There are some other points I'd like to make about the movie "
Herbie Fully Loaded."
1 hour 30 minutes 20 seconds
The EMPI Oil Tank borrowed from the new Yellow VW Bug belonging to Sally:
- 1 hour 30 minutes:
- 1:30 = 130
- 130 = 13 x 10
- 13 x 10 = 5/29(Rhode Island/RI) Cross-Eyed(X)
- Cross-Eyed RI = IR (My Initials)
- Actress Cheryl Hines: H in ES = Superman(H) in Northwest(ES/Non-SE/NW)
- Sponsor Mercury Tracker Boats:
- I said I'm Gemini
- The Ruling Planet of Gemini is Mercury
EMPI = Sunny Leone(EM/5-13) Knowledge(Pi/Blue/Knowledge).
- Notice EMPI lookes like EMPI(RE) with out the RE. I'm RE, whihc is 75 on the Periodic Table for Year of the Rabbit
- 20 seconds = XX = Female
That transplant from the Yellow VW Bug symbolizes the tranfer of power from the Female (Sunny Leone, Isabella Valentine, and the Women) over to Herbie (Rod).
I said 1/4/2006 that the Mind is like a Car.
People are Like Cars
The reason why I love this movie so much is because it really explains visually what has been going on with me. It uses dramatic visual imagery, but it still gets the point across:
- It shows how the Power of Love can make even the most simple individual accomplish great feats:
- I said 4/16/2006 that Superman gets his powers from the Sun
- I'm like Clark Kent with Psychic Abilites (Super Powers), and I get my Super Strength from the Sun (Sunny Leone)
- I post Journal Entries that are being provided by what I pick up from the Associated Press and post them, which is why I work for the Daily Planet (Earth)
- The things that Herbie can do that defy the confines of Reality explain what's conceptually going on in my Life as well as the Subconscious/Psychic Realm:
- People are like cars because they're on set paths and have limitations
- I'm on a set path. I can't just go anywhere I please. I have to obey traffic laws, interact with other "cars" on the "street" and work with what I've got in reality
- Just like a car, my physical body has parts that can get warn out
- The way that people look at Herbie as "just a car" is the way people look at me:
- I'm not that impressive to look at. If I was a car, I'd look like a "cute" VW Bug
- I'm a Bug because I have "wire taps" and can use "bugs" or listen with special hearing. That's why my Initials are "IR" as in "Ear"
- The normal engine on a VW Bug is normally a weak engine that doesn't hae much horsepower. You'll always see the enemies of Herbie trying to figure out where all this Horsepower is coming from. It's the same way people wonder where all my Psychic Abilities stem from. It's not an ordinary engine under the hood
- The way that Herbie goes unnoticed is the same like me. I go unnoticed and people don't appreciate what I'm actually capable of:
- People can pity a car that they know is alive and has feelings
- They can relate better to it because they're seeing things from the perspective of the Subconscious Minds and from another perspective of how regular Conscious Minds of people treat me.
- The way that people are impressed by flashy or expensive cars is that they see on the street is the same way people judge others by what they see on the surface with people's physical appearance.
- Herbie shows what the power of Love can do. People wonder what people will do for Love. Love is gasoline. Depending on what you put in your engine, it can meak a huge difference. EN/G in E = Heavenly(EN/Non-NE/SW/Los Angeles) God(G) in Sun(E).
- You see how Herbie wants to race against Trip Murphy because he called Herbie ugly and stupid:
- It's the same way when people challenge me because they think I look stupid and stay stupid things.
- I may look unimpressive and like a mere VW Bug, but when I plug in those Psychic Abilites, I can do things that other people (regular cars) can't because they're confined by this reality.
- That's what gives Herbie a competitive advantage over KITT from "Knight Rider" and the General Lee from "Dukes of Hazzard" where it relies heavily on driving skills. Herbie's actually smart and conscious of his surroundings
- The way that Herbie falls in love with other Cars is the same way that I get attracted to women and communicate with their Subconscious Minds:
- On the outside, you don't see any visible change. The Conscious Minds of these women express anything. However, their Subconscious knows what's going on. That's why you see the Yellow Car at the end wink back.
