A Good Time for some Random Recs... (Or the "I have talented friends" post...)

Jan 18, 2014 22:11

It's a snowy Saturday afternoon here, and it seemed like a perfect time for me to sit down and actually do some reccing. I am horribly bad at it in general, so hopefully I can earn back some karma points by dedicating a post to some very worthy works.

First, I'd like to rec some works of my friends, not just because they are my friends, but because their work is more than worthy of a read or a look.

zairaalbereo. She has written at least three real whizbangers that deserve mention here:
[My Zaira recs:]
1. Beacon in the Dark. (Merlin/Arthur, NC17)

In a society where people with magic are persecuted, Arthur is a lawyer who takes on a prominent murder case. The suspect is a sorcerer: Merlin, Arthur's former childhood friend, who vanished at sixteen when his magic was discovered. Now, ten years later, Merlin is a prostitute, and Arthur has to solve more than Merlin's secrets to save the man he still loves from execution.

A story about two friends, who after losing their hope, their innocence and their way, finally find each other again.

This was Zaira's Paperlegends entry, and it is fantastic. Even from the first short chapter, the story sucks you in. The backstory between Merlin and Arthur is wonderful and their relationship builds beautifully. Just the right amount of longing and angst and a deliciously satisfying ending.

2. Glorious. (Merlin/Arthur, NC17)

When Merlin meets Arthur Pendragon he is mesmerised and can hardly believe it when he finds out that he's a highclass prostitute. Thinking it's the only way to see the intriguing prat again, Merlin becomes Arthur's client - and embarks on a journey on which he not only loses his virginity (in any way possible) but also his heart. But while Merlin thinks he has found a friend - maybe even love - Arthur doesn't allow himself such things and keeps reminding Merlin that all they have is a business arrangement.

An absolutely lovely heart-hurty fic where Arthur's circumstances have forced him to sell himself to survive and Merlin falls head over for him, but doesn't know any other way of having Arthur except to hire him. They fall for each other despite the circumstances, but the course of true love never does run smooth.

3. Meet Me Beyond the Horizon. (Merlin/Arthur, NC17)

Arthur has spent his whole life at the village of Tintagel, building boats and sailing out to the horizon on his daysailer - the Avalon. Having no family and no friends, there is just one person he feels truly connected to: a man he meets in his dreams and whose face or name he can never remember upon waking. Arthur writes him letters, knowing that they'll never be answered, and wishes for nothing more than the mysterious M to find him. Then one day a young man shows up, apparently wanting to purchase a boat, and Arthur finds himself falling harder and faster than he ever thought possible.

This is a fresh take on Reincarnation AU. I don't think I've seen it done quite like this. Arthur has dreams of his past life, not knowing that he is remembering rather than imagining. Still, his yearning for the mysterious M is palpable as he goes through his lonely life day after day. So when Merlin arrives and Arthur doesn't recognize him, enter truckloads of angst that Merlin has obviously been carrying as baggage for 1,500 years.

I really liked all the little nods to Arthurian Legend, both the real and the BBC variety. Also, the angst just made the ending all the more satisfying.

The next talented friend I would like to mention is the lovely millionstar. She came to the Merlin fandom from the Museslash fandom, and she is an absolute doll. Even better for you, she can write! She would deny it were she here (but she's not, so :P ), but I really think she has just this fantastic comedic timing and story flow and I wanted to share some of my favorites with you:
[Millionstar's lovely work]
1. Professionalism and Professionalism II. (Merlin/Arthur, NC17)

A story and its sequel about Cameraman!Arthur and Pornstar!Merlin.

Good God, this duo is hot, horny and hysterical! I love how blase Arthur thinks this gig is going to be and then he canNOT resist Merlin's wiles. And Merlin, so hot and completely non apologetic about his profession. It's a GREAT read!

2. Small Plastic Orbs and Bounce.

Another lovely two-parter that is sweet and sexy and hilarously funny. She really has a way with her humor.

But as good as she does humor, she also does horror/suspense incredibly well. She packs a lot into small spaces, but the words are so, so effective. For example:

3. Refraction, Gone from their Sight, and Crimson. (all Merlin/Arthur, up to NC17)

All I can say about them is: superbly written and creepy as fuck.

Next up is my dear friend k_nightfox. Being her beta, of course I get to read all her work. And so that means I get to experience it before all your unlucky people *winks*. But for a long while, I thought that meant that it wouldn't be right to rec her. (Screw that!) If it's good, you rec it! (nodnodnods)
[Foxy's finds:]
1. Drawn from the Heart. (Merlin/Arthur, NC17)

Merlin is an accomplished artist. It's not a secret, not like his magic, but very few people are aware of his talent. Arthur isn't one of them.

Unlike the real prince, the portraits of Arthur that Merlin draws stare up at him with affection, love and sometimes even desire.

So when Arthur inexplicably pushes Merlin away, the resulting feelings of loss and loneliness cause Merlin to make a desperate decision: he brings his latest drawing of Arthur to life. And this Arthur loves Merlin...passionately.

