Having a bit of a downer day (week, month...)...

Oct 07, 2013 20:55

It's been so difficult lately to stay focused and get things done. It's very frustrating, because I have so very much to do.

[Keeping it under Cut]
As some of you know, I am in the process of replacing the mobile home I live in with a new one. This sounds like it should be a relatively simple process.

It's SO not.

It's actually complicated as fuck and I really find myself at a loss on a regular basis as to how to get this project moving along. This is not helped by being on my own (my husband passed almost 2 years ago now) and knowing almost nothing about construction, building, etc.

I have a limited budget that I need to stay within, and I am constantly afraid that I won't be able to do it with what I have, because we canNOT stay where we are. The roof leaks, we have rooms without electrical power, and no heat (and I refuse to fix these things when I'm getting a new house). Because I couldn't get things moving in time, we have had to find other lodgings for the winter.

I actually don't mind that part so much, but it also means that we HAVE to have this replacement complete before May 1. It sounds like a lot of time, but a lot of the time between now and then is winter.

Add to this two teenagers who cannot even find a trash can to save their lives, and you can imagine how I am not looking forward trying to do all the packing and cleaning. Add to that that this mom has ADHD and is *very* easily overwhelmed by crap like this, and you can see how this is sort of a fiasco.

Thank goodness I have you guys, this community, and to a lesser degree, my writing to help keep me sane.

I'd love it if you'd drop me a little line here. Thank you, my lovely friends! <3

my awesome lj friends are awesome!, life the universe and everything, rl

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