We're coming out tonight. I EXPECT to see Smelly, Naya, Christina, and Barb because i have not seen ANY of you bitches in forever. ok? and Naya is leaving soon. boo!!
ok, so here's whats going on. im seriously cleaning out all my friends and turning all my posts that are currently public to friends only. im considering changing my lj name too so if you wanna stay on my friends list, comment bitches.
so ive been watching all the metal shit thats been on vh1 this month and its getting me so fucking hyped. JUNE 21ST BITCHES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! POISON!!!!!!!!!! CINDERELLA!!!!!!!!!!! AAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i totally just found out C.C. DeVille is going to be in next seasons surreal life!!!!!!!!!!! AAAAAAHHH!!!!! the only way you would understand my excitement is if you really knew me.