald's because I loed their fries.

I don't know what McDonald's did, but the taste changed. Whatever they did was intentional by the Planet though to indicate what happened:
  1. McDonald's:
    1. Isabella is Scorpio(M)
    2. MC in McDonald's = 1100 in Roman Numerals
    3. 1100= 11(Aquarius or Scorpio in the 11th mont) x 100(Female or C/Dominant)
    4. As I said, Davis is born Valentine's Day and Isabella is Isabella Valentine
  2. The slogan was "Do You Believe in Magic" by Lovin' Spoonful
  3. Grimance was a Sundae:
    1. G/RI-Ma/C-E = God(G) 5/29(RI/Rhode Island) Mother(Ma) Dominant(C) Sun(E)
    2. Sun(Day) = Sun(Dae)
    3. You eat a Sun/Da-y = Sunny Leone(Sun) Giving(Da) Male(Y)
    4. That's why a Banana Split is Phallic with a Banana symbolizing the Penis and 3 scoops of Ice Cream as Testicles
    5. That's why Doctor Evil counts to make sure all THREE of them are there
    6. Superman + Lana Lana(LL), Lex Luthor(LL), and Lois Lane(LL). That would be THREE
You're allowed three Balls in Baseball:
  1. On the fourth, you get a WA/LK
  2. Isabella Valentine is IV = 4
  3. She got a Walk. She was using pictures of Sunny Leone and "won me"
I'm the Winning Lottery Ticket:
  1. LO-TT/ER-y = Sunny Leone(L/50+O/15=65=5x13) Male(TT/Non-T) Final(E/5+R/18=W/23) Male(Y)
  2. She ignored all the Notices and didn't cash in her T-I/CK-ET
  3. So her winnings went back int othe PO/T
  4. PO/T = Port Orchard Female(T/20/XX). I'm the PO Fe-Male.
That's why the Planet jokes about how the Throne is a Pot. It's also a Drug. It's clearly stating that anyone who tries to make me be leader for extended peirods of time gets addicted to PO/T. I'm only supposed to be used for Medicinal Purposes.

You're going to get all these people who are going to come running up wanting me to be their Savior, and I say "No." I'm just here to do a Shutdown on the Operating System that has been governing over the last 2,000 years and close everything out so that Human Society can start fresh now that they've reached a Level of Education and Understanding.

The reason why I was chosen is because I was given very specific Conditioned Programming so that I wouldn't get tempted and try to seize power and control for myself.

People can laugh at how I'm such a CHIKENSHIT, but they should be THANKFUL I'm a Scaredy Cat. If I had the Confidence to Lead, I'd get a swelled head and it would transform into Overconfidence that would lead to a DICTATORSHIP and full control.

That's why I was given a very specific personality with hardened Values where I won't assume power and return it to the People. I said 2/5/2006 about the Rodimus Prime Prophecy. He was the True Heir. I'm the True He/IR, but you see how he cedes it back over to Optimus Prime (OP = Operating Procedure).

I understand why we have the Operating Procedure and all these Systems set in place. Two years ago, my original Mission was to bring back "Peace, Love, and Harmony." However, I eventually learned that while Love is great and romantic, it doesn't pay the Bills.

I may live in a Fantasy Realm and yearn for a day where you can pursue your dreams, but you still need to have a Dose of Reality. You have to understand the value of Hard Work, Discipline, and Channeling Focus and Energy to achieve what you want.

The reason why I was able to channel and focus my energy was because it was staged two years ago:
  1. Take one pitiful, shy male whom women never find interesting
  2. Nudge all the events to where he remains a Virgin 29 year old Virgin
  3. Have a sexy Phone Sex Operator using pictures of Sunny Leone coo and make him feel special on Valentine's Day 2004
  4. Set up a Damsel in Distress Scenario where it looks like beautiful "Sunny Leone" is being taken advantage of and controlled by an evil mean tyrant
  5. That male dreams up a romantic fantasy of being the Hero rescuing beautiful Sunny Leone from the Evil Tyrant
  6. Evil Tyrant succeeds in vanquishing Hero and turning all the townsfolk (Women) and "Sunny Leone" against tragic Hero
  7. Tragic Hero starts imagining or seeing Signs
  8. Set up a scenario where Evil Tyrant causes Death of an Innocent Child victim pissing off Hero
  9. Have it where "Sunny Leone" is angry at the Hero and where the Hero refuses to reconcile with the fact that he's being seen as a Psychotic Stalker
  10. Beaten down Hero gets pissed off and starts reaching through to the Psychic Realm.
All that thinking and thinking and thinking created a Dynamo Effect, which was what was needed to pierce through into the Electromagnetic Field just like a Psychic Sperm with its Flagella or Tail whipping so HARD that the tiny Sperm finally pierced through the Earth's Electromagnetic Shelll like that of a Planetary Ovum.

