SPN Fic Recs - Wincest

May 06, 2010 19:40


Porn with Paisley Wallpaper by merepersiflage
A jealous Dean leads to sex, sex and more sex.

Rough Riders by rivkat
Sam likes rough sex and Dean who doesn’t nearly like it nearly as much, but won’t admit that until Sam figures it out. Fantasy/roleplay noncon.

I'd Be Cooling Down The Fire If I Thought I Could by ygrawn
“Yes,” Sam says, as though that one word was an answer to everything.

Crave The Dark Illusions by 0perseda
Sam and Dean are investigating a series of rent-boy murders when Dean discovers something new, and personal boundaries get crossed. Mention of Hooker!Dean, om nom nom.

Those Damn Pink Panties by andreth47 ♥♥
Weecest and pantykink in the same fic, guh.

Filthy In Love by Anonymous on Blindfold. ♥
Dean/girl!Sam. Menstrual oral sex. Unf.

Witching Hour by ash-carpenter
Luscious filthy half-asleep selfish Sam-fucking. Guh.

Binding by astolat ♥♥
No way had Bobby pulled out some pair of real mystical amulets from nowhere and handed them over like crackerjack prizes.

Desired by astolat ♥♥
Blinding hot spanking porn. Sam rubbed his thumb hard over the edge of the smack, scraping a little with his nail, bright and sharp. "Good?".

Under Hill by astolat
"Can't we just kill a bunch of elves without having to talk about our feelings?" Dean said.

A Thousand Ways by audrarose
Angsty vamp!Dean porn. Sam loves Dean enough.

The Masochism Tango by balefully ♥♥
Cross-dressing and BDSM. Sam plans on taking full advantage of his birthday to get all the kinky sex he possibly can. Dean is really not opposed to that idea.

God Made Boston On A Wet Sunday by balefully
Sam and Dean live in an apartment in Boston while John is away on a hunt. Money is scarce, so Dean picks up a particularly slutty part-time job. Sam finds out.

Untitled by bertee ♥♥
Drunk baking. This is quite phenomenally hilarious. And hot. And adorable.

Fear The Sunless Lands by bewaretheides15 ♥♥
Hunters live in a world of blood and darkness, so when Dean gets turned into a vampire, not much changes for the Winchester brothers. Well, except for being on the lam from a Hunter’s Guild that wants them dead... Beautifully rounded AU.

All I Wanna Do Is Make A Mess Out Of You on insanejournal by blue_soaring
Underage shotgunning. He's got Dean, who's a handful of needs barely met, a lot of wants never asked for, who's push come to shove.

Better That We Break by blue-soaring on insanejournal ♥
"Bitch booby-trapped her own grave," Dean says. "Left behind a nice, stinking pile of shit for me to step in."

Devil Inside by blue_soaring on insanejournal. ♥♥
NC-17. Luscious dub-con Wincest. Dean damages his tattoo and gets possessed; try as he might, he can't stop the demon from making moves he'll regret. With awesome (and completely NSFW) accompanying artwork by ponderosa

A Man With His Insides Out And His Outsides Off by britomart-is
Time travel awesomeness.They say there are only two stories in the world: man goes on a journey, and stranger comes to town.

My Soul Look Back And Wonder by britomart-is
Dean gets his Sam back.

Last Day on Earth by candle-beck ♥♥
Sam fucks up on a hunt, and probably has less than a day to live. Beautifully written and utterly heart-wrenching.

First Taste and Into the World Breathes Life by checkthemargins ♥♥
Angsty but beautifully-written Season 7 hurt-comfort. Sam is sick and having a hard time keeping Hallucifer out. Dean wants to help him keep it together, but doesn't know how. Kleenex alert, I bawled.

Play It Once, For Old Times' Sake by deirdre-c
A decade of drabbles, tied together by a song.

Ring A Bell And I'll Salivate by deirdre-c
Dean gets horny in the library.

I Want You to Want Me by delanach
Weecest. Sam is determined to get what he wants, despite Dean's reluctance.

Shenanigans by dreamlittleyo and leonidaslion ♥♥
The funny thing about true love potions is that they only work if it's destined to be. The funny thing about destiny is that it has a funny way of deciding things without giving anyone a head's up beforehand. Dean Winchester isn't laughing. So hot, I swear I came out in a full-body flush.

(Uh Huh Uh Huh) I Like It by earthquakedream ♥♥
Sam is a picky bitch and Dean always wins in the end. Hot snarky in-character porn, mmmmmmmm.

