Location: Fort Hold Time: Late in Month 4, Turn 192 Players: a young Roa and G'thon Scene: A flashback to the Instigator trials. It turns out that Tea in the Reaches is not the first time that the Telgari weyrwoman and the Reachian Weyrleader had met.
Location: Classroom Time: Wee hours of Day 27, Month 2, Turn 2 Players: Roa and G'thon Scene: Neither G'thon nor Roa can sleep, and one happens to come across the other.
Location: Council Chambers Time: Evening of Day 4, Month 2, Turn 2, right on the heels of this log. Players: Yevide, Roa, and G'thon Scene: The time for games is over, and everyone learns something new.
Location: Living Cavern Time: Evening on Turnover between Turns 1 and 2 Players: Everyone! Scene: It all starts out innocently enough. But that never lasts for long.
Location: Weyrleader's Weyr Time: Late evening, a couple days before Turn's End Players: G'thon, Roa and Yevide Scene: No one says what they mean, but everyone means what they say.
Location: Weyrleader's Weyr Time: Afternoon on Day 4, Month 11, Turn 1 Players: G'thon, Roa, I'lyan Scene: G'thon and Roa discuss all matter of things with an unexpected interruption from I'lyan.