The Pittsburgh Steelers won because they're "Tricky."
- T-RI/CK-y = Female(T/20/XX) 5/29(RI/RhodeIsland) Clark Kent(CK) Male(Y)
- I said Davis is from PA and sneaky
- Pennsylvania is the Quaker State:
- Q u AK-ER = God(Q-Star Trek) in Union with(U) God(A) Aquarius(K) Final(E+R=W)
- Q u AR with KE in it = God(Q) in Union with(U) IR(AR) with Brittney Skye(K-E/11-5) in it
- 11/5 = Old 2/5 = Old 25 = Old Jesus Christ
- That's why SK/Ye =Gemini Superman(S-19th Letter/K-19th Element) Old Definite(Ye-The/Old English)
- I represented Seattle Seahawks (SS) as the Gemini Superman(SS)
- Super Bowl XL:
- XL = Extra Large. L-AR/G.E. or L.A./R-G.E.
- XL = Cross-Eyed(X) Bad(L/Non-7) = Straight Good
- Five Passes for 123 Yards:
- 5: 5 = Leo the 5th Sign
- 123: I said 2/5/2006 about Satan
- Magic Bus ride: B u S = Gemini(B) in Union with(U) Superman(S). I said I'm the Magical Genie
- Pittsburgh tied San Francisco and Dallas with its five Super Bowl titles:
- I said 2/5/2006 that Isabella was co-owner of Bay City Blues named after the Bay Area (San Francisco)
- Dallas is in Texas, which is the Lone Star State. The Sun is a Star
- Jerome Bettis:
- Je/Rome = Dead Rodney Dangerfield(10-5/J-E) Gemini(Ro/Non-OR) Mother Earth(M.E.)
- BE/TT-IS = Jesus Christ(BE/25) Male(TT/Non-T) Jesus Christ(IS/BE/25) = Gemini Jesus Christ with Male in it
- Willie Parker broke a record 75-yard touchdown run: I'm born 1975, which is Year of the Rabbit
- Pittsburgh's 21-10 victory:
- U = 21st Letter
- J = 10th Letter (Cross-Eyed)
- 21 = Female(20) + God(1)
- 2/1 = Gemin(2) God(1)
- Antwaan Randle El:
- Initials ARE = IR(AR) Sun(E)
- Initials A/Re = God(A) Rabbit(Re-75/Periodic)
- Ant/WA-An = Ant Washington(WA) Indefinite(An)
- R and Le = Gemini(R) and Definite(Le-The/French)
- El = "The" in Spanish
- Seattle was plagued by penalties, drops, poor clock management:
- I said I've been handicapped for the last two years
- D-R/Op = Leo Female(D/500/5XX) Gemini(R) Operating Procedure(OP)
- C/Lo-CK = Dominant(C) Sunny Leone(L/50+O/15=65=5x13) Clark Kent(CK)
- Kelly Herndon of the Seahawks (15-4) returned a record 76 yards:
- I said 11/24/2005 that Bliss is Kelly Brook
- I said Bliss is born 1976 ('76)
- The Steelers were 7-5: I said I was born in 75
- With Seattle's other safety, Marquand Manuel, sidelined in the second quarter with a right ankle injury: I said MM = M(Scorpio/Isabella) x II(Gemini/Bliss)
- Ward dropped a pass in the corner of the end zone, he outwrestled Boulware for a 37-yard completion:
- WA/Rd. = Washington(WA) Software(Rd./Non-Dr./Non-Drive)
- Bo u L/WA-Re = Lover(Bo) in Union with(U) Bad(L/Non-7) Washington(WA) Rabbit(Re-75/Periodic/1975)
- Peter Warrick's 32-yard punt: WA-RR-I/CK = Washington(WA) Rod Rodillon(RR) God(I) Clark Kent(CK)
- Cowher: I said 5/29/2005 (my B-Day) that Mother Earth is a Cow and God is Pig
- I said Davis is from Pittsburgh and sneaky. That's why it's the Pittsburgh STEALERS because A = God and E = God/Sun.
- 02/05/06 22:03 EST: I said 1/26/2006 that my dad died 3/22. 22/3 = Non-Dead Father (PA). That's why it's Pennsylvania
I said Davis borrowed all that money from my mom in Washington State and has yet to pay it back. So as of 2/5/2006 regarding the Super Bowl Game, the Pittsburgh Stealers won.
I said 2/1/2006 that Davis is the sneaky version of Satan.
That's why you see this irony of all the people celebrating Satan. Bear in mind, I'm speaking figuratively and more like Chess.
I said 2/5/2006 about the Chess Analogy. We're talking about positions or colors.
