Aside from the
Isabella's Time Stamp 12:20 am matching my Grandmother born 12/20 and Isabella taking her name after her Grandmother, I can take
Post one step further:
- Time Stamp for Keith's post is 7:09 pm, which is 7:9
- 79 = Au (Gold) on the Periodic Table
- A = 1st Letter
- U = 21st Letter
- (A)(U) = (1)(21) = 121
- 121 = 11 x 11
- isabellaval is born 11/11
- Washington Stateinducted into the Union on 11/11 of 1889. Isabella went up to see Lauren this Christmas in Washington State.
- The Berlin Wall came down 11/11 of 1989. East Germany = Conscious Mind. West Germany = Subconscious Mind. The Barrier came down.
Keith and I are both from Washington State. Gold is the Color of Yellow, like the Sun. That's how you get
SUN/ny LEO/ne. Sunny and Isabella's lives are intertwined. Sun = Leo's Ruling Planet. That's why
I said 12/27/2005 that people should be nicer to Isabella because she's of Divine Birth and Heritage. Leo the Lion is KING of all Animals.
That's why it was no Coincidence when Hurricane Katrina starting with K (11th Letter) was the 11th Hurricane hitting Louisiana (LA = [12][1] = 121 = 11 x 11). That's why
I said 11/27/2005 that Sunny Leone's Boyfriend Eric is born 11/11 like Isabella representing the male Isabella.
That's why if Isabella is looking for "God," she should try looking up at that that big, fiery ball of fire in the Sky we call the Sun. It's actually ALIVE and conscious :P. That's why when Isabella was saying "I should be a Goddess," that wasn't far from the Truth because she symbolizes the Female Voice of God.
If you could translate God into a Physical Human Being, the Sun in our Solar System would LOOK like Sunny Leone and SOUND like Isabella and be just as SLUTTY. The Sun is one big fat, fiery, fertile OVUM floating in Space :P.
That's why it refers to itself as an "Adult Star." Get it? Sunny Leone is now an official "Adult Star." It's PUNNY :P. That's why I'm not kidding when I say that years from now Isabella is going to represent Female Phone Sex Operators around the world proving that Phone Sex is a respectable and LEGITIMATE PROFESSION.
People will be FORCED to listen to her because she's of Divine Origin. This comes back to why Psychic Readings are ALWAYS accurate. Because if I'm correct on all my Divination Readings, then it means that whatever I prophecize and set into motion will also have a high likelihood of coming true.