Cos I Light Up When I See You [One Shot]

Sep 23, 2012 12:18

Summary: Yes, Alex had planned a movie night.
Disclamier: Because I have horrible luck I own none of these characters, well, except for myself cos, uh, yeah... Title and Cut goes to Original Love-Cassadee Pope
A/N: At The End

The blonde boy walked through the aisles looking at all the titles in agitation. None seemed appealing. None seemed right. He was aware that you weren't supposed to judge a book by its cover, but these were television shows and films, so he figured the same rule didn't apply.

It was  a Saturday night and also a rare night that All Time Low were off tour. The band was only off for a week so he wanted to make these seven days count. It was late in the afternoon and he was in a video shop trying to find the perfect film or tv show that he and his amazingly perfect boyfriend could spend all night watching.

Yes, Alex had planned a movie night. Jack had been staying with his parents for the first three nights that the band was home because they claimed they didn't see him enough. This meant that Alex got only got to spend time with his beloved via Twitter, texts, or phone calls. As to be expected, this made the blonde want to spend as much time as possible with him when he got back.

When the blonde had informed Jack of his plans for that night on the phone earlier, the dark haired boy had just squealed adorably in happiness. Alex had laughed and asked him what he wanted to watch. The blonde had sat there through Jack's slight pause and been prepared to hear the obvious "Home Alone!!" like he always did, but this time Jack surprised him. "I don't mind, just get something new. Something interesting and exciting, that also will make me laugh, and at some points make me want to snuggle with you."

Alex had agreed to find what Jack asked but he actually had no idea what could possibly fill this request. This left him to where he was now. Pacing the aisles of a film shop and trying to find the absolute perfect thing for he and Jack to watch.

After going through the shop about three times and looking at the same titles and covers, the blonde stopped walking and huffed in frustration. 'This is ridiculous. They don't have anything that even remotely fills Jack's description.' Okay, so he hadn't exactly picked up any of the rectangular cases or read the descriptions, but still.

He stood there with his arms across his chest with a cross look on his face for a moment until he heard a noise that sounded like someone trying to contain a snigger.

He looked up confused and then turned his head in the direction of the sound. When he saw the source of the almost-concealed laugh, he realised that the noise didn't just sound like someone trying to conceal a snigger, it was someone trying to conceal a snigger.

At the pay counter was a teenage girl. She had light brown hair with random blonde streaks and purple fringe. She reminded him of Flyzik by the way that she had gauges and a lip ring. She was wearing converse and a black denim jacket with the letters DBNO on it. She wasn't unattractive, but she definitely wasn't what anyone would call beautiful. She was leaning her elbow on the counter and her face on her elbow in a desperate attempt to stop the chuckling. The chuckling at Alex. The blonde furrowed his eyebrows, annoyed. Why the fuck was she laughing at him?!

He walked up to her and crossed his arms again, trying to look intimidating. "Excuse me. Do you mind informing me on the reason that you have been laughing at me?" He asked, eyebrow raised.

The girl straightened up, she mimicked his eyebrow raise and replied, "Well, you've walked through the shop roughly three or four times with a confused and angry look on your face and you haven't even picked anything up. I thought it was funny. I'm sorry."

Alex was impressed at the coolness of her tone. He decided he'd forgive her for laughing at him if she helped him find something to take home to Jack.

"I see. Well, here's the deal...." He explained the situation and the description that Jack had given to the girl, all the while her nodding along. "So, can you think of anything like that? I mean, is there anything like that? It's probably just some crazy thing and we'll end up just watching Home Alone. Again."

The girl smiled, her eyes had lit up and she was given him a bemused smile. "Oh. Well. I can surely think of something."

She went on to explain about a science fiction show that had been on for ages and had something to do with aliens and time kings and crying angels and robotic cats and things that looked like giant salt shakers, a magic phone booth, with a main character that was a magic scientist or something.

All right, so he may not have been completely paying attention, but he thought he got the main points.

"Oookay. Well, I mean, is it any good? This Doctor....Who? Sorry, I've forgotten."

The girl behind the counter laughed, "No, no. You've got it completely right! Doctor Who! That's the name of it."

"Oh." Alex chuckled at his own ignorance. "So, I'm assuming that you like this show?"

The girl nodded enthusiastically, "It's one of my absolute favourites of all time!" She said, blushing a little at how nerdy that actually was.

Alex decided that if someone seemed this excited about a show, then it seemed worth it to check it out. Jack would probably enjoy it at least, he loved strange things. The blonde asked the girl if she would get him a disc or box set or whatever, of this Doctor Who so he could buy it and she nodded and went into the back of the shop.

