You've Become What I Hate, Sold Yourself For A Bit Of Fame: Chapter Thirty-Five

Sep 26, 2012 15:21

Summary: Alex has just moved for the last of many times to Dulaney High school. He has decided that this is the year and school that he will try and become "popular" but if that happened would it be a bad thing? And will finding a new friend, that may think of him as more, also affect it?....
Disclaimer: I don't own anyone, sadly. Title goes to Bite My Tongue-You Me At Six, Cut goes to Violet-Paradise Fears
A/N: At the End


Dedication: This is another chapter dedicated to callumgriffin97 because he put me in his fic which is so cool and because he's awesome! This is also dedicated to mcrway because we have great conversations through comments(: And finally, this is dedicated to anyone who has commented or read any of this! I love you! (I'm in a dedicate-y mood I suppose!)

Chapter Thirty-five

The next day is Monday and Alex is really excited. It's no longer just a family visit day and he can't wait to see other people. He's started to get really agitated and can't stop fidgeting because he still has a while to wait before other people can come, considering it's a school day and everyone is there.

Monday also meant that his parents had to work and that too, was a relief. He wasn't sure how much longer he could take being reassured and calmed for something that he knew was entirely his fault.

He felt incredibly guilty. His parents had already lost one child to drugs and now they'd almost lost another. Alex promised himself that he wasn't going to get into that any more, it wasn't worth it to see his parents so distressed.

He really wished time would go faster. He didn't like being alone. It gave him too much time to think, and his thoughts generally wanted to crush him. A few times he even found himself wishing that that strange doctor, The Doctor would come in and talk to him. At least then he would be amused.

But the person that Alex really found himself missing was Jack. He just wanted to go back to the times that they were friends and nothing was complicated. He didn't even care about the fight that they'd had any more. He just wanted Jack there to talk to him.

This was another reason Alex was excited for visiting hours. He knew that Jack would come. He had to. He wouldn't just not visit Alex when he was in the hospital. The blonde had decided that he was going to apologise to Jack for whatever it was that the dark haired boy thought he'd done wrong and he would start hanging out with him more. It was simple!

Alex smiled to himself. He couldn't wait until then.


Finally four o'clock rolled around and Alex was so relived. He didn't know how much longer he could take sitting alone in his room trying to thing of things to relieve the boredom and then ending up sorting people walking in the street out of his window into people he would fuck and people who weren't worthy.

He had to practically force himself to politely reply with a “yes”, rather then a “FUCK YES. SEND THEM IN NOW.” when a nurse asked if he was in a mood to see any visitors.

He couldn't wait to see Jack. He couldn't stop smiling, he knew that his face was going to hurt after a while if this continued, but he was okay with that.

His heart leaped when he saw two dark haired boys enter his room, but then it instantly sank when he realised that neither of them were Jack.

“Hi, Alex. How are you feeling?” The blonde couldn't contain the disappointment that coloured his words when he spoke.

“Hey, Josh. Matt. I'm fine. Bit of a headache, but whatever. I can deal.”

The two boys were there for about twenty minutes when Matt’s cell phone started to ring.

“Shit. Hello?” He continued with his conversation and then hung up, seeming annoyed.

“Guys, I have to go. I was supposed to stay after at school today, but I clearly didn't,” He gestured to the setting around him, “And my mom found out sooo, basically, she's pissed. I'll see you around. Uh, get well, Alex.”

The blonde nodded curtly as a goodbye and then watched Matt walk out the door.

Josh and Alex sat awkwardly for a few moments. Neither knowing what to say now that it was just the two of them. The blonde still wanted to be pissed at Josh, but his parents had informed him that the other English boy was the one who had found and brought Alex here, so he really had no right to be mad.

Alex coughed, then awkwardly said, while looking at the hands that he had crossed in his lap, “Uhm, my mom told me that, that uh, you were the one that brought me here when I-uh, you know. So, uh, yeah, thanks...for that.”

He quickly looked up at the boy seated by the end of his bed who shuffled awkwardly in his seat before replying, “Oh, it's no big deal, Alex. I'm sure you would have done the same for me.”

Thus followed another awkward moment in which neither boy said anything. And again, Alex was the one to break it.

“Hey, Josh?” He asked, this time looking at him.


Alex bit his lip, “Why did you bring Matt? W-why didn't you bring Jack? Is everything all right with him? Was he busy or something?”

Josh sighed inwardly, this was what he was hoping he could have avoided. He debated just not answering but Alex was looking at him all wide-eyed and like a lost puppy so he had to answer.

He bit his lip, trying to word it right, “Alex. Jack-Jack, he-he um,” Josh had to look away, he couldn't take Alex's hopeful stare, “He's not...coming.” He mumbled.

He glanced back up at the blonde's face, now looking confused and crushed, “W-what?”

“He isn't coming, Alex. I'm sorry.”

“Oh. C-can I maybe have some time to myself now? I'm kinda tired.”

Josh's face softened. “Of course, Alex. Do what you need to get better. Do you want me to call the nurse on my way out?”

The blonde nodded. “Yeah, that'd be nice. Thanks.”

Josh noted how his voice seemed a bit far away, but not utterly crushed like he had first assumed it would be.

The blue-eyed boy walked out of the hospital room and told a nurse to go to Alex on his way out, like he'd said he would.

He got in his car and started towards the diner where he was going to meet Jack.


“So how is he?” The Lebanese boy asked, not sounding interested in the slightest, seemingly only asking because it was the polite thing to do. Josh wasn't sure if that was why he was asking or if he actually did care. Because if he did, then Jack was a really good actor.

Josh looked up from his menu and quickly said, “He's doing fine.”

“Any permanent damage?”

“Nope. The doctor said that he'll make a full recovery.”

“That's more than he deserves.” Jack mumbled quietly, Josh wasn't even sure that he'd heard it at first, and he decided to ignore it. The Lebanese boy didn't say anything further and just started to eat the large plate of pancakes that he'd ordered. Usually the two would have a laugh about how Jack was ordering breakfast food at five in the afternoon, but neither was really up to it that day.

Josh stirred his coffee and looked out the window not thinking about anything really, just watching the goings-on of life outside the diner's window.

Josh then looked over at the boy opposite him when his voice pierced the silence that had developed between them.

“So, did anyone else visit him?”

The English boy bit his lip idly and looked at Jack's face searching for an implication on what he meant by that. He'd asked in the same bored, uncaring tone that he'd used before.

He suddenly understood. Jack wanted to know if Kellin or anyone else of the sort had visited.

It a neutral tone he said, “No, Jack. No one else visited. Just Matt and me.”

Jack kept poking around at his pancakes and then snorted, “What a surprise. Alex's “Good friends” have abandoned him. Who would have seen this one coming?” He said sarcastically.

Josh frowned and didn't respond. Jack didn't seem to mind though.

After the two had sat there for another twenty minutes and had both finished their meals, they parted ways.


Josh sighed as he started his car. He wished that Jack would just go visit Alex so they could make up and talk everything out, but he knew it wouldn't happen.

When the blue-eyed boy had finally gotten a hold of Jack, the older boy had spoken rapidly and gestured wildly with his hands.

“I knew something like this would happen. I knew it, Josh! I fucking warned him, and he still goes and does an idiotic thing like this!”

Josh had listened calmly and waited patiently for Jack to stop his initial freak out. When he was pretty sure that it was okay for him to talk, he said, in a voice that suggested it was obvious, “Why are you telling me all this? Go down there on Monday and tell the person who really needs to know.”

The blue-eyed boy had been surprised but, admittedly, a little proud when Jack responded by saying, “No. I said I was done with him and I meant it. I, unlike him, don't break promises, even if it's just with myself. Besides,” he said, now mumbling and sounding broken, “I wouldn't possibly be able to stand seeing him looking all helpless and not even feel guilty over it. No, I'm not going to be visiting Alex in hospital, sorry, Josh.”

And that was that. Josh knew that Jack wasn't going to change his mind. He was a stubborn bastard when he wanted to be.


A/N: I feel like I'm killing you guys with all the drama this fic has. I promise that I have a plan and I'm not just going to make everything horrible! Also, to everyone that got the Doctor Who reference in the last two chapters, you are awesome and have good television taste.

Also, as a side note and total self promotion type thing, I made a master list of all the one shots that I've written thus far, it's not many, but they may be worth the read! If interested, here's the link(:
More writing for your reading pleasure(:

jack barakat, josh franceschi, jack barakat/alex gaskarth, alex gaskarth

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