SIGNS: Others Didn't Believe Lucy's Story of Narnia (Psychic Realm)

Dec 29, 2005 21:48

I feel like I'm in the 3rd Grade and getting picked on and bullied in elementary school. You have all these other kids being mean and picking on me because I said I saw a Unicorn. Then all the other kids start jeering and throwing rocks and calling me a liar and stupid.

However, what happens if you actually did see a Unicorn and was telling the Truth? How come you have to get punished by all the other kids? You didn't lie. You were honest about what you said you saw. How come others have to suddenly turn nasty and mean toward you when you weren't lying and told the flat out truth about what you saw? They are mean based off of incorrect information and rumors. If I was telling the Truth about observed Psychic Phenomenon, why did I get yelled at and punished?

isabellaval once told me her mother used to beat her and she would cry and ask what she did wrong. Isabella is the one who talks about believing in Karma. Maybe that's why she got beaten while she was a child, and she was paying for it early for the cruelty she's exhibiting now just like her mother did.

I said 12/27/2005 that this is just like "Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe" where Lucy says she stumbled across another Realm in Wardrobe and her siblings call her a liar. Edmund even saw it, but lied. When Edmund lies and makes Lucy look like even more of a liar, Lucy bursts into tears and starts crying because nobody believes her :(.

Lucy was the honest one. Why would Lucy lie about something like that? I said I accidentally stumbled across the Psychic Realm (Narnia) and nobody believed me. Instead, everyone got mad at me and started beating on me. They made Community Hate Groups focused on me, made me suffer Defamation of Character making all your friends leave you, sent me Hate Mail, made me the butt of their jokes, called me stupid and insane, and were really mean.

My Divination Readings may be off the wall and bizarre where my mind ranges out, but I'm picking out Key Words that come to me. Regardless of whether it makes sense in terms of Linear Thinking is irrelevant, it's still a Divination Reading because you're being led to a certain Key Word using Tangential Thinking, Word Association, and Symbols. That's why I think those people picking on me totally suck :(.

I said 12/22/2005 that Psychic Abilities are like Vampire Powers on "Eternal Night." Your Accuracy and Hitting goes up as your Vampire Game Character ages and gains more experience. It moves Faster (time you posted information used in a Psychic Readngs) and gets in more Hits (Journal Entries). Not that anyone like celticblissy who played EN was actually listening or paying attention to my explanation :(.

ethics, scott, relationships, isabella, psychic, literature, lessons, signs, friends, authors, psychology, bliss, games

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