Having a bit of a downer day (week, month...)...

Oct 07, 2013 20:55

It's been so difficult lately to stay focused and get things done. It's very frustrating, because I have so very much to do.

[Keeping it under Cut]As some of you know, I am in the process of replacing the mobile home I live in with a new one. This sounds like it should be a relatively simple processRead more... )

my awesome lj friends are awesome!, life the universe and everything, rl

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Comments 11

jelazakazone October 8 2013, 00:58:43 UTC
:::hugs::: I wish I lived close-by so I could help out! all I can is that I totally hear you on the distraction. Gah. I'm awful.

Can you make a short to-do list to work on every day? Like, pack up your shirts one day, your pants the next? Break it down into small bite sized pieces?


kitty_fic October 8 2013, 01:02:09 UTC

I'm so sorry things are rough right now. Just stay here and let us glomp, cuddle, snuggle, and love you!

I hope things look up for you soon!

I totally hear you on having tons to do.



millionstar October 8 2013, 01:11:37 UTC
You know I am here for you. Like J, I wish I lived closer as well so I could perhaps offer you, if nothing else, a physical shoulder. No wonder you feel so overwhelmed - I know I would feel the same way if I were in your position.

I wish I had more concrete, actually helpful advice but I'm here for you in any way you need me. I admit that I've not been on chat the past few days, but you know I've not been myself. I think I am coming out the other side, though. I'll be back to enabling and lifting you up like you would not believe - because that's precisely what you do for me on a nearly daily basis. I just hope I let you know it as often as I should.

Hang in there, you are strong and someone I admire immensely. Also, have this guy:

... )


archaeologist_d October 8 2013, 01:24:32 UTC
I can be a very mean mom. With my kids, I gave them a choice. They could either clean up and throw out everything they don't want and pack what they do want or I'd do it for them - and they knew I would, too - as in throwing out everything I think is crap even if they think it's gold. It's their choice. See, I'm a meanie!

If things get overwhelming, just take it one box at a time. I remember moving about 6 years ago and there were boxes piled up to the ceiling but it made moving a lot easier. Just be sure to label the boxes as you pack.

I also gave a lot of things away when I moved. That way, I didn't have to move it.

I am confused, though. I've never owned a mobile home. If you are replacing it with another one, isn't it just having the new one moved onto the lot and lag bolted down onto the pad and hook it up and having the old one hauled off? I have no idea of the problems.


altocello October 8 2013, 01:36:48 UTC

Construction projects are the worst. They require constant direct supervision and I've found it a somewhat exhausting exercise in being an advocate for my money spent (ie, telling contractors, I'm paying for better than that, no, that's not acceptable, do it again). And that was just my kitchen. You have all the empathy I have to give and more! But I know you can do it! *\o/*


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