May 21, 2008 09:53
I just rediscovered my Live Journal after graduating from college and moving back to Washington. If there is anyone out there that remembers me please comment.
Feb 22, 2006 16:15
have a great day
Jan 23, 2006 15:00
"Into every life some rain must fall" I just want to know why I get so much. I just don't want to feel this badly all the time. Today I feel like the universe singled me out for cosmic punnishment or some type of joke where the more pain I'm in the funnier the joke.
Jan 22, 2006 21:33
why I even bother posting here. I feel like no one reads this or if they do they don't care. In other news, I like school. Yes I am the dullest person in the world. I really like the subjects I am taking and the people are cool too.
Jan 12, 2006 19:16
That is what I keep telling myself. If only I could believe myself. So I have decided that I will actively try to make friends this semester, maybe someone else can convince me that not everything is hopeless.
Dec 19, 2005 10:33
For serious. Attention starved and black hole like.
Dec 14, 2005 11:31
Just one of those times I guess. All dark and depress-y like.
Nov 20, 2005 20:54
Another birthday. Isn't life just grand?
Nov 11, 2005 20:23
if I finally killed myself? Would anyone care? This might as well be goodbye.