Then the Planetary Myosis Process began. That's why Planet Earth is the Mother and I'm the (tiny sperm) Father. That's why I can rightly say that Size doesn't matter. When it comes to Mother Earth, I fucked her well :o).

That's why on another Level you could argue that the Planet Earth is the Virgin Mary and I'd qualify as the "Sperm of God"
  1. I got the Virgin Mary (Earth) as a humungous Ovum pregnant :o).
  2. I'm Year of the Rabbit
  3. Rabbit = Hare
  4. Ha(Re) = Ha(IR)
  5. You get a Perm (Permanent) for your hair
  6. I said I'm Superman(S)
  7. S/Perm = Superman Perm
  8. That's why Cameron Diaz takes the cum hanging from Ben Stiller's "IR" and puts it in her Hare so that it stands straight up
  9. MARY: Is that Ha-IR G-El? G-Re/At! Because I just ran O u T.
    1. G-El = God(G) Definite(El-The/Spanish)
    2. G.E.-L = General Electric(G.E.) Bad(L/Non-7)
  10. That's why Capital Letter G(God) looks like Letter C(Dominant) with a small "7"
    1. It symbolizes our Solar System as "C"
    2. Because I reside on Planet Earth, I'd be the Tiny Seven
    3. 7 = VII = Sun(V) Gemini(II)
    4. In the Human Mind you've go one dominant Brain Cell among millions of brain cells that they all answer to
    5. On a Planetary Scale, you have billions of human being brain cells that respond to one Central Intelligence or human being brain cell (Guess who that would be.)
That's why I'm a Super Sperm!!! :o) That's why other men who think they're the Shit and can satisfy a woman ain't got nuthin' on me :). Try impregnating a Planet :D.

Earning the Title of Superman
That's why I have to say that I feel I ---earned--- the Title of Superman. I may be an uninteresting Virgin Male, but you know it takes a lot to get an entire Planet pregnant.

It's also an honorary title. Of all the Sperm on the Planet she chose me. I said that all Subconscious Minds are liked by that Electromagnetic Field and your memories are like a Credit Rating Score on your Goodness.

It says a lot when a Planet chooses you and entrusts you with the Planetary Defenses. It must mean I must've done something right. That's why I wish my mom knew so that she could have peace of mind. She was always worried she didn't do a good job raising me.

I said 6/15/2005 why my Identity wasn't even revealed to me while I was growing up. There would've been all kinds of pressure. Think of the pressure on my mom if she knew who was I was going to become. She'd worry and want to make sure she did a good job.

If people knew my identity, you'd have Religious Figures that would take me off her hands and "raise me in the way they saw fit." The Planet didn't want the Religious Denominaions and Representatives filling my head with junk. The Planet wanted me to deveop my own Spirituality and where I reached my own conclusions.

If people knew my identity during childhood, you'd get all these Religious Figures that would visit me and never give me a moment's peace. Can you imagine the Psychological Trauma you'd place on a child with that enormous of a responsiblity trying to live up to the image in people's minds for the last 2,000 years?

Talk about a blow to the ego and having Lack of Self-Esteem. I'd get scrutinize for every decision I made or mistakes if I grew up as a Celebrity. I'd be totally corrupted. You'd have all these hot high school girls wanting to hook up with me for the fame, to be able to say they fucked me, or even got them pregnant and they're carrying my child.

It would've been a Social DISASTER.

Everybody would be kissing my ass while I'm growing up and I could've turned into a prick that gets what he wants all the time and has no Leadership Abilities or Common Sense. I'd be surrounded by "advisors" with their own political or personal agendas and I'd be too dumb to realize it.