A Map Of You & Me by edenbound
It starts with a butt plug in Phoenix, Arizona. Sam makes Dean wear it the whole day. Then it kinda escalates, just like their prank wars.

Brother Mine by feather-touch
Sam is jealous, and he wants Dean that way too.

The Weirdness of Normal by felisblanco
A first time fic, with wonderful characterization.

Starting for Home by fleshflutter ♥♥
Time has finally run out and Sam and Dean come to the only kind of home they know. End-of-the-world Wincest.

Pie Porn by fleshflutter
In which there is pie, porn, Dean and nothing like plot.

I'll take my chance on a beautiful stranger by fleshflutter ♥♥
Dean visits Sam at Stanford. Fascinating look at their interaction from an outsider's POV.

You're a God Shaped Hole Tonight by gypsy_sunday
Vamp!Dean. Dean tries to cope with his hunger, and Sam finds a way to satisfy him.

Take Until There's Nothing Left And Take A Little More by gypsy_sunday ♥♥
Sam fucks Dean until he's over-sensitive, then fucks him some more; Dean loves it.

Don't Forget To Breathe Tonight by jeyhawk
Dean's cursed and only Sam's touch can cure him, but will it ruin their relationship forever?

Bonus Check by kelleigh
Smith & Wesson PWP. Dean bumps into Sam on his way home, and they end up christening Dean's very expensive bed.

Eyes On The Prize by killabeez
Sam tells himself things aren't as weird as they could be. All things considered, they could be so much worse.

Don’t Fear the Darkness, Darling (I’ll Light Your Way) by kitanabychoice
vampire!Sam/Dean. Blood drinking. America just isn't big enough to hide Dean from Sam, and Dean doesn't know how long he can run.

Supercross by lazy-daze ♥♥
In which Sam and Dean are members of a competitive stunt biking team. A Big Bang that really gets the blood racing!
Followed by And Gravity, They Say, Is Weak by c-is-for
Supercross retold from Sam's POV.

Edge by lazy-daze
Orgasm-denial porn. Dean is bound faceup on the bed and Sam is driving him batshit crazy with pleasure.

But What a Lovely Way to Burn by lazy-daze ♥♥
You want blinding hot fuck-or-die? This is it, in spades.

Keep Our Minds on the Sum of Each Other by lazy-daze
Dean and Sam swap bodies. And then swap back. And then keep swapping. At which point, they get creative.

Your Fingerprints, Everywhere by lazy-daze ♥♥
D/S hotness. *flail*

How to Get Dean Winchester To Shut The Hell Up by lazy-daze ♥♥
400 words of flail-inducing rimming porn. GUH.

Persuasion by lazy-daze ♥♥
They've been, well, something for a few weeks now. Sam hesitates to call it sleeping together when really, there's not a whole lot of sleeping going on. Blinding hot rimming and first-time anal fic.

I Wanna Hold You 'Til I Die by lazy-daze ♥♥
Curse-made-them-do-it, first-time plus 100% pure schmoop.

A Question of Control on AO3 by leonidaslion ♥♥
Scorching hot D/S Wincest. :::dies:::

Gegenschein on AO3 by leonidaslion ♥
Post-apocalyptic unapologetic schmoop. *wallows*

The Little Spoon on AO3 by leonidaslion ♥♥
To his horror, Sam discovers that he's a stealth!snuggler. I am DED of the cute.

Catenae Cupiditatis on AO3 by leonidaslion ♥♥♥
A succubus shows Dean a loophole in his soul contract. Trick is, he has to serve as an incubus for a portion of his life to repay her favor.

Running to Stand Still on AO3 by leonidaslion ♥♥
In the beginning, it's messy as hell. Angsty porn.

Sing Your Hymns Like Angels In Defeat on AO3 by leonidaslion ♥♥
Post-apocalypse, blind!Dean. And Lucifer Fell for a second time with the burning brilliance of a star. The Flare shone in his wake, and darkness fell upon the land... It's not often I rec something completely porn-free, but this is wonderful.

What You Don’t Know About Me Could Fill A Book by locknkey
Dean is a lot smarter than Sam gave him credit for. Once Sam figures that out, Dean holds a whole other layer of fascination.

The Streets Are Oddly Vacant by longsufferingly
Gen. Sometimes, motels run out of double rooms.

There Goes The World by lustmordred ♥♥
Sam isn't invited to this new Paradise the angels are building, and Dean isn't going without him. This is a hard and heartbreaky read, but so very, very right.