As she came out with his purchase, Alex realised that she was wearing an All Time Low shirt under her denim jacket. He started to laugh at the fact that he hadn't noticed all this time.

After he had paid for his DVD he said, "Thanks! I'm sure my boyfriend will love this! Thanks-uh?"

"Holly. You're welcome, Alex! It was nice meeting you!" She waved frantically. The blonde laughed at the irony that her name matched the title of one of his songs and walked out of the shop. When he was out in the street he quickly glanced back though the window and saw her smiling widely and fanning her self, clearly fangirling over meeting a member in one of her favourite bands.



The blonde popped his head around the doorway in the kitchen narrowing his eyes as he tried to get a glance of the front door. When he set his eyes on the gorgeous dark haired boy standing there with wide excited eyes he dropped the bag of microwaveable popcorn he was holding and ran towards him as fast as he could.

"Jaaaackkkyyy!" He squealed unable to contain himself. It had only been three days since he'd seen him, yes, but after being used to seeing him every single day on tour, that was three days too long.

He jumped into his arms and wrapped his legs around the taller man, burrowing his head in his neck. Jack sighed, "I missed you, Lexy." He said with a slight pout.

The blonde raised his head from his neck, "I missed you too," He replied, swiftly connecting their lips.

They stayed like that until Jack broke their kiss and said, "Hey, um, Lex?" Alex hummed to show he was listening, "Can we maybe go to the couch now? It's not that you're heavy but, uh, yeah, you're a fat ass."

Alex pouted again, jumping down from Jack's arms. He gestured to the couch and then went back to the kitchen to finish making the popcorn.

When he walked back into the room he saw that Jack had picked up the DVD case and was intently inspecting it. "Is this what we're watching?"

The blonde put down the large quantity of snacks that he had in his hands onto the table scowling at Jack for not bothering to help him and the answered the question.

"Yup! The girl at the shop said it was really good, so I figured we could have a marathon!"

Jack looked a little skeptical when Alex attempted to explain the concept of the show but he allowed the blonde to put the disc in.

When Alex got back to the couch Jack immediately put his arms around his waist and pulled him into him. Alex made a noise of surprise and then turned into the other boy, grabbing the duvet he had put on the couch and wrapping it around them.


A few hours later Alex was looking at the television screen with a completely confused and lost look on his face. He opened his mouth to ask his boyfriend yet another question to clarify what was happening but was quickly cut off, "Alex. I swear to god. If you ask me one more question Im going to exterminate you. Stop interrupting the show!" He whined.

Alex crossed his arms. This was stupid. He should never have listened to that Holly. He didn't understand a single thing about this show.

Jack, on the other hand was completely engrossed. His eyes kept going wide, and he kept gasping and laughing.

"Jaaaack, can we pleeeease watch something else? Pleeeeaasse?"

The dark haired boy huffed and paused the show. He looked over at his boyfriend, "Why?"

"Because I don't understand this!" Alex said, his whiney tone continuing.

Jack leaned over and gave Alex a kiss, tangling his hands in his blonde hair. The other boy sighed happily and kissed back. The younger boy pushed Alex back so he was lying over him and continued to kiss him. The boy underneath him moaned as Jack started to kiss and nip at his neck, occasionally flicking his tongue out and driving Alex wild.

The next several minutes were filled with moans and pants and sounds that neither could even explain. Alex then got out, between the sounds, "Jack. Jack, I-I need you. I need you so badly right now."

At those words the dark haired boy sat up with a mischievous look in his eyes. "If you sit here with me and watch this show I will most definitely give what you need. But no sooner."

Alex's mouth opened wide. WHAT?! "Jack. Come on. That's-you! You can't do that!"

Jack shrugged. "I can and I will. Now shut up and watch."

He turned his head and pressed play on the remote.

Alex sat and watched him for a couple seconds trying to figure out if he was serious or not. When he realised that yes, he was completely serious, he made a sound of protest. After realising that Jack was ignoring it, he decided to give up. He leaned into his boyfriend and watched more of this dumb show that Jack now loved. He secretly wished they had watched Home Alone instead.


A/N: I wrote half of this at midnight last night after watching Doctor Who and then the rest this morning and I kind of lost my train of thought. I'm pretty sure that I'm tiring out the use of Doctor Who on this website and in my fics so I'll probably tone it down, don't worry everyone! And I put myself in this, I guess. Again, it was midnight and I was tired so yeah, enjoy the bit with me in it! Haha.
Anyway, don't be too critical, thanks for reading!

all time low, jack barakat/alex gaskarth

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