Fic & Vid Recs - Other Fandoms

May 04, 2010 16:23

Blood Ties

Watching & Waiting on Dreamwidth by ellia
Henry/Mike, Mike watches Henry feed and wants to see and feel more. Biting, voyeurism.

What Would Happen If We Kissed by darkasthesky
Vid. Henry/Vicki. More UST than you can shake a stick at.

Talk Dirty To Me by sexynikki12
Vid. All the best quotes in one handy compilation.

Because The Night by DarkStar2404
Vid. All the hot bits in one handy compilation.


We Will Question All Your Answers by allaroughdraft
Gen. Transgender!River. He was always waiting to be this inside.... Hide it away, push it down. It's wrong. She just wants to be right. But gē ge, he is right.

Thoughts Coloured Ugly 'verse (tag list) by lit-gal ♥♥
River/Jayne. Lengthy D/S fic with amazing characterization. Jayne's thinking too hard, and River makes him face parts of himself that he doesn't really want to face.

Broken by snufflz_slash
Mal/Jayne. D/S. Mal's been cold and distant, and Jayne's about ready to crack under the strain... he has an extreme solution to the problem.

Hawaii 5-0

You Put The Lime In The Coconut (And Add The Pineapple) by sirona-gs ♥♥
Danny hates that he has to go undercover with Steve again, at a gay bar no less. He doesn't even know how he's supposed to flirt with the goof --without giving his ridiculous crush away, that is. Still, he has to give it to Steve -- the guy makes a mean cocktail.

Hold It (Just Like That) and I've Got My Rock Moves by sirona-gs ♥♥
AU. Steve McGarrett, lead singer of SuperSEALs, should come with a damned warning label.


The Fuck-Machine by lolafeist ♥♥
Merlin/Arthur. Arthur stars in an amateur fuck machine porno; Merlin is a wizard, except not really. Insanely cracky and blindingly hot, in equal measure.

Pairing Pendragon/Merlin by Anon ♥♥
Merlin/Arthur. AU. Arthur is a BNF and Merlin is his prized beta. Hilarious and adorable fourth-wall-breaking fandom-meta slashfic. Fantastic stuff.

Touch Me (Not) by veronamay
In which Merlin is reluctantly pure, Arthur is unfairly tempting, and the Great Dragon sits back with popcorn to watch.


Elegant and Fine by ursulav
A thoughtful and moving look at Susan's headspace after her first and during her second visit to Narnia, and why she turned away from Aslan.


Status Quo by Rebecca ♥
Gibbs/DiNozzo DS. The night everything changed.

Please (Don't) Pet The Tony by Rebecca ♥
Gibbs/DiNozzo. He's in over his head. Quality hurt/comfort and hot toppy!Gibbs sex, unf.

Blood Lust by spoonyriffic
Gibbs/DiNozzo. How the hell were you supposed to kiss a vampire without slicing your tongue to ribbons?

Acting On Impulse by taylorgibbs
Gibbs/DiNozzo/McGee. When Tony befriends McGee anonymously online, he sets into motion a chain of events that could destroy everything-his job, his relationship with Gibbs, and the trust between his team. A wild impulse could make or break him.

Conditio Sine Non Qua by sinfulslasher
DiNozzo is thinking of leaving NCIS. Gibbs knows a way to keep the boy around.

See also Stargate: Atlantis section below for crossover fics.

Sherlock BBC

Stranger at the Gate by bendingsignpost
♥As far as initiation rites go, kidnapping a human doctor from a defended town ought to seem extreme. When James Moriarty offers him the challenge, Sherlock never considers saying no. (Fantasy vampire AU).

No Knot Unties Itself by cleflink ♥♥
Sherlock/John/Lestrade. John's good at untying knots. Lestrade finds out where he gets all the practice.

A Cure for Boredom by emmagrant01
They'd never talked about sex in the year they'd known each other. Well, that wasn't quite correct: Sherlock had never said a word about sex; John had bemoaned his personal dearth of it on many occasions.

The Progress of Sherlock Holmes by ivyblossom ♥
Sherlock is head over heels for John, but you wouldn't know it by looking at him. First-person present-tense series of short scenes from Sherlock's point of view.

The Perils of Urban Warfare by phantomjam
The problems of acclimatising to civilian life a.k.a the travails of John, his therapist and Sherlock.

Untitled Kink Meme Fill by Anonymous ♥♥
John/Sherlock DS. Delicious, hot and in-character investigation of a realistic DS dynamic. You'll need to scroll down past comments for later parts - goes up to 3f. Author may add more at a later date.

His Favourite Four-Letter F-Words by cathedralcarver
John/Sherlock. John isn't the most eloquent of men. Beautifully written snapshots that give tender, funny and heartbreaking insights into their relationship.

