A Good Time for some Random Recs... (Or the "I have talented friends" post...)

Jan 18, 2014 22:11

It's a snowy Saturday afternoon here, and it seemed like a perfect time for me to sit down and actually do some reccing. I am horribly bad at it in general, so hopefully I can earn back some karma points by dedicating a post to some very worthy works ( Read more... )

unf!, all the awards!, oh my feels!, pimpage, ao3, my awesome lj friends are awesome!, pron, squee alert, beta, fan fiction, eeeeeee!

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Comments 5

millionstar January 19 2014, 04:13:49 UTC
Omg you recced me?

I can't believe how lovely and kind you are to include me among all of these brilliant authors. I don't feel worthy but I love you a lot for doing it. You know how I feel about my Merlin writing & how I've struggled lately - this is a big confidence booster, thank you so much.

I'm excited to be able to read through your other recs - a couple of them I recognize, but now that I am back reading/writing M/A again I am looking forward to diving in.

Love you loads. Believe it. <3


jelazakazone January 19 2014, 04:31:28 UTC
Aw, thanks so much for the rec bb. <3 <3 <3 So tired. I'll come back to this post later, when my eyelids can stay open:D


bunnysworld January 19 2014, 07:10:38 UTC

Awwwwww. Thank you so much!


zairaalbereo January 19 2014, 10:34:03 UTC

Eeeeeeee indeed!! :O Wow, darling, thank you so much! I feel like you are much too sweet and kind and... *gulps*...I think my head's gonna explode from the bloodpressure! Yes, yes, you have very talented friends and I'm really awed and proud that you would count me amongst them! THANK YOU!!!

*hugs you a lot*


wanderlust48 January 19 2014, 13:33:42 UTC
Merlin fandom is talented indeed! We are a LUCKY, LUCKY lot.
Thanks for the recs!!


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