As I said Davis hasn't done anything wrong. It's just that in his mind and the way he rationalizes things, he doesn't believe he's done anything wrong. Technically and from a Legal Perspective, he hasn't.
The reason why you won't see much objection from me is because I employ the same tactics using the Subconscious Realm. It keeps me from being held guilty of anything based on technicalities. Currently, there are no Scientific Forensics Methods that can track what I've been doing.
That's why I said I'm like the Godfather running the Ma-F/IA. It's where the Authorities KNOW who did it, but they can't prove it. There's not enough evidence. It's all circumstantial. The only way anyone can prove it is by acknowledging that I am indeed in possession of such Psychic Powers.
However, while people refuse to believe that I do, I get away with it.
I said 1/19/2006 about Movie Quotes:
"The greatest trick the Devil played was convincing the world he didn't exist." - Keyser Soze in "The Usual Suspects"
- Notice it starts with the Letter K (11th Letter/Aquarius)
- Key/Ser = Aquarian(K) Sun(E/5) Male(Y) Existing(Ser-Be/Spanish)
- S(oz)e = Southeast(SE) with Oz in it
- SO/Z-E = Significant Other(SO) Aquarius(Z) SunE)
I keep warning people, but they just don't listen. When people refuse to believe what I say, that's where we come back to the saying, "Ignorance is a Sin."
You have all these people who are in denial and refuse to acknowledge that my Theories about the Psychic Realm and the Subconscious Realm plugging into that Electromagnetic Field isn't plausible and how it's impossible for one individual to be able to manage that much power.
By doing that, you engage in S/IN = Superman(S) Final(I/9+N/14=W/23). That's why it's a S/IN.
That's what happens any time you underestimate somebody and just write them off as nothing. I've been posting my results for almost two years and they just go on ignored. People just pass my Journal by and read couple entries, and then move on to the next thing.
If that's what people want to do, fine. However, I make it qute clear that I keep trying to let people know about this. People can accuse me later of not trying hard enough, but I'd like to see them try doing this while juggling a normal life, a financial mess they have to clean up, and then continue doing data reports.
Let's not forget I'm not even getting PAID for this. I don't have to sit here every day posting these Journal Entries. If I wanted, I could slink away into the shadows and just use this information to make a hefty product and not tell anyone.
It would've been the greatest Schem and Con Job ever and no one would ever know or be able to trace it. HOWEVER, I don't. I sit here every day posting Journal Entries as Public Record for the benefit of Humankind in the name of Science because this is useful stuff for the People of Earth.
They may not appreciate it now, but someday they're going to stumble across my Research, realize how valuable it is, and the use that to be able to move forward.
That's why I complain in my Journal. I joke around, but I still complain because I already see it coming. As soon as people get wind of what I'm doing and can verify the influence I have, you're going to get:
- Complainers who don't like what I'm doing
- Religious Figures that are going to knock on my door telling me how to run things and what kind of Religious Ideals to pass on to the people
- Political Cartoonists making fun of me
- Writers and Critics who don't like the decisions I make
- People who won't give me a minute's peace asking for alms
- People criticizing me when I try to have some personal space and don't want to associate with people and shake hands with them, kiss their babies, or hear their requests
- People who will know when I trip or make a mistake and it's blasted all over the Associated Press
- Paparrazi hanging outside my home trying to take pictures of me
- People trying to find out who I'm dating or romantically interested in
I know what's coming up. I sit and watch what happens to all the Celebrities and the CRAP they have to put up with. Same with Politicians. They have to walk a tightwire and keep their nose clean.
Then when Politicians make a mistake, their opponents are all over them like vultures exploiting that weakness so that they can one-up themselves for the next political election. I see all that bullshit. That's why I've been quite content playing "Wizard of Oz" as the little man behind the curtain that nobody knows exists sitting in my tiny little room managing the Planet from behind the scenes.
That whole Insanity Cover acts as a protective ward so that people won't take me seriously. Then I can continue to do what I need to do unfettered and without people bothering me or nagging me.
Like I said, the movie "Matrix Reloaded" with the people sitting outside Neo's house wanting alms and to be healed really bugs the Hell out of me. You'll have people trying to make Pilgrimages to my home begging me to cure their illnesses or help them.
My answer right now is:
- Help yourself
- You don't need to me to figure out things for you
- I'm not going to be around forever
My greatest worry is that when I die, the world is going to fall into disarray. The Cardinal Rule of Thumb in Businesses is to develop a Corporation that runs itself and doesn't fall apart when you leave the Office.
That's the objective. What worries me is that all the Political Leaders are going to stop thinking and using their own common sense and will always defer to me to think for them. They're only hurting themselves and developing a Dependency and Addiction.