Some Kind of Strange Magic by lustmordred ♥♥
It may not have to mean anything, but they aren’t just two guys stuck in an impossible situation. They’re them, so it will mean something and they both know it. Top-notch fuck-or-die.

Wailing Like a Cat in Heat by maraceles ♥♥♥
Hot, filthy porn with toppy!Dean and noisy!Sam. What more do you need to know? Unf.

Free & Clear by merryish ♥♥
"You don't even know what you're thanking me for."

Give And Take by mickeym ♥♥
Hot, delicious spanking PWP. Nom.

A Medley of Extemporanea by mickeym ♥♥
The most perfect Wincest curtain-fic ever written. Squirrel this one away for times when canon is killing you, and you need your fangirl angst soothed.

Countdown by mollyamory
Dean's doing math in the dark, insomniac math, counting down till the alarm goes off. PWP.

Tangle by mollyamory
Dean's so open like this, the sudden shift from danger to safety knocking his defenses down like dominoes.

The Dangers of Second Guessing by mona1347
"I can't do this anymore with you. I can't pretend that I don't feel...like I don't want the things I want. Like what's between us doesn't matter."

Condom Crisis by neppie
Dean forgets to stock up.

Like A Fish Out Of Water by nyxocity
Curtain-fic. Left with nothing to hunt, Sam talks a reluctant Dean into settling down in a small town outside of Sioux Falls. Sam wants them live a normal kind of life, but between the ridiculous estate sale Sam bought to furnish the house, the arrival of a very human Castiel, and their quirky, invasive neighbors, it's anything but.

Deeper Than Blood by nyxocity
Sam smells and feels incredible, but Dean knows he would taste amazing. Pornalicious vamp!Dean 6x05 coda.

Meet Me On The Corner When The Lights Are Coming On by obstinatrix ♥♥♥
They follow the road because they want to, not because they must. Character death, but don't let that put you off, because obstinatrix does it right.

And The Touch Of Your Lips, It's A Shock Not A Kiss by obstinatrix ♥♥♥
"Remember Suzie Heizer? I gave her something." Dean laughed a little, dirty. "Something to give to you." Filthy and delicious.

Spread by obstinatrix ♥♥
Sam's perfectly happy to let Dean sit on his face as he rims him for hours. It's so fucking sexy how much Dean gets off on it, his hands clenching the headboard as he shudders.

Take Your Brother Outside by oddishly
Dean doesn't need an excuse to fuck his brother.

All Their Favorite Rags are Worn and You Are What You Want to Be by orbiting-saturn ♥♥
The truth is, Dean wants someone to see him, even if that someone is his fifteen year old brother who will probably go into paroxysms over his tough-ass brother in a pair of pretty pink panties. Oh, my kinks, unf.

This Thing, For Which We Break by orbiting-saturn ♥♥
Maybe this is exactly what Dean has always wanted from him. Maybe Sam wanted it too and was just never brave enough to admit it in the harsh light of day. First time.

Resting On A Razor's Edge by orbiting-saturn ♥♥
Dean wakes in the night with Sam pressed against him. Underage.

Not Time's Fool by pandarus ♥♥♥
Only the awesome Pandarus could make me read girl!Dean and LOVE IT. This is freaking epic, and then some.

Like Teeth by paxlux
Brilliant second-person werewolf AU. You’re about to break all your bones. Willingly.

A Matter Of Trust by philalethia ♥♥
In which Dean freaks out, and Sam tries to smooth things over. Pyroclastic.

Play With Me by poisontaster ♥♥
Delicious, unrepentant voyeurism PWP.

Peace In Our Time by poisontaster
Sam takes a grumpy, injured Dean to the beach for some downtime and TLC. Deliciously schmoopy.

Early Morning Hush by poppymoon3
Hot porny wake-up goodness. Guh.

Holly, Ivy, Mistletoe by queenklu
Dean would be lying to himself if he said he hadn’t pictured this happening-but to be honest, on the short list of things Dean knows he’s truly gifted at, lying to himself is pretty close to the top.

Cold by raina_at
Very dark subject matter. Angst. Very depressing. *snivels*

He Breathes by rainylemons
Dean’s antsy from a prolonged stay in the hospital. While visiting him, a blizzard traps Sam there for the night.

Be My Valentine by rivers-bend ♥♥
Every guy should get the chance to go to a formal dance at least once in his life.

The Jerk, the Bitch, and the Wardrobe and He is the Wind in the Door
by rivers-bend
While searching an old hotel, Sam gets sucked back in time and lands at his brother's feet. The same time-travel story seen from each brother's point of view.

