Baby, I'm Yours [One Shot]

Sep 23, 2012 18:23

Summary: He wasn't mad at Jack. He didn't hate Jack. He never could. Jack was perfect. It was himself that he was mad at. Himself that he hated. If he wasn't himself then this wouldn't keep happening. Alex couldn't blame Jack for something that was Alex's fault.
Disclaimer: Of course I own them. Cos I would totally be on the computer writing stories about them and not hanging out/snogging them. Yeah, that's logical. Title and lyrics in the fic goes to Baby, I'm Yours Cover-Arctic Monkeys and Cut (technically) goes to Fireworks-You Me At Six
A/N: At The End

Alex ran as fast as he could. He just wanted to get home. Home he would be safe. He hoped he was going in the right direction. The tears in his eyes blurred his vision and it was hard to be sure of where he was.

He soon reached his destination but he didn't even feel relieved. He didn't feel anything at the moment except for pain and heartache. He quickly made it to the front door and ripped his key out of his pocket. He jammed it into the door, so frustrated that it took him three times to even get the piece of metal into the hole. He wasn't hurrying because of the rain, he was hurrying because he was about to break down and he didn't want to do that out here, where anyone could see him.

Finally, the door opened. As soon as he stepped in side though, the door that he so frantically tried to wrench open was slammed shut as hard as he could.

The boy didn't even bother taking his shoes or any of his wet layers of clothing off, he just stormed towards his bedroom. When he got inside the room he did the same it to it's door as he did the the front door. He slammed it with all the energy he could muster.

As soon as it was shut he leant against it. This upright position lasted about one second before he collapsed and his body slid down the door to the ground.

This was when he let himself break down. He sat in that one spot, head buried in his arms and cried. He cried and cried until he felt that there shouldn't even be enough tears left, but still, they faithfully kept coming.

He couldn't get the incident from earlier out of his mind. It hadn't been the first time something like this had happened but this time, this time Jack had seen Alex, he'd seen him and had continued with what he was doing, like he hadn't even cared.

He wasn't mad at Jack. He didn't hate Jack. He never could. Jack was perfect. It was himself that he was mad at. Himself that he hated. If he wasn't himself then this wouldn't keep happening. Alex couldn't blame Jack for something that was Alex's fault.

Each time something like this happend, it made the blonde feel horrible. It made him feel ugly and unwanted. He already knew that no one found him in the least bit desireable, but Jack at least told him differently.

Deep down Alex knew that no one wanted to actually be in a relationship with him though. He was annoying, he wasn't funny, he was completely weird, he was unconfident, and he was awkward. But at least Jack could pretend and make Alex feel like none of those things mattered.

Alex knew that Jack was pretending. Because he'd go and do something like this.

But again, he wasn't mad at Jack really. He couldn't be mad at something that made sense.


After festuring in his thoughts for a while, Alex heard a sound. It was a knock on the door he was leaning against.

He then heard a tentative, "Alex?"

The boy whose name was being called ignored him. He didn't want to respond and then feel worse when Jack told him how worthless he was and how he wanted him gone from his life for good. Alex knew he wouldn't be able to take it.

Jack sighed from the other side of the door and tried again, "Alex? Baby? Please. I know you're in there."

Alex only responded with silence.

He then felt the door behind him shake and was worried that Jack was opening it. He heard a thump and then realised that he must be leaning against it much like he was.

"Oh, Alex. What have I done this time?" The blonde heard through the door. There was another soft thump as Jack leaned his head against his side of the door.

Alex was confused. What was he talking about?

Jack continued, "I've always done something to upset you. I'm aways doing things that aren't right. And I can always tell by the way you act but, I never know what I've done and it makes me feel horrible. I never know how to fix it because you nev​er let me comfort you. You never tell me what's wrong."

Alex frowned. He was still crying but his tears had quieted down considerably, they were just running down his face now, the boy didn't even notice them anymore.

The blonde debated answering.

"Please, baby? Tell me what's wrong. Just this once?"

"You know, Jack."

Jack made a frustrated noise, "Baby," he groaned, "I don't. I honestly don't. You keep everything inside all the time. Just open up. Please?"

