Flitterbud tries to convince Wheatfarmer she's a scary alien.
Haytoter, being the romance sim she is, wished for beauty.
And boy, did it work. Now she has 3 bolts with all the teen males in the 'hood!
Wheatfarmer is one of the nicest sims I've ever had. Figures she has 9 nice points and 9 outgoing points.
Ke'Shaunn chooses the more inappropriate topics to talk to with his kid sister.
The twins' get along surprisingly well. And apparently fucking love green.
Just to show you Ke'Shaunn is gay.
*Squeal* She's so cute!
In your dreams, lady!
I guess Ke'Shaunn found himself a boyfriend without my help, though they are only 1 bolters (but in my experience, they're the most autonomously sociable)
A little late, dear.
I wanted a new outfit for Brainstorm but he hated it.
But it seems the cashier really likes it, not that his opinions matters though.
I told you she liked everyone.
"Go take your sexyness somewhere else, I've gotta pee!"
"I can't look at this hideous painting it's horrifying!"
It's a bird....
Battle of the red-hued pajamas.
Too bad, townie. Already done.
Time for Haytoter and Wheatfarmer to go to school.
"Ah urr smert"
Such well-adjusted tykes ;_;
"Yes Flitterbud, you are an alien but not a very scary one.
More babies 'n' stuff.
Brainstorm's makeover
And Ke'Shaunn's
He wanted to learn this stupid skill, I don't know why.
These kids are chick-magnets.
Again with the stupid wants and skills.
Life goes on and Flitterbud returned at one paint.
Barnchaser is quickly becaoming the most skilled toddler here.
A new baby, Five, was born and promptly ignored by everyone, even me.
Why do you want to flirt with him if you find him repulsive???
This duckface can only mean one thing...
A teen transition! And Flitterbud continues to remain conflicted over whether she likes dresses or manly clothes.
And Barnchaser also grew up into a cutie pie.
Why am I not surprised, Flitterbud?
Oh no, not this bullshit again -_-
I've got to turn this thing around when Novo doesn't need to use it!
Speaking of, it's time for baby nr. 8 to be concived.
They should've just done a single trip to return them.
WHO'S FAULT IS THAT, MORON? The telescope has 2 options, look at stars and GET ABDUCTED!
And look what you did to your brother's aspiration, you fool.
Five grew up as he babied: Ignored.
Time for the second set of twins to go to Uni.
It's for your own good!
Novosibrisk already popped. *Yawn* What's new?
Barnchaser is very cute <3
Flitterbud makes a friend in Margo.
"Yes! We can finally wash away the shit-smell!"
That's not very nice, making your sister wait for you like that.
I'm sure your phone friend is shocked to hear you were abducted, Novo.
Two babies for the price of one picture, a girl named Outunn and a boy named Quurp.
You're such a child, Flitterbud.
Amarantha grows up!
Aspiration: Unknown. LTW: Unknown. OTH: Unknown.
Sexual orentation: Known.
I guess we know 2 out of 4 now.
"Hey Five! Looking good!"
Wheatfarmer and Brainstorm took a break from their greek-house duty to visit the family.
Oh, and Five grew up. And is totally into fitness these days.
What's the point of this picture if I can't tell who wants to attain this, me?
Proper hygienic practices still elude the Guffins family off-springs.
Amarantha and Barnchaser hit the town and do their own thing, which for Flitterbud is to rap in a graveyard....
And for Amarantha that means having a romantic dinner with a complete stranger and chatting about how the Oscars/Emmys suck and are going downhill.
And being oogled by older men, of course, while talking about dark Yuggoth.
And from that point on, Amarantha became obsessed about becoming a werewolf.
In her quest to become one, she somehow got herself and Flitterbud stuck in the most stupid way possible *facepalm*
Oh yeah, monies!
Her being a family sim but still not finding anyone interesting, I elt her hire the matchmaker.
I "cheated" (I say it's fair because she got me Flitterbud a bad match) and used the buyable crystal ball and got this...adult....woman.
WHO IS SUDDENLY A TEEN, WOAH! How did that happen? >.>
Aaaaaaaaaaaaand Flitterbud ruins all my efforts. Thanks a lot :l
Graveyard-rap lovers: Marmelade
cindrasi and Rory
pixelcurious Walkby in pink: Cassie
voleste Ke'Shaunn kiss: Benidict
the_caaah Brainstorm's rock-paper-scissor buddy: Louella
boolpropbea Big-butt hater: It's a mystery for the ages! (Meaning I haven't found out yet)
Brainstorm's respulsive flirtee: Nikola
voleste Amarantha's romantic „date“: Michi
misselecy Oogling older man: Paople