Vagabondage at AO3 by rivkat
Dean/OMCs => Wincest. A transient life means that sometimes improvisation is called for. Superhot bondage.

Easy to Fool When You Were in School by road-rhythm ♥♥
Dean is hot. He is the hottest goddamned thing ever to happen to the planet. He knows he is, because even his own brother wants him. And who can blame a guy if that goes to his head a little?

How Dean Winchester Got Everything He Didn’t Know He Wanted For Christmas by runedgirl ♥♥
Sam taking care of Dean in every way possible, at a remote cabin.

Untitled Comment Fic by runedgirl
PWP written for the SPN/CWRPF Blow Me(me). Blowjob porn & Dean's panties kink.

Worth It by saltandbyrne ♥♥♥
"Turns out the only thing more uncomfortable than sitting through class with a half-woody and a pair of panties wedged up your ass is doing it while your panties are soaking wet from your brother's mouth. Deliciously filthy Weecest.

You're My Medicine by selecasharp ♥♥
Dean's not having the best week, and only Sam can make it better. Premium hurt/comfort with sick-but-horny!Dean and caretaking!Sam. *wallows*

Malleus Maleficarum by setissma
His Dark Materials AU. Dean's daemon doesn't want to settle. This has a lovely feel to it.

Where It Lives by setissma
Dean has one pretty surefire way of getting rid of Sam's pissy mood.

Life As We Know It by sevenfists

When You Can't Hold What I Hold Dear by sinestrated ♥♥
Dean loves the sex and so does Sam, but lately Sam is worried that he is only a quick hot fix for his brother. A body to fuck. Dean shows him that Sam is so much more.

To Fill That Space by sirryluv
Bodyswap porn. Dean gets cursed, but sometimes there are benefits.

Five Times Dean and Sam had to Fuck-or-Die by smallcaps
It's not like they're, you know, actually sleeping together or anything. That would be weird. They just have sex now and then when there's no other option.

I Wish I Was the Moon by sneaky-sena
Dean thought it would help Sam let go, but it only makes Sam want what he can't have. Achy-breaky in the right ways.

Desperation Takes Hold by someblazingstar
They’ve never fought like this, not quite like this. Desperate and heartbreaking.

Personal Canon by soymade
Chuck tries to write S/D porn fanfic. Meanwhile, somewhere else, Sam and Dean are horrified to realize that they're being made to act it out!

But Thank The Stars We Are Entwined by starweather
It's not Dean's fault that he likes really old rock music, and whatever Sam tells you, it's not hair metal.

Untitled by strive2bhappy ♥♥♥
For his birthday, Sam gives Dean a coupon book of sexual favors, and Dean's allowed to redeem them at will. Blindingly hot kinky porn that I cannot stop re-reading.

To Have It by strive2bhappy ♥♥
Curtain-fic. It starts just as some down time and wound-tending, but lasts a lot longer.

Wolfpack by tabaqui
AR, Ellen!POV. What if the Winchesters were a little less...tame? A little more predatory.

Supernatural in 10 Minutes, 1x1-10 by thepuppeteer
Hilarious. Hope she gets around to writing more.

Kant's Dove (off LJ) by tryfanstone ♥♥♥
AU. In a dystopian paradise, angel Inquisitor Samuel and rogue human Dean are uneasy allies. Together, they could knock their world from its foundations, but both of them have secrets to keep. Gobsmackingly good world-building.

I've Got A Hand For You by valiant
Sam's inexperience is showing, and Dean helps the best way he knows how. Slight underage - don't like it, don't read it.

An Offering For Sin by varkelton
Realizing that he's been played, Sam makes a last ditch attempt to stop the apocalypse. Dean gets them out of the church and on the road. Hurt and reeling, they try to find their way back to each other, but are secrets, miscommunication and betrayal really all they have to contend with?

Forced Entry by Cas and Charlotte
AU. Sam and Dean in space! Undemanding porny fun for those of us who like our sci-fi.

The Art of Compromise by wraith816
Dean and Sam squabble over who gets to top. I'm not entirely sure this shouldn't go in the crack section...

Second Glance by ygrawn
Sam & Dean's budding relationship seen from John's POV. John is only ever a second glance to his boys, who see each other first, always first, with little room at the edges of their vision for anybody else.

Easy on the Clutch by yourperiphery ♥♥
In which Sam turns sixteen in Panabaker, New Hampshire, and Dean teaches him to drive. Amongst other things.

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