A Post in Which Rockn is Sort of Depressed...

Feb 02, 2013 19:10

...or could be just a case of ennui. Not sure. I've got about 4 different fics I could be working on right now, not to mention loads of laundry, cleaning and other assorted rl things to deal with ( Read more... )

life the universe and everything, rl

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Comments 21

issy5209 February 3 2013, 00:21:08 UTC
I missed it too rl gets in the way again, plus I fear I will end up dispairing and yelling at the screen about the endless missed opportunities
Great arrival in SFX about women in merlin

Can I stand in the line for fixing up sucky lives?


millionstar February 3 2013, 00:29:16 UTC
Can I stand in the line for fixing up sucky lives?

I hate that so many of us are in that line right now; but at least we aren't there alone.


rocknvaughn February 3 2013, 03:41:18 UTC
Can I stand in the line for fixing up sucky lives?

Sure, just as soon as someone tells me where that line is!

I almost wish I could write something, because that often helps me feel better. But my mind is annoyingly blank.


issy5209 February 3 2013, 03:52:29 UTC
I've got the start of camelot drabble in my head, but need to be able to sit down and write the bloody thing, and figure out the ending but with RL I haven't had a moment.

Where is that line!


millionstar February 3 2013, 00:27:34 UTC

It's okay to feel out of sorts, although it's certainly not fun. Do you think you recovered fully from your bout with sickness a couple of weeks ago? Residual effects from a physical illness can certainly contribute to depression.

Make no mistake, the fics and laundry and cleaning can certainly be put off for a bit. Do something strictly to look after you, be it a warm bath, a spot of meditation (which I never thought could be effective until this last bout with chemo, I was stunned at how it can produce peaceful feelings) or simply a good cry.

If I can do anything at all to help, I'm nearly always around on gchat in the evenings.


... )


rocknvaughn February 3 2013, 03:57:10 UTC
*is smished ( ... )


millionstar February 3 2013, 05:58:53 UTC
Oh my goodness, I had no idea, bb. That is a lot on your plate, for certain - I'm sorry if I opened a floodgate there ( ... )


jelazakazone February 3 2013, 01:42:44 UTC
*points finger at your sucky life and attempts to banish it*

I think some of it has to be the winter blahs.

I think D is right. Do something to pamper yourself. ♥ ♥

Sorry I'm not more articulate. I'm half dead from my trip:D


rocknvaughn February 3 2013, 03:59:41 UTC
At least you're back! \o/

Well, I've been sitting around listening to my iTunes and reading Merlin fanfic. Does that count as pampering?

Yes, winter blahs could also be part of it.

I hope you're feeling better now. I was concerned for you. *hugs*


jelazakazone February 3 2013, 04:02:39 UTC

I think that counts. Sounds lovely to me!

Boo on those winter blahs. We need to have comment!fic to drive the blahs away.

The stuff in emails? Just irritating. It will blow over. I've got a headache and two kids who are still awake, but I've got one load of laundry in the dryer and have unpacked, so go me!


rocknvaughn February 3 2013, 04:07:35 UTC
That's pretty impressive to me, actually, since I had two days at home and didn't do any laundry at all (of course, we were without water for a few hours today also...stupid me forgot to keep the water running in the bathroom, which is what I have to do if the temp drops below 20. Luckily, it only froze overnight so I had it back by noontime.

Can it just be spring? Please?

Yes, the emails. I know it's annoying, but still sucked you had to deal with shite like that.


reverie_indigo February 3 2013, 08:26:38 UTC
If it makes you feel better, I'm just fine, so you don't have to worry about me. ;)

I'm actually procrastinating right now. I'm trying to write.

Have you tried music? That often works for me - both in terms of mood and inspiration.

BTW, I think one of the J's is an opera-lover, because S5 is basically Don Giovanni, except the J's aren't Mozart.


rocknvaughn February 3 2013, 15:05:05 UTC
Actually, I'm glad to hear it! :)

Yeah, I spent most of last night listening to music and I did wake up today feeling a bit better.


bunnysworld February 3 2013, 08:27:15 UTC
*hugs tightly*


rocknvaughn February 3 2013, 15:05:27 UTC
*hugs back* :D


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