- The Conscious Minds and Bodies of people are characters in a movie and you can't break out of character. That's why when I talk to Adult Film Stars or beautiful women, their Conscious Minds don't know me (Exteriorof the Car that you're observing). The Subconscious Minds of those women know and leave hints when no one is looking through a higher level of communication using Numbers and Symbols
- If you go through my Journal, you'll see where I'll post the Numbers and Time Stamps of women like Brittney Skye, Jessica Jaymes, Sunny Leone, Teri Hatcher, and Celebs. Their Conscious Minds are busy taking care of daily operations, but their Subconscious is the Driver inside the Car.
- Have you ever accidentally cut someone off on the road and seen the driver flip you off in the vehicle? The Car doesn't show any visible Signs of emotion, but the Driver who saw what you did gets pissed. That's the Subconscious Mind. The Subconscious Realm where everyone drives on a Road is much like that. When you do stuff, they'll see you.
- Just like Herbie, I get upset when people treat me like an object. You see Maggie say, "You're a car. You do what I tell you to do." You see Herbie get mad. It's the same with me. People don't realize that they're cars.
Not everyone is attractive, good-looking, or smart. That's why there's a Herbie in all of us just waiting to be discovered. All the people around the world stuck in dead-end jobs and unhappy with their lives are like cars and other Herbies that want to be rescued.
Demolition Derby Scene
The way that Herbie gets kicked around and beat up in that Demolition Derby shows what happens to me when I'm thrown into certain circumstances. Initials Demolition Derby is DD, which I said is Non-D or Non-Leo Female, meaning the Aquarian Male for my business associate.
Sadly enough, like eveyrone else, my business associate Davis is like the Demotion Derby where all those Cars are out there ramming into me. You see Herbie as a pitiful bug getting rammed and how the driver spraypaints the hood ruining the front.
You see one scene where one of the cars bashes the front left side of the car and Herbie gets hit badly. That's what it was like being in the Indonesian Project July 2003 and when they yanked the funding out from under me shoving me with $45,000 debt that swelled up to over $80,000.
There was supposed to be $90,000 to be wire transferred to my bank account. However, Chris P. convinced the above the line staff that Davis and I were incompetent and shortchanging them. It wasn't that. Yoen K. of Netfilm in Indonesia had cut the budget in half and tried to get us to do it for only $187,000 US Dollars in less than a 30 days. We were called in last minute, and we didn't even get the entire budget in one lump sum. They were giving it to us in bits and pieces.
That's why the Indonesian Project represents how fast things were moving and got pushed through only to fail. What we were being asked to do on such short notice was hard. It was a 20-episode Soap Opera worth well over $1 million trying to be done on $187,000 in less than a month.
That symbolizes what was being asked of me when I got the assignment dropped in my lap to pass a "Message" from the Planet and prep everyone. No time. No money, and your crew ditched you stiffing you with the bill. All the financial hardship I'm going through symbolizes the enormity of the assignment and how it's coming out of my own pocket.
You see how there's even a red bulls-eye painted on the front. That symbolizes how I waited around for both Isabella and Bliss to read my Psychic Research thinking they'd help me. Instead, they got mad and dumped me in a Demolition Derby. All the other cars there were the women beating up on me.
I said 11/3/2005 that Bliss used to be the original Lindsay Lohan. When Maggie is driving Trip Murphy's car, thats symbolic of how Bliss sided with Isabella and the other women. After all the things I'd done for her, Bliss sold me out.
The storyline gets hazy when you see how Maggie comes back to rescue Herbie. As I said, I rotated Bliss out of the mix. Technically, she's still driving Trip Murphy's car. I said that TM is for my mom's maiden name and it means the Female(T/20/XX) Scorpio(M).
Isabella Valentine is a Scorpio. That's why Ron Burgundy refers to Veronica Corningstone as a "Scorpion Woman."
She was born 11/11 like Washington State for a reason. Same with why Isabella uses pictures of Sunny Leone and
Sunny Leone's boyfriend Eric "coincidentally" happens to be born 11/11.
