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Comments 9

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rocknvaughn August 4 2014, 01:47:33 UTC
Yes! I didn't notice the bayonets until you mentioned it!

I don't know how much actual fighting we're going to see him do, as Victor didn't actually get overseas until well after his friends due to sickness.

I swear, this onscreen death will be every bit as heartwrenching as Cathal, if not worse.


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rocknvaughn August 4 2014, 07:44:05 UTC
I reject your reality and substitute my own...namely one where Arthur didn't die in the finale, leaving Merlin all alone. *lalala I can't hear you!*

No, but really, I try to block that thought out most of the time. That is almost one of the biggest reasons why I hate the Js so much. While I loved all the Merthur-y moments we got in the finale, what they did to the OTP was cruel and unusual punishment on a grandiose scale. That ending was a travesty and an insult to anyone with half a brain for plot.


issy5209 August 1 2014, 21:41:00 UTC
holy effing crap is right!

The trailer looks very good, I can't wait to see it (although am perplexed its not coming out this year but next)


rocknvaughn August 4 2014, 01:43:44 UTC
I have to agree about the timing of the release. I would have thought they'd have tried to release it in the UK in November, but perhaps they just couldn't have everything in place in time. Or else, they wanted it in a different release year for awards purposes? Or perhaps, as I have suspected, they plan on taking the movie on tour to the film festivals first?


issy5209 August 4 2014, 03:01:45 UTC
It doesn't seem to make much sense does it? Perhaps they will take it on tour. If it gets an international release, I'm sure it will be quite limited. She really is more of a British figure (I'm not even sure some of the fans release that its the story of a woman yet, Kit and Colin will only appear in first quarter of the movie - that's if it follows the book) than an international one.


rocknvaughn August 4 2014, 07:39:49 UTC
They made that trailer seem like her story is going to revolve a lot more around her and her love interest than anything else, didn't they ( ... )


rodneyscat August 3 2014, 14:55:25 UTC
I love when there's new Colin stuff, even when it's old! <3

Hear hear!!

That's a wonderful find. Love it! That's the first thing I've ever seen from that particular play :-D


rocknvaughn August 4 2014, 01:41:11 UTC
I know! I was so excited to find it exactly for that reason: that there wasn't anything out there yet about Colin in that particular play. :)


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