isabellaval did a
Phone Post. She has a really
sexy phone voice if you want to hear it. I haven't used any of my Phone Posts because I forgot my password :P.
- The MP3's ID Number is 657, which is my Mailbox Number
- I said 12/28/2005 that Mail is like "Electronic Sperm" inserted in a "Mailbox Vagina"
- Isabella's Subconscious, Alison, was just reaffirming that and steering Conscious Isabella toward posting that
- The ID Number for her Entry is 150876. 150/876 = Cross-Eyed(10/X) Isabella Valentine(IV/15) Final(H/Pisces/8) Spirit of '76
- I said 12/28/2005 about my home town Port Orchard. The Port Orchard phone prefix is 876 on BAY Street (Bay City Blues)
- I said our high school mascot is the Wolf. You have BAYing Wolves. I said 10/29/2005 that Bliss had a Wolf Pack that ganged up on me like a Pack of Wolves.
- Pa/CK = Father Clark Kent. W/OL-F = Non-Final(W) Sunny Leone(O/15+L/50=65=5x13) Bad God(-I/6/Non-9/Non-I).
As I said, when it comes to Psychic Abilities, always rely on Numbers for Psychic Readings because numbers don't lie. I kept trying to tell Isabella that I didn't lie about the Psychic Phenomenon I observed last year. It was a
freak accident that wasn't supposed to happen when I stumbled across the Psychic Realm last year.