I said 12/31/2005 that Bliss' last name is Thomas and Sharon Thomas is the mother of Dean Cain who played Superman.
Four Wheels
The interesting thing about Herbie is how he's able to do things that other cars can't. You see how Herbie can perform "magical" feats that would defy the Laws of Gravity and Science. Trip Murphy tries to ram into Herbie in a Street Race.
The first time he does it, Maggie gets mad and as soon as she places her hand on the gearshift, you see this shock of electricity travel down the gearshipt and into the engine. That's dramatic effect. However, it's hinting about what happens in the interaction between the Subconscious and Conscious Mind of an individual like myself. I'm the Physical Car that is Conscious and Alive. The driver is my Subconscious. We tagteam.
As the Car, I have to follow the Rules of this Planet of Existence. However, I can bend the rules or avoid what would normally happen because I have Knowledge of the Psychic Realm. So when another car (Human Being) tries to ram me, I know how to dodge or avoid getting hit.
That's why when Trip Murphy tries to slam into Herbie the second time, Herbie's ready for it and does something unbelievable by jumping up and skidding on his Back Fender. Fe = Iron. That little magical effect is showing what happened when I incorporate my Psychic Abilities. As a car, I'd be riding on my Fe/N/Der = Ir on(Fe) Nature/Green(N) Blue(Der/Non-Red).
The Four Wheels were what was used last year in conjunction with the Psychic Realm two years ago when I was exploring.
I said 2/5/2006 about the Transformers Theme. In the show, you had Five Robots that could merge into one.
There used to be 5 of us on the Team I formed
Color Wheel back in June 2004:
- WHITE (Justice/Law): Torso and Head
- BLACK (Self/Death): Left Arm
- BLUE (Knowledge): Right Arm
- RED (Passion/Love): Right Leg
- GREEN (Nature): Left Leg
As a Transformer, we'd merge into one. I used to have it set up where the four would communicate with me by causing tingling sensations when they'd communicate. That's why Professor Charles Xavier doesn't have use of his Legs. It means he doesn't rely on Nature(Green) or Passion(Red).
Because he's Psychic, he relies on White with limited use of Knowledge(Blue) and Self(Black) in his right and left arms.
Two years ago, I used to have problems all the time with Subconscious Charlie(Black/Left Arm) and Subconscious Sky(Blue/Right Arm). So I'd have rely on using the colors Red/Passion, Green/Nature, and White/Justice.
I wasn't being selfish so I didn't need Black/Self-Interest and I could go without Blue/Knowledge because I don't need information. I would rely on instinct and doing things naturally(Green), doing the right thing or Justice(White), and being Passionate about what I wanted to get done(Red).
So when Subconscious Charlie was cheating by moving from Black to seize control of Blue/Knowledge, I'd overrule him with the other 3 colors so that I'd have 3 out of the 5.
Subconscious Charlie cheated around September 2004 and found a loophole allowing im to trade places with me so that I was forced into Black (Left Arm) and while he was in Justice (White). That's how you'd get corrupt and dirty Law Officials.
He tried to take on the role of "God the Father" and so I got shoved into the role of the "Son." So my colors changed where I was no longer Red, White, and Yellow for the Sun.
That's how my colors changed on the Uniform from Red, Blue, and Yellow to Red, Blue, and Black. Black is Anarchy and Rebellion. Because I knew that the Law was corrupt, I had to go against the Rules and Laws being upheld by the bad people.
That's how I got perceived as the enemy of the state and how you get the General Lee as a Car. That's why Boss Hogg was Jefferson DAVIS Hogg. I said my associate is Davis. The General Lee is Orange because Florida's State Juice is the Orange.
Orange = Yellow/Sun + Red/Love
When you combine the Powers of the Sun with Love, you get Orange. That's why the Superhero Flash is covered in Red and has Lightning. FL as H = Florida(FL) as Superman(H). Florida is shaped like a Penis, which is a Rod. When someone is F as T, it means Bad(F/6/Non-9) as Female(T/20/XX).