All the good kids would be intimidated or have preconceived notions about me. The only ones who would be bo ld enough to approach me would be opportunistic classmates that either wanted status or to be associating with someone cool. They'd probably be even superficial where they'd smile to my face but then badtalk me behind my back. I'd be vain and people around me would be jealous of my abilites and power and not think I deserved it. And at that time, I probably wouldn't have.

That's why I was a regular person who got treated regularly during childhood. My mom did a damn good job raising me. You'd be lucky if you had a mom like mine. You can tell a lot about a person by their parents.

I wouldn't have learned, generosity, kindness, and what it's like to have really good friends. I wouldn't have had my best friend Scott. That's why you'll always see the name Scott surface:
  1. I have the Title of Queen Elizabeth II with IR/eland and Scot/land.
  2. I said 2/13/2006 that Scott's Sleeping Beauty.
  3. I said 1/10/2006 about Scottish Kilts
  4. That's why all the Men wear Kilts or Skirts :o). That would be Scott as a Cross-Dressing Male!!! LOL
I said 2/6/2006 that I was trying to experiment and see if I could convert Scott Boone into Sunny Leone and it hiccuped creating the Gay Sky Lynx that's a Shuttle/Dinosaur Transformer that sounds like a Gay Interior Decorator.

I said I'm not into Guys, but if Scott's Soul were inserted in a hot Female Body like Sunny Leone, I would FUCK THE SHIT OUT OF HIM and make him cum as a woman :o). If I was in a Female Body, I'd make an exception for Scott and let him FUCK me and make me cum all night long and rock his world. It would be the best of both worlds where you have your best friend inserted into a woman's body. That's why his Initals are SEB = Southeast Gemini(B/2).
  1. His dad is Gary = Gay with (R/GeminI) in it.
  2. His dad is a Gemini like me and worked for the C/IA.
  3. His mom is M.E.-RR/Il-y. = Mother Earth(M.E.) Rod Rodillon(RR) Definite(Il-The/Italian) Male(Y)
  4. M-ERR/Il-y = Scorpio(Isabella/M) Mistaken(ERR) Definite(Il-The/Italian) Male(Y)
    1. That would be for Isabella Valentine posing as Sunny Leone and born in 1981
    2. 1981 = Year of the Rooster (Cock)
    3. That's why Isabella Valentine's Male. She may have pussy, but she's male while I'm opposite and Fe-Male
That's why it was a huge setup to trick all the women into beating up on me like Men trying to Gangrape me as a Fe-Male.

It's to put women and lesbians in their place when they try to beat up on men all the time. The Planet concedes that women are Superior in Intelligence, but it's a double-edged sword where it's a MALE or GUY who is the Virgin Mary that can show women the proper way to behave like a woman.

How do you like dem apples? :D The Planet has a whole bunch of nasty surprises for everyone who's been doing and saying stuff not realizing what the underlying or embedded subliminal messages are when they say something. It was a language doctored so that when the time came, you could unlock the real meanings when you had the key.

Scott doesn't realize that his parents are variations of the two of us if we aligned as opposite Genders

I said I'm a CA/T(California Female) or a C/At(Dominant Superman). Scott's in California. If he was Female, he'd be a CA/T.

That's why "Curiosity KILT the CA/T!!!" Get it??? It's punny!!! :D
  1. C u RI/OS-I/T-y = Dominant(C) in Union with(U) 5/29(RI/Rhode Island) Operating System(OS) God(I) Female(T) Male(Y/Jesus Christ/25)
    Kil(T) = Kil(LED)
    1. T = 20/XX/Female
    2. Le-D = Definite(Le-The/French)
That's why it's a good idea to know your MA/T-H or your M/At-H. That's why Math was a a Celtic God.