Armour by entangled_now ♥♥
The first time they have sex, Sherlock doesn't even take off his coat.

Armistice by entangled_now ♥♥
Sherlock/John, Mycroft/John. John is not some sort of holiday home in the south of France, to be fought over by brothers who took the phrase 'sibling rivalry' and turned it into the plot of a Russian novel.

It Feels like Home when I'm With You by etothepii
ghost!John/Sherlock. John still gets nightmares about Afghanistan. That's the worst part of it all, he thinks -- he still has dreams about sand and drowning to death in his own blood. But they're more memory than nightmare.

Stay With Me by kim47
He’d hoped for at least some token admission of Sherlock’s regret, some indication that he would miss having John around. An acknowledgement that having John around is better than not having him around. That he and John are more than flatmates, that they’re friends.

Alone On The Water by madlorific ♥♥
John/Sherlock deathfic. Sherlock has a month to live, and neither of them can bear it. Hanky alert. You'll bawl like a baby, just like I did.

London Triptych by paxlux ♥♥♥
John/Sherlock/Mycroft. This is new. John likes new. He’d never expected this. (Apparently Supernatural isn't the only fandom where incest is a thing... who knew?)

Autopsis by spikeface
John/Sherlock. Sherlock always needs to see for himself.

The Pleasure-Dome Hotel by velvet-mace
Side-fic to xanthe's BDSM-verse. Sherlock had little interest in sex until a case of murder and espionage leads him to find a very interesting sub.

Break Through To The Other Side by whimsicalimages ♥♥
Magical realism. At ten years old, John Watson looks into a mirror and sees two people staring back at him. This is the most imaginative Sherlock fic I've read, to date.


Slave-Breakers Master Post by maculategiraffe ♥♥♥♥
This is actually original fic, not fanfic, but it's so good it has spawned its own coterie of fanficcers, so I guess it counts! Slavefic 'verse with three main character arcs and a shitload of backstory and incidental scenes about other characters. The stories are set in a world parallel to ours - modern, but different - where the law is that adolescents can be sold into slavery on their fifteenth birthday to defray their parents' cost of living.

Stargate Atlantis

Coming Home
General and Dr Sheppard
Hiding In Plain Sight (Xover with NCIS) by xanthe ♥♥♥
BDSM!verse, in which society is arranged along dom/sub lines, and most people are bisexual. Colonel John Sheppard knew, from the moment he first met Dr Rodney McKay, that the man would be trouble. See also NCIS spin-off, The First Collar.

Star Wars I - The Phantom Menace

The Sith Academy homepage by siubhan and many other reprobates ♥♥
Darth Maul/Obi Wan, side helpings of Obi Wan/QuiGon Jinn and others. Crackfic and porn series written by various collaborators and forming a cohesive 'verse with whole-series story arc. This thing is what got me into slash in the first place.


Harvey Specter Doesn't Do Gay Panic by thatotherperv on AO3
Harvey flirts with men. He does it to close a deal, to make transactions easier, to build working relationships he can cash in on later - all without the slightest hint of shame. He doesn't flirt with men for sex. Not because that would be shameful, just because...because. He just doesn't.

The Losers

This Isn't About Sex (on AO3) by zillah975
Clay/Cougar. When he met Cougar's eyes that first time, with his arm across Cougar's throat and Coug looking at him like murder was in his heart, sex was not what Frank was thinking about.

The Mentalist

Drink Red Wine & Be Merry by erinya
Lisbon hates Christmas. Jane takes her to dinner to try to cheer her up, and wine and conversation lead them to unexpected places. Dialogue-heavy, a little dark, and very hot.

What You See Is What You Get (If You're Looking Hard Enough) on AO3 by sixthlight ♥♥♥
Steampunk/fantasy gen AR. The characters, their jobs and their interactions are utterly, beautifully canon -- but they live in a world where vamps, weres and dragons exist, and psychic powers are real. Note-perfect.


Fingertips Touching Reality's Face by emmademarais
Ianto is fascinated by Jack's body's ability to heal wounds without scarring, only Ianto doesn't heal as easily as Jack does.

Twilight/Buffy Crossover

Buffy vs Edward: Twilight Showdown by sloggerbum and rebelliouspixels ♥
Hilarious crack vid. Creepy Edward is stalking Buffy, and she's having none of it.


And, because this doesn't seem to fit anywhere else on my recs list, a hilarious fandom pastiche on Baz Luhrmann's Sunscreen by elizah_jane ♥♥ Coolest use of a profile page ever.

A Meta on Professional Dominatrices by a former Pro Dominatrix by Eldritchhorrors on AO3 ♥

A Meta on the London BDSM scene by pennypaperbrain

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