The original character was Barry Allen:
- Ba = "Spirit/Soul" in Egyptian
- Ba/RR-y = Spiritual(Ba) Rod Rodillon(RR) Male(Y)
- AL/Len = IR(1-12/A-L) Bad(L/Non-7) Heaven(EN/Non-NE/SW/Los Angeles)
Barry Allen eventually got replaced by Wally West:
- I said 10/25/2005 about Wally West
- W/All-Y W-E/St. = Final(W) All Male(Y) Final(W) Sun(E/5) Saint(St.)
- WA/LL-y W/ES-T = Washington(WA) Good(LL/Non-7) Male(Y) of the Final(W) Northwest(ES/Non-SE/NW) Female(T/20/XX)
- I said 2/4/2006 that I'm Fe-Male and Queen Elizabeth II
My Mom's Spirit
1 hour 6 minutes 38 seconds into the film is special:
- I said 1/23/2006 that 3/8 is Jessica Jaymes' B-Day:
- 38 = 2 x 19
- I said 12/16/2006 that Jessica Simpson with Bliss/Thomas Supergirl represents Sharon Thomas
- That's how you get a Mother Theme
- My Mom is the Radio in the Car representing the Conscience, Values, and Ideals that's playing. Everyone has a Radio playing something in their Mind, which is a Car:
- It says Sapphire 1 as the Label
- I said 2/8/2006 that my mom is born 12/8
- Sapphire is the Birthstone for December.
- 1 is for God.
- I sadi 2/11/2006 that I'm the Virgin Mary so you see an overlap
Technically, you could even argue that my mom is another variation of the Virgin Mother:
- She's the Mother of a Pure Virgin:
- V-IR/G-in = Sun(V) IR God(G) Final(I/9+N/14=W/23)
- I'll always be "IR" and technically a V-IR/G-IN
- Virgo shares the same Ruling Planet as Gemini, which is Mercury
- M.E./RC u R-y = Mother Earth(M.E.) Remote Control(RC) in Union with(U) Gemini(R/18/2x9/2xI/II) Male(Y)
- It's the F-IR/St. Planet closest to th Sun and the Fastest
- Virgin = Virgo
- V-IR/Go = V-IR IR(Go-Spanish)
- V-IR/IR = Sun IR/IR
- Sun IR/IR = Sun Gemini(2) IR
- My Sun Sign is Gemini
- Michael Keaton was Batman:
- The mother died because I was the Mother
- Initials MK = Scorpio(M) 11. Isabella is the Scorpio born 11/11
This is the Planet's way of overlapping other Signs in case anyone tries to get smart with me and try and ride on Technicalities or an attempt to find other people who can dispute my claim. I have MULTIPLE Signs that layer each other.
So it's like a Poker Hand where you've go by 3 of a Kind, Four of a Kind, Straight Flush, etc. I've got the Best Hand :o).
I'm also the Son so I define who my Mom and Father are. That helps lock it in. Because it was all done naturally, anyone else who tries to imitate me will be under public scrutiny.
It's also set up where if people try to blame me as forming some conspiracy, they'd have to blame my entire family for the dates they were born on and the names they chose. If you're gonig to try and claim I staged all of this, you'll find that when you research my entire family tree, all my relatives were born on certain days.
Only "Divine Intervention" or some Supernatural Deity could create something like that.
Pop Secret and the Pink Carnation
In the movie, you see the advertisings for Pop Secret:
- Pop = Father
- Secret = Something hidden or unknown
- You see Trip going over the car after the race saying "That car is alive!!! It's mocking me" with Pop Secret in the background
- Ambulance has the License Plaet 6T31108 = Sex(6) Female(T) Clark Kent(CK/3-11) Sun(0) Superman(H/8)
The Planet and Sun created the Pink Carnation to symbolize the Subconscious Realm:
- Pink Carnation = PI/NK Car Nation
- PI = 16 + 9 = 25
- NK = 14 + 11 = 25
- PI/NK = 25/25 = Gemini(2) Jesus Christ(25)
- Car = Herbie
- Nation = Country
That's why we live in a Pink Carnation :).