The End is Just The Beginning

Nov 27, 2012 11:35

Yes, I'm stealing shamelessly from my Camelot Drabble's title from last week.

(Story is here: The End is Just The Beginning if you haven't read it and would like to...)

I've been doing a lot of thinking about all things Merlin since the BBC finally let the other shoe drop to tell us that there will be no more Merlin after this Series. There's ( Read more... )

rant, thinky stuff, life the universe and everything, merlin

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Comments 39

jelazakazone November 27 2012, 17:10:39 UTC
I am not at all worried about the friends I've made here. I'm more concerned about losing something that I was really excited about. That is what makes me desperately sad.

Maybe it's a sign that it's time for me to obsess about quilts.


rocknvaughn November 27 2012, 17:23:00 UTC
We can still be excited about it...just not about NEW stuff, that's all. We can still squee about the hug in 4X06, or how cute Mordred is, or the latest and greatest fan fiction.

Oh, and you can squee about quilts and I will ooh and aah over them and be quite jealous of your talent! *mwah*


jelazakazone November 27 2012, 17:30:41 UTC
Excellent. It's a plan! We can spend hours rehashing old plot lines and making the show a glorious thing that it never actually achieved.

♥ Aw, thanks. Maybe I'll even inspire you to start quilting again.


rocknvaughn November 27 2012, 17:44:56 UTC
Exactly! In our minds, Merlin will be a glorious thing!

And yes, perhaps you will get me to quilt again. One of these days I'll post up the pictures of the two I made. Really very simple, but I still like them. :)


k_nightfox November 27 2012, 18:51:06 UTC
You ain't getting rid of me! We will write ALL the fix it fic and make Merlin into the BAMF Legend it should be :D


rocknvaughn November 27 2012, 19:35:51 UTC
\o/ Yay! I'm glad I'm not getting rid of you! :)

We are totally going to fix ALL that is wrong with what those stupid writers did!


k_nightfox November 27 2012, 19:43:01 UTC
Limpet, thy name is Kat! Come hell or high water I'm going down with this ship *nods*


rocknvaughn November 27 2012, 20:10:55 UTC
Psst...I *love* that new icon! Yum!


issy5209 November 27 2012, 22:16:32 UTC
I don't think your're alone with the concerns for end of season, honestly as much as the J's like to talk themselves up they are a group of no-talent no hopers. They had so much potential in their hands, and they wasted it (I saw Eoins tweet this morning to - he's not that backward in his opinions!)
I hope this fandom doesn't wind up (the legends have been around for thousands of years, we can be too!)
Don't intend to go anywhere anytime soon, and besides we've got movies and spin offs that we can be dubious about all together.


rocknvaughn November 28 2012, 00:37:21 UTC
Yeah, I cannot even begin to tell you how much I LOATHE the Js right now!

This show really could have been EPIC. I mean, really freaking epic. The level of talented actors they had...they could have gone anywhere and done anything. We should have had the damn reveal at like Series 3, while Uther was still alive, so that Arthur would be torn between him being loyal to Uther or Merlin. They could have done an entire SEASON based on the reveal story arc and Arthur learning to trust Merlin again.

Did not see Eoin's tweet. Must go look! :)


issy5209 November 28 2012, 01:03:46 UTC
It could have been so so so good, but they had no idea of what to do, they made a decision and stuck to it whether or not it worked (like keeping magic a secret) AND they really never touched the legends as much as they said they would - I mean, really do we get to see these characters actually become the legends, or do they all have to die first - doesn't make sense to me! I think there's a lot of unhappy fans (and unhappy actors!) who saw the potential and invested in it, but for never saw it reach the heights it could of. The J's are a bunch of morons! Dartboards, knives, axes, shotguns and lynchmobs at the ready - the finale better be good (but it won't because we know who's behind it!)
Hell hath no fury like a fan-girl scorned!


reverie_indigo November 28 2012, 02:12:29 UTC
The relatively light-hearted nature of the show should have pointed to the obvious conclusion, which was Merlin's reveal, the aftermath, some climactic final conflict, and end with Arthur's coronation as High King of Albion.

As a prequel, there was no need to go all the way to the end. I mean seriously, to have Arthur die before he even hits 30 is absurd.

There was plenty of room to "go dark", but it didn't need to be so overwhelming.

I think the community will stay around for a while, maybe get less active after a surge of fixfic (tm).

Question: There are only about three Merlin/Percival stories in existence. Is that a pairing that holds no interest for anyone, or are people just hesitant to try to write Percival as a main character? Would anyone be interested in reading one?


rocknvaughn November 29 2012, 20:11:30 UTC
Oooh, I SO like your idea of how Merlin should have gone! Why can't the writers have been listening!

Just thinking aloud, but I wonder if it's just that Percival is so quiet that people have a hard time taking his character on? I read a pretty good Merlin/Percival (bromance) one about how the two of them knew it wasn't the real Lancelot in 4x09 and another one-shot (bromance) where Percival discovers Merlin has magic.

I personally like the pairing, although I don't read a whole lot of M/M stuff (unless its Merlin/Arthur, then I do), but I would certainly read yours if you wrote it!


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