The End is Just The Beginning

Nov 27, 2012 11:35

Yes, I'm stealing shamelessly from my Camelot Drabble's title from last week.

(Story is here: The End is Just The Beginning if you haven't read it and would like to...)

I've been doing a lot of thinking about all things Merlin since the BBC finally let the other shoe drop to tell us that there will be no more Merlin after this Series. There's been a lot of talk and worry about how the show will end...will we get a reveal? Will Arthur die?

Frankly, I am of the mind that Shine and the Js will end this series in the worst possible way (at least for me), which means I think there will be no reveal and yes, Arthur will die, making Merlin a complete and utter failure and leaving the fans with egg on their faces for watching this show for the last five years when nothing that was supposed to happen actually did.

Now that is NOT a spoiler...that is just my pessimistic self talking. Frankly, I don't know WHAT to believe spoiler-wise anymore and, for the most part, have stopped reading them. I don't want to end up any more depressed about my favorite show than I already am.

All that being said...there's been a lot of speculation and worry about how the fandom will survive after the loss of the actual show. Will communities hold together? Will friends made be friends lost?

Having been a part of other fandoms that have run their course before, my answer to that is: it will continue to be as active a community as you want to make it. Friends are doesn't matter how you make them or where they live. If you care about each other, that will last beyond the boundaries of the fandom.

I believe the fan fiction part of Merlin will be going strong for some time to come. After all, there will need to be TONS of fix-it fic to correct all the fail of Series 5 anyway.

I haven't been an active part of this fandom for all that long, but already I've made some great friends that I intend on keeping even after the squeeing over new episodes of Merlin is over (although, really, who has been squeeing over episodes this season anyway?).

So, to my Merlin you guys! I'll be here. :)

(Now back to my desperate Camelot Drabble writing!)

rant, thinky stuff, life the universe and everything, merlin

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