He sees John already sleeping, his stick across his lap for safety. He sees the small smile appear on Will's face as Djaq bids him goodnight. He sees Djaq's hand linger on his shoulder for a heartbeat longer before she moves away. The usual.
But his heart twinges when he sees his master's empty space. Oh yeah. It's the usual.
Title: Initiation Ceremony Author: Rochvelleth Characters: Allan/Guy/Sheriff Challenge: 35b Rating: 15 (but there are definite implications!) Notes: Set some time after Ducking and Diving, with no spoilers except that ( this one )
Only 4 entries last week :S I'm going to my Aunt and Uncle's house for the family Christmas this year, and I would assume that a lot of you are also going to be doing things over the holiday period, so there will be no challenge on Sunday 23rd Dec. There will be one on New Years Eve though.