The angst! Merlin is so sad and desperate, enough to do something colossally stupid with his magic. And he ends up making Arthur insanely jealous and the boys are so dense about how they think the other one feels that you just want to clunk their heads together and tell them to get busy already! Hee!

2. Cry Havoc. (Merlin/Arthur, NC17)

Enslaved by Kanen since childhood, Merlin has been raised to believe his collar is all that keeps him in check. That it is the line between the beast that bites and the dog that obeys…but either way, he's still an animal. Then one day Kanen's gang is ambushed and in the ensuing confusion, Merlin escapes and flees to Camelot where he attempts to start a new life. However, his old master isn’t about to let him go without a fight.

Her Paperlegends entry from this past year, it is a story based on the movie "Caged" and it absolutely holds no punches. Merlin has been brutally mistreated here and she doesn't glaze over the abuse (although it is marked so you can skip the graphic parts if you need to). But it is truly a story of two boys finding each other and making each other blossom...that love truly can conquer all. Just a lovely connection between Merlin and Arthur here. Truly a must-read in my book.

3. A Bright Blade in a Shielded Sky. (Merlin/Lancelot, NC17 in small parts)

Merlin and Lancelot are an inseparable pair, the Shield and Sword of the King of Camelot. Bound together by destiny they are well on their way to greatness. That is, until Merlin’s past catches up with him in the form of a long-lost brother from another world. When Merlin is torn away from Camelot, Lancelot follows him to the strange land of Ælfheim determined to bring him back…no matter what the cost.

Okay, I *know* this story is not Merthur, but I'm telling you that this story is EPIC and you don't know what you're missing! If the idea of Merlin and Lancelot turns you off, I swear, just substitute Lancelot's name with Arthur and read this story! It is an amazing tale of magical realms, elves, dragons, and hidden royalty. Merlin finds out he has a very interesting origin...and that he has a twin! (Come on...think about it...two Merlins? And one that's an elf? If you like Game of Thrones or Lord of the Rings, you will definitely find things to love.

And now, my friend ekishou. She is new to writing in the Merlin fandom, but she is definitely an up and comer. Her writing is so rich, it's like eating a slice of cheesecake!
[Ekishou's Offerings:]
1. The Sky Might Open Up. (Merlin/Arthur NC17)

For as long as he could remember, Arthur Pendragon has been expected to lead a certain kind of life: to earn top marks in school, to follow his father’s footsteps in politics, to marry a woman of which his father approves and present a particular image to the world. Arthur has always felt the weight of that duty acutely, which is why he has ruthlessly repressed his sexuality. It was a complication to the master plan he knows his father would never accept.

Arthur has never really allowed himself to act on his long-held, deeply-felt desires, but when a chance meeting with an old friend leads him to Merlin, a discreet, high-class escort, Arthur decides that - for once in his life - he is going to throw caution to the wind and experience what he’s been missing.

Dear God, her Repressed!Arthur is so well characterized. You can feel the tension and the shame he feels in every word. And Escort!Merlin is a perfect foil, pulling Arthur out of a shell he never dreamed he could be rid of.

2. Aphrodisia. (Merlin/Arthur NC17)

Lust was Merlin Emrys' constant companion. Little did he know that when he went into Aphrodisia that evening to feed, he'd get more than he bargained for...

Didn't know you needed an Incubus!Merlin in your life? Well, you will think so after reading this little baby. This story is *flaming* hot and I hope that someday she adds to this 'verse because I love it!

3. Voice of my Dreams. (Merlin/Arthur NC17)

When Arthur has trouble sleeping, Morgana gifts him with a relaxation CD. At first, Arthur finds that the smooth, hypnotic voice does the trick and he sleeps like a baby. But then one restless evening, Arthur realizes that the narrator's voice is also hot as hell and sexy as sin; wanking to the sound of that luscious voice has become his new guilty pleasure.

What will Arthur do when he is faced with the voice of his dreams...in the flesh?

This story is cute and fun with a side of HAWT. I admit to having a bit of a kink for Colin Morgan's voice, so I really could relate to Arthur in this story. Voice kink, yum!

And here is a short list of my favorite stories by some of my other talented friends:

Everyday is Christmas When I'm With You by deminos001 (Merlin/Arthur NC17)

Hot and sexy Christmas fluff! (I am a sucker for fluff!)

Iced! by bunnysworld (Merlin/Arthur NC17)

Teenaged boys discovering their sexuality whilst playing ice hockey! \o/ Angsty at times, but quite fluffy, and you know what I just said about fluff...

Waiting to Exhale by jelazakazone (Merlin/Arthur or Gen, G)

By far, my favorite of her Camelot Drabbles. Such lovely imagery here!

I was going to also rec my lovely artist friends, but I think I'm going to give them their own post!

See what a talented bunch of friends I have? \o/

unf!, all the awards!, oh my feels!, pimpage, ao3, my awesome lj friends are awesome!, pron, squee alert, beta, fan fiction, eeeeeee!

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