[Art] quickreaver: Gone Fishin'

Mar 01, 2013 10:39

[ GEN ]
Title: Gone Fishin'
Artist: quickreaver
Alternate links: at Summerart
Characters and/or pairings: Sam, Dean
Rating: G [reccer's rating]
Warnings, kinks & contents:  [Click to read]none
Medium: water color
Short description: Sam and Dean, a day off at the beach.

Reccer's notes: You know how Sam and Dean have a lot of their most intense, angsty conversations facing outwards side by side instead of facing each other? This art is like the happy version of that: Sam and Dean at ease with each other, heads just barely turned towards each other, communicating with each other while focused on fishing. Also, their backs and shoulders are things of beauty. There's a feeling of palpable relief to me in seeing them so unpressured, and quickreaver captures that in the expansiveness of the scene around them and the relaxed detail of their stances.

c: sam winchester, ^art, visual rating: sfw, c: dean winchester, *gen, art: traditional

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