The smartest thing people can do is learn to think for themselves:
- Learn Business so you can be your own boss
- Learn Personal Money Management so you can manage money
- Learn to mange money like a company budgeting and allocating your resources
- Plan months ahead
- Take Classes on how to develop Relationships so that you'll have happier lives
- Develop multiple sources of income and angle for residuals so you won't find yourself slaving over a job and worrying about financial security
All the Informatoin is out there. Use your common sense. Pretend as if I wasn't even here. What would you do if I wasn't here? My biggest worry is that when people are aware of my existence, they'll always want me to solve all their problems for them.
That's why I don't approve of Drugs. It's dependency. I don't use drugs, but if people want to be stupid and use drugs and alcohol, that's fine by me. I'm always looking for new recruits and people who fry their brains and weaken their mental resistence so I can seize control of their minds and have them work as agents for me :P.
So if you want to go take drugs and fry your brain cells, drink alcohol getting wasted, and be a puppet because you don't have enough sense, be my guest :)
- I said I'm like CHRISTopher Columbus.
- That's how you get a COLUMBIAN Drug LORD.
- Columbus is the Capital of Ohio.
- Ohio was inducted into the Union 3/1/1803
- 3/1/1803:
- C/A/R/C = Gemini Dominant(CC) with IR(AR) in it
- CA/RC = California(CA) Remote Control(RC)
- C/ARC = Domnant(C) Arc(Joan of Arc)
- Car/C = Car(Vehicle) Dominant(C)
- OH = Sun(O) Superman(H). Ohio = OO with HI in it = Gemini Sun with 81(9 to the 2nd/Gemini Power) in it.
- Ohio is the only State that begins and ends in O (Sun)
- Why do you think it's called the Buckeye State? B u CK E/Ye = Gemini(B) in Union with(U) Clark Kent(CK) Sun(E/5) Definite(Ye-The/Old English).
Religion is a Drug. You use it a crutch. The reason why I know is because everybody relies on God. Well, I have a news flash for you. What happens if you were God. Who does God turn to when God has problems? If you're God and you know everything, what do you do?
That's why I don't hold Religion in high esteem. It's all Ego. E/Go = Sun(E/5) IR(Go-Spanish)
I've had to carry the wieight of EVERYONE for the last two years and there's no one helping me. I have to figure this shit out on my own. Praying doesn't do you any good. What am I supposed to do? Pray to myself for Guidance? :P
The Planet and the Sun are the same way. They got their own limitations. They're just larger life forms. It's the same way an ant would look at a human being in awe that is so large and think that human beings are omnipotent and all-powerful. Human beings aren't.
It's the same thing with the Planet and the Sun. Yeah, okay. So they can shift huge events, cause earthquakes, tsunamis, and tornadoes that would astound the human populace, but they have limitations like everyone else. They just move on a larger or grander scale the way a human being moves on a larger scale as an ant.
That's the way you need to look at the Universe.
Steelers Win Super Bowl, Get "One for the Thumb"
MVP Ward Catches Five Passes for 123 Yards, Touchdown in 21-10 Win
DETROIT (Feb. 5) - The Pittsburgh Steelers finally gave coach Bill Cowher some Super Bowl satisfaction.
Paul Sancya, AP
Ben Roethlisberger's TD run proved to be a big play.
Moments after the Rolling Stones rocked a Ford Field filled with Terrible Towels, Willie Parker broke a record 75-yard touchdown run, sparking Pittsburgh's 21-10 victory Sunday over the Seattle Seahawks.
Not only did the Steelers earn that elusive fifth championship ring and their first since 1980, but they completed a magic Bus ride that made Jerome Bettis' homecoming - and farewell - a success.
"I'm a champion. I think the Bus' last stop is here in Detroit," Bettis said. "It's official, like the referee whistle."
On this night, satisfaction was more than Mick Jagger's signature song that closed the halftime show.
It was sweet validation for Cowher with a title in his 14th season as their coach, the longest tenure in the NFL. The tough guy, who lost his only previous Super Bowl 10 years ago, teared up as he walked to midfield to embrace Seahawks coach Mike Holmgren.
"It's surreal," Cowher said. "I'm going to tell you, this is a special group of coaches, a special group of players. I was one small part of this."
Pittsburgh tied San Francisco and Dallas with its five Super Bowl titles.
And the Steelers certainly got plenty of help from the Seahawks, too. Seattle was plagued by penalties, drops, poor clock management and a critical fourth-quarter interception of Matt Hasselbeck just when the NFC champions seemed ready to take the lead.