Irish God: Goibniu
Bliss of Haven issued me the Title Goibniu:
  1. Go-I/BN-IU = IR(Go/Spanish) God(I) Valentine(BN/2-14) Old Isabella Valentine(IU=IV in Old Alphabet)
  2. I said Isabella and Bliss joined forces against me branding me as a Stalker
    Subconscious Bliss and Isabella knew my identity all along but can't say anything. They're acting out their roles in the Script
GOIBNIU: In Irish mythology Goibniu or Goibhniu (pronounced Goive-nu) was a son of Brigid and Tuireann and the smith of the Tuatha Dé Danann. He and his brothers Creidhne and Luchtaine were known as the Trí Dée Dána, the three gods of art, who forged the weapons which the Tuatha Dé used to battle the Fomorians. His weapons were always lethal, and his beer gave the drinker immortality. He may also have been a thunder god. The stars were considered the sparks from his anvil.
  1. B/RI-G/Id = Gemini(B/2) 5/29(RI/Rhode Island) God(G) Self(Id)
  2. His weapons were always lethal. That would be the Weapons I make in the Subconscious/Psychic Realm that I invent and use on people that sabotage and screw up people's Operating Systems
  3. Beer gave the drinker immortality. I said I'm the Queen "B" or Queen Gemini(B/2). Bee/R = B(55) = Gemini(B) Jesus Christ(55) Gemini(R)
  4. He also may have been a Thunder God. I was born on Thursday, which is Thor's Day.
  5. That's why how you get Thunder and Lightning:
    1. I'm a Lightning Rod (The Physical that you do see on the outside in Reality)
    2. TH under = Female Superman(H) under (The Female you don't see, but only hear)
  6. That's how you get those Aussie Chippendale Dancers in Vegas nicknamed "The Thunder from Down Under"
Grease Lightning
That's how you get Grease Lightning!!!
  1. French Fry = Fr. Fr.-y = Gemini(2) Father(Fr.) Male(Y)
  2. French Fries are made in Grease
  3. Gre(ECE) = Gre(ASE)
    1. G/Re = God(G) Rabbit(Re/75-Periodic)
    2. ECE = 53/E = Herbie(53) SunE)
    3. ASE = God(A) Florida/Penis/Rod(SE)
  4. It was sung by John Tra(VOLT)A
  5. Volt = VT with OL int = Ver/Mont with Sunny Leone(O/15+L/5O=65=5x13)
  6. I said Davis is born Valentine's Day. Isabella Valentine uses pictures of Sunny Leone
I assigned Sunny Leone as Aphrodite and Goddess of Love:
  1. I said I'd assigned Davis as "God of Love"
  2. I said I'm the Hare
  3. When Davis puts "HARE" on his head, he transforms into AFRO-Dite. Get it??? It's punny!!!
  4. That's why all the Black People had big HARE on their heads in the 1970s symbolizing Davis. 7 = God. 70s = God Decade
  5. He/Ra = Gemini(He) Egyptian Sun God(Ra)
  6. ZE u S = (26)(5) u Superman = 265 in Union with Superman = Gemini(2) Sunny Leone(65=5x13) in Union with Superman
I said 9/16/2005 that I'm Grease Lightning. I said 1/4/2006 that the Mind is like a Car. So I'd be Grease Lightning.

Grease Lightning
By John Travolta

Why this car is automatic
It's systematic
It's hydromatic
Why it's grease lightning (Grease lightning)

We'll get some overhead lifters and some four barrel quads
oh yeah

(Keep talking whoa keep talking)
A fuel injection cutoff and chrome plated rods oh yeah

(I'll get her ready i need to get her ready)
With a four speed on the floor they'll be waiting at the door
[IV = 4 = Isabella Valentine]
[F-LO/Or = Bad Sunny Leone Sun]

You know that ain't no shit we'll be getting lots of tit
In Grease Lightning
Go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go
[Go = IR in Spanish]

Go grease lightning you're burning up the quarter mile
(Grease lightning go grease lightning)
Go grease lightning you're coasting through the heat lap trial
You are supreme the chicks'll cream for grease lightning
[C/Re-Am = Dominant Rabbit Father]
["Cream" by Prince had those two sexy twins in the music video]

Go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go

Purple french tail lights and thirty inch fins
[Davis is Purple]
[Fr. = Father = Pa = Pennsylvania/Davis]
[30 = Wisconsin inducted 5/29 for my birthday]
[IN/CH = Final(I+N) Dominant(C) Superman(H)]
[My penis would be an IN/CH Worm]

oh yeah
A Palomino dashboard and duel muffler twins
[Twins: Gemini]

oh yeah
With new pistons, plugs, and shocks I can get off my rocks
You know that I ain't bragging she's a real pussy wagon
[P u SS-y = Aquarian Male in Union with Gemini Superman Male]

