Initiation Ceremony

Dec 03, 2007 18:07

Title: Initiation Ceremony
Author: Rochvelleth
Characters: Allan/Guy/Sheriff
Challenge: 35b
Rating: 15 (but there are definite implications!)
Notes: Set some time after Ducking and Diving, with no spoilers except that Allan joins the dark side! I just can’t get enough of these characters and their dynamic...
Disclaimer: The Sheriff owns Guy, Guy owns Allan... simple!


“Sheriff’s chamber, tonight,” Guy had said, an order rather than a request. Allan felt apprehensive, as he always did when Guy snapped his fingers.

The castle corridors were silent until Allan reached the Sheriff’s door and heard laughter. He knocked quietly. The door swung open, and Guy, grinning, waved him through with a little flourish.

The Sheriff was sitting on the bed. “Aha, here’s the new minion! If you’re going to be Gisborne’s right hand man, it’s time for a little initiation ceremony...”

Allan gulped. “I’m not being funny, but...” Then he felt Guy’s hands grasp him firmly from behind.

week 35, challenge b: word of the week

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