Instead, Pittsburgh (15-5) got the clinching score with the kind of trickery that has carried it through an eight-game winning streak.
Versatile wide receiver Antwaan Randle El, a quarterback in college, took a handoff from Parker, sprinted right and threw perfectly to Super Bowl MVP Hines Ward for a 43-yard TD with 9:04 remaining.
Bettis' role was minimal in what might be the final game for the NFL's No. 5 career rusher.
So was quarterback Ben Roethlisberger's impact - the most noteworthy play for the youngest quarterback to win a Super Bowl was a horrid pass that Kelly Herndon of the Seahawks (15-4) returned a record 76 yards.
That set up the Seahawks' only touchdown, a 16-yard pass to Jerramy Stevens - Joey Porter, his verbal sparring partner all week, was nowhere in sight. Neither was All-Pro safety Troy Polamalu.
But with Parker's burst and Seattle's self-destructive tendencies, the Steelers completed their postseason march through the NFL's top four teams: Cincinnati, Indianapolis, Denver and Seattle, with all the wins coming away from Heinz Field.
Ward had five receptions for 123 yards and a touchdown.
Seattle, looking nothing like a team that rampaged through its conference, damaged itself all day. It had four penalties for 40 yards in the opening half, one that nullified a touchdown pass.
The second half wasn't much better, and Ike Taylor's 24-yard return with Hasselbeck's poor throw gave Pittsburgh the one last opportunity it needed.
"This is a tough pill to swallow," Holmgren said, "but we accomplished a lot this year. While you don't have a great feeling after a game like this, I want them to remember this feeling, so they can build on it."
The 23-year-old Roethlisberger achieved it more with his legs than his arm. He dived into the end zone from the 1 late in the first half - the TD was upheld on replay - and converted enough second-half first downs to wind down the clock.
Usually, that is Bettis' job. But this Sunday, he was just along for his final ride.
What a journey it has been.
The Steelers were 7-5, then won their final four regular-season games to secure the AFC's last playoff spot. They went to Cincinnati and won a wild-card game. They won at Indianapolis, which had the league's best record. And then they handed Denver its first home loss in the AFC championship game.
And now they - and 73-year-old owner Dan Rooney - have their "One for the Thumb" - the first four came in their Steel Curtain days, won by the likes of Mean Joe Greene, Terry Bradshaw and Franco Harris.
"I've been waiting a long time to do this," Cowher said to Rooney before handing him the Vince Lombardi Trophy. "This is yours, man."
Cowher had the Steelers in the Super Bowl in 1996 but they lost to Dallas.
Early on, the noise seemed to unnerve the Steelers, who had two motion penalties on their first offensive series. Of course, none of their active players Sunday ever played in a Super Bowl.
Seattle forced another three-and-out on Pittsburgh's next possession, keeping Bettis on the sideline, then took the lead.
Josh Brown made a 47-yard field goal with 22 seconds left in the first quarter after the Seahawks lost a touchdown on Darrell Jackson's pass interference in the end zone. Jackson still had 50 yards on five receptions in the quarter.
Bettis made his Super Bowl debut 2:47 into the second quarter with the Pittsburgh offense in dire need of a boost. The Steelers got it, but from an 8-yard completion to Randle El for their initial first down - 19 minutes into the game.
Ward followed with an 18-yard run on an end-around, but Roethlisberger's ill-advised lob on the next play was picked off by safety Michael Boulware at the Seattle 25.
With Seattle's other safety, Marquand Manuel, sidelined in the second quarter with a right ankle injury, Roethlisberger began finding open receivers. Ward gained 12 yards, Cedrick Wilson got 20 and, moments after Ward dropped a pass in the corner of the end zone, he outwrestled Boulware for a 37-yard completion.
The Bus couldn't roll in on two tries, then the 6-foot-5 Roethlisberger dived left and barely squeezed the ball over the goal line. A replay review upheld the touchdown with 1:55 remaining in the half.
Perhaps unnerved themselves by the ruling, the Seahawks squandered much of that time before Brown missed a 54-yard field goal wide right. Holmgren argued as he walked off the field that the ball never crossed the goal line, but referee Bill Leavy told him it did.
Seattle also could bemoan a holding call on Peter Warrick's 32-yard punt return to open the second quarter, and a goal-line completion to Jackson on which he barely was out of bounds.
It didn't get a lot better in the second half for Seattle, and Holmgren failed to become the first coach to win Super Bowls with two franchises. In 1997, his Green Bay Packers beat Denver.
But his Seahawks didn't give themselves much of a chance. By the end, the crowd was singing "Here We Go Steelers, Here We Go."
Who knows, maybe Jagger was singing along.
02/05/06 22:03 EST
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