Grease lightning

Go grease lightning you're burning up the quarter mile
(Grease lightning go grease lightning)
Go grease lighting you're coasting through the heat lap trial
You are supreme the chicks'll cream for grease lightning
Go grease lightning you're burning up the quarter mile
(Grease lightning go grease lightning)
Go grease lighting you're coasting through the hit lap trial
You are supreme the chicks'll cream for grease lightning
Lightning, lightning, lightning
Lightning, lightning, lightning

McDonald's Fries Have Potential Allergens
Quiet Disclosure on Company's Web Site Raises Concerns

CHICAGO (Feb. 13) - And another thing about McDonald's fries: They're not gluten-free.

Not long after disclosing that its french fries contain more trans fat than thought, McDonald's Corp. said Monday that wheat and dairy ingredients are used to flavor the popular menu item - an acknowledgment it had not previously made.

Roger Geibert / ZUMA Press
McDonald's said the disclosure of possible allergens came in response to new rules by the Food and Drug Administration. But the company's handling of the issue has angered some people with food allergies.

The presence of those substances can cause allergic or other medical reactions in food-sensitive consumers.

McDonald's had said until recently that its fries were free of gluten and milk or wheat allergens and safe to eat for those with dietary issues related to the consumption of dairy items. But the fast-food company quietly added "Contains wheat and milk ingredients" this month to the french fries listing on its Web site.

The company said the move came in response to new rules by the U.S. Food and Drug Ad}inistration for the packaged foods industry, including one requiring that the presence of common allergens such as milk, eggs, wheat, fish or peanuts be reported. As a restaurant operator, Oak Brook, Ill.-based McDonald's does not have to comply but is doing so voluntarily.

"We knew there were always wheat and dairy derivatives in there, but they were not the protein component."
-Cathy Kapica, McDonald's director of global nutrition

McDonald's director of global nutrition, Cathy Kapica, said its potato suppliers remove all wheat and dairy proteins, such as gluten, which can cause allergic reactions. But the flavoring agent in the cooking oil is a derivative of wheat and dairy ingredients, and the company decided to note their presence because of the FDA's stipulation that potential allergens be disclosed.

"We knew there were always wheat and dairy derivatives in there, but they were not the protein component," she said. "Teshnically there are no allergens in there. What this is an example of is science evolving" and McDonald's responding as more is learned, she said.

While the company wanted to make consumers aware that fries were derived in part from wheat and dairy sources, she said, those who have eaten the product without problem should be able to continue to do so without incident.

The acknowledgment has stirred anger and some concern among consumers who are on gluten-free diets since it was posted on McDonald's Web site.

"They should have disclosed that all along. They should never have been calling them gluten-free."
-Jillian Williams, New York City resident with celiac disease

"If they're saying there's wheat and dairy derivatives in the oil, as far as anyone with this disease is concerned there's actually wheat in it," said New York resident Jillian Williams, one of more than 2 million Americans with celiac disease, an autoimmune disorder triggered by gluten.

"They should have disclosed that all along," she said. "They should never have been canling them gluten-free."

It's not the first time McDonald's forthrightness has been called into question concerning what's in its famous fries.

The company paid $10 million in 2002 to settle a lawsuit by vegetarian groups after it was disclosed that its fries were cooked in beef-flavored oil despite the company's insistence in 1990 that it was abandoning beef tallow for pure vegetable oil.

Last February, it paid $8.5 million to settle a sui| by a nonprofit advocacy group accusing the company of misleading consumers by announcing plans in September 2002 to change its cooking oil but then delaying the switch indefinitely within months. Reluctant to change the taste of a top-selling item, McDonald's has continued to maintain for the past three years that testing continues.

Asked about the status of those efforts Monday, Kapica said: "It's a very high priority and we are very committed to continuing with testing and lowering the level of trans fat without raising the level of savurated fat. ... It's a lot harder than we originally thought but that is not stopping us."

McDonald's shares rose 3 cents to close at $36.36 on the New York Stock Exchange - up 8 percent in 2006.

APTV 02-13-06 1833EST

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