Challenge # 014
Round Rules:
1. You may only use the given images. Choose only one image for your icon.
2. You are allowed to enter one (1) icon only.
3. Icons should fit LJ standards (100x100 pixels and < 40KB).
4. You have to be signed up for the
LIMS in order to enter this challenge. If your name isn't on
The List, you cannot enter.
5. Submit your icon to this post in both image and URL form. We recommend you use
Imageshack or
Tinypic, as other photo hosting sites may give away your username through the link. No Photobucket allowed! Your icon cannot have your username in it at all.
6. All effects are allowed except Animation.
7. You cannot post the icon anywhere until the challenge is done.
8. If you want to use a skip, let us know in the post please.
9. Deadline for the challenge: June 18th 2010
This challenge is called 'R.O.B'
You'll be assigned a color, you may use this how ever you like just as long as the color is in there; he could be wearing blue boxers or an orange shirt or dye the icon red, just as long as you have it in there your good to go ;)
Images : free choice.
lillianporter electricskiess mayfrayn Orange:
erinbonnie xoaubeox akkas_journal Blue:
beeing_wild belulah misstress_tink [6/9]