Alex's tears almost started up full throttle again. He couldn't stand Jack thinking he was the one that did anything wrong. When he spoke, he was aware of how painfully obvious it was that he was holding back tears. "Jack its-its-I mean, you-you didn't do anything wrong. I mean, if anything I'm the stupid one. I should have been used to this by now."

"Aleeex." Jack whined, "Please. I don't understand you. I need you to explain."

"I saw you tonight, Jack! I saw you flirting with that guy! That really attractive one! It shouldn't even affect me so much. I mean, it's happened loads of times before. I should be used to it by now. I'm not mad at you. You've done nothing wrong. I'm mad at myself. I'm mad that I can't be good enough for you. You're going to leave me and it's all my fault for being the way I am. You're so perfect and I'm just so...Alex." He mumbled.

There was silence on either side of the two doors. Then Jack spoke, "Baby. I-Thats. Stop. You're right. You aren't good enough for me. You too good for me. You're perfect. I'm not perfect. I'm nowhere near perfect. I'm amazed that you've even spent this much time with me. I'm horrible." It sounded like he was having a realisation. "You're completely right. I flirt with random guys. Oh my god, that's disguting." There was another slight pause. "But-but Alex. I-it should't affect you so much. I mean, even if I do occasionally flirt with other guys, you're the one for me. I'd never ever leave you. I'm going to stop. I promise I'll stop. But-" he let out a ragged breath, "I-I can understand if you....if you want to....break up with me. Just please-please don't be too hard on me. At least let me have one more day with you. Just one and-and then you can find someone better. Please, baby. I love you."

Alex was shocked. This wasn't what he had been expecting at all. "Jack." He said, barely anything above a whisper. He was pretty sure that the other boy hadn't even heard it. The blonde stood up and turned around so he was facing the door. He then put his hand on the knob and turned it slowly opening the piece of wood.

When it was open he saw Jack, who was now leaning against the wall, scrunched into a ball, similar to the one Alex had been in a moment ago. The younger boy looked up at him with glazed over eyes. It broke the blonde's heart.

He was amazed though. He was the one that had struck this much emotion into Jack. Jack, who was usually so calm and level headed, he never lost his cool.

He sat down next to Jack and just looked at him. Then he finally said, "You really aren't going to leave me?"

The younger boy just looked back at Alex like he'd grown two heads, "Baby, what are you talking about? I could never leave you. Not even if I tried. Ever. Baby, I'm yours. And I'll be yours until the stars fall from the sky, until the rivers all run dry. In other words...until I die."

The English boy looked back at him, "But I'm so-"

"Alex. If you say anything negative about yourself, ever I will spend the rest of my life disproving you."

"Do you really want to be with me that much?" Alex was shocked, he honetly couldn't believe it.

Jack looked right into his eyes, "I promise, I'm gonna stay right by your side, and do my best to keep you satisfied. Nothing at all in the world could drive me away. If you want me to, I will tell you every single day, Baby, I'm yours."

Alex was on the verge of tears again. He felt like he was going to revert back to earlier, that if he started he wouldn't stop for a long time. But there was one key difference to how he felt at that moment, and how he felt earlier, this time, they were tears of happiness.


A/N:I'm gonna stop updating so much after this, I promise! Two one shots in one day? I know, it's a lot. I've just been a writing mood today I suppose. This was supposed to be like, 10% angsty drama and 90% the cuteness that comes from the song Baby, I'm Yours, but apparently I have a brain that is completely sick and messed up and can not write a straight up fluff fic if I tried, so this is basically the opposite of that. So if you want to be cheered up after reading this, I suggest you listen to Baby, I'm Yours. And if you can write fluff, like a normal person, you should tell me so I can give you a song that I think would be such a cute one shot, but if I wrote it, it'd probably suck.

PS. If anyone lives in the UK you should take me to The Final Night Of Sin because I would love you for the rest of my life. And you should let me move in with you because I've gotten tired of living in the US and I want to go back. That is all.

jack barakat, jack barakat/alex gaskarth, alex gaskarth

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