[Fic] wanttobeatree: All the Fun of the Fair

Mar 01, 2013 13:41

[ Invited Reccer: Sam/Castiel ]
Title: All the Fun of the Fair
Writer: wanttobeatree
Alternate links: (if any exist) AO3
Status of work: Complete
Characters and/or pairings: Sam/Castiel
Rating: PG
Warnings, kinks & contents: None
Length: 869 words
Summary: Sam, Dean and Castiel spend a fun-filled evening at the fair.

Reccer's notes: I thought I'd start March off with something nice and fluffy; this is a really cute(seriously cotton-candy-sweet, there's even cotton candy in the fic) bit of interaction between Sam and Cas, with a perfect Sam voice and an adorably bemused Cas. This is my go-to cheer-up fic, and it never fails to bring a smile.

c: castiel, fic: 0-1k, c: dean winchester, *rarepair fpf, p: castiel/sam, ^fic, c: sam winchester, t: schmoop, *invited reccer

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