Title: And Time Yet For A Hundred Indecisions Rating: NC-17 Pairing: Sam/Dean, Sam/Jo/Dean Wordcount: 3,272 Spoilers: There's no spoilers in this for 5x10 because I'm still in my happy place of denial. No, it's not just a river in Egypt.
I don't know if anyone noticed or not but the fanfiction archive is back up at deananjo.com. It's only got 2 stories and I figured it wasn't being very well advertised so here's the address and everyone PLEASE go and post your Dean/Jo fiction!
Title: always and always Author: Brinny Character/Pairing: Sam/Jo and Dean/Jo Rating: R Wordcount: 794 Notes: I shouldn't be allowed to read any more Alice Hoffman. Or listen to Alice in Chains. Definitely not both at the same time.
Title: You Can Always Come Back Author: quiet_rebel Rating: PG-13 Category: Drama/Romance Summary: "He came back different." Characters: Dean/Jo, Sam, Lilith, Bobby Warnings: